Post Sup Forums humour to lighten the mood a little.
Sup Forums humour
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so redpanels is back under another name?
The difference in views should be highlighted too.
kekimus maximus
pic related
This just makes me sad.
Shits got us this far nigga why stop now
Delete this.
Some show for mainly women on just after everyone has gone to work with a segment about the EU referendum.
I don't get it.
That is a high up (at the time) British minister being sent a picture of Ratko Mladic, a Serbian war criminal who Beslan'd the muslims.
Damn, this is faggy as fuck.
Maximum kek
damn japs really do not give two fucks
godspeed you slant eyed emperor
oy vey
But no less true for it.
Who is that?
Ratko Mladic
Checked and keked
Let this be a lesson about race mixing for all you kids out there!
the absolute weird fantasy world someone who drew this picture must live in. how do you get so disassociated from reality?
>tfw turning your gun up to 11 and shooting through the moon
Not really. Videogames always were degenerate and anyone supporting them will get shot too.
that visible disappointment from the old mans eyes
>read more
Thanks. Thought it might be a bad "schnapps" joke.
Allright boys, set guns to maximum hardness
Same comic, less edits
So much for the human race, then. Any more purity spiraling? Do I sense a leaf behind that meme flag?
is horsey just a more abstract ben garrison?
>faculty of arts
>Doesn't pass
I don't get it
that has to be shopped?
though with the recent bump=cocaine I am afraid not :S
Oh come on, this isn't real. They aren't THAT stupid to not know what the acronyms mean
Well if you don't get it I don't think even explaining it will help you because you won't understand the words.