Polish band accused of gang-rape in SJW USA

>be Decapitated from Poland on tour in Washington, USA
>a groupie circles around your tourbus and wants to have sex with band members
>they invite her over but don't want to fuck her
>she gets pissed off and accuses them of gang-rape
>her female friend obviously confirms her version of the events
>they've been in custody for almost 2 months now and their future seems bleak
>There is something called “rape shield laws.” They prevent defense attorneys like me from taking the past sexual experiences of a victim and putting them out before a jury.

they won't be able to come back to the US even if they aren't guilty


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How important is the physical evidence vs. the testimony of the two girls in helping to prove the prosecution’s case?

>It’s hard to answer that question because it depends on the quality of the testimony. You have two accusers here instead of just one, so it puts less of a burden on the physical evidence. I have no doubt there will be some physical evidence if something did occur because the government will be able to find something and point to it – a scratch here, a mark there, a bruise there — and they’ll be able to say, “that’s where he held her down and that’s where he held her arm.” If the testimony of these two girls corroborates each other, if they are correlated, then certainly the quality of physical evidence that will be required will be less. Any time you have more witnesses, you need less physical evidence. It doesn’t mean that you need none, but the government will need to rely on it less. We don’t know what other witnesses even exist out there. Who knows what else the state has at this point? I’m sure that the government has additional witnesses and they’ve been interviewing every single person that interacted with the girls and the band that night.

How will the state of Washington go about making their case?

>The state’s job is a lot easier than the defense attorney’s job. They’re basically going to gather as much forensic evidence as they possibly can to corroborate the story of these two women. First of all, they have to make sure that they are telling the same story, and then they have to get physical evidence to match up with their story. You take the two together, and you have a very powerful case. They’ll use any type of video footage that they can locate, and if in fact there were calls made, they’ll get call records. If there were text messages, they’ll subpoena text message records. I’m sure they have in possession the womens’ phones and that they’ve searched those phones. If there’s any indication on one of those phones anywhere that those women did not want to be there at that time, then the members of the band are going to have a very, very difficult time moving forward.

What are the chances this case ends in a plea bargain?

>The plea rate for New York is over 90%. For federal criminal cases in the Southern and Eastern Districts of New York it’s as high as 97%. It’s very, very high. Most cases end in a guilty plea of some type, [which would make the trial shorter]. I don’t know what the plea rate is in the state of Washington, but I have no doubt that it is north of 90%.

>she gets pissed off and accuses them of gang-rape
around women never relax!

Damn, I like their music. Hope they get justice and the roastie ends up going to jail for false accusations.

Stay out of my state faggot. The Polish are not welcome here. This is just a conspiracy to get your disgusting race out of our beautiful evergreen state

>they invite her over but don't want to fuck her
>she gets pissed off and accuses them of gang-rape
Got ANY proof at all these neckbeard weirdos are innocent?

Shut up Jamal

stupid Polish trash i hope they get nigger raped in jail

it happened in Washington, the gayest American state
she was seen by witnesses coming out of the bus pissed, not in state of shock
she's a groupie so she's automatically a whore

>guilty until proven innocent

wew lad

Wanna bet it's a femanon?

washington here
tech nine got accused of rape a week ago here too by a woman who changed her mind a day after that
don't come to washington this place is lost
pray the kim hits here my body is ready and I've made my peace

>polish metal band couldn't rape a bitch

I understand that women like lying about this shit but it could be either way, judging by how hardcore European metal bands are I wouldn't dismiss the possibility of them getting fucked up and passing around a bunch of bitches.

they are are acused of rape by groupie(read whore) because they didn't want to have sex with her, in the USA where holding door for a woman is rape, in the USA where not holding door for a woman is also rape

Live a degenerate lifestyle, don't be suprised when you get ducked over by other degenerates.

>she was seen by witnesses coming out of the bus pissed

Wouldn't getting raped piss you off, too?

there's no such thing as femanon
women don't belong to imageboards and on Polish imageboards they are simply banned dare they mention the fact they aren't male

everything's possible but they aren't extreme like Mayhem and other shock metal bands
it's just another buttmetal band

How could she accuse them of gang rape if she wasn't even touched ? Doesn't US police have medical examinations in case of rape ? What the fuck.

good. they look like cuck nu-males

she was pissed as in making up plot in her thick mind to accuse them of rape to retaliate for that dishonour

Winds of creation was literally the only relevant album this piece of shit band had.
I'd ask you to prove me wrong, but it's impossible.

>>be Decapitated

>not having a voice recorder running 24/7 on your body at all times
It's like you're asking for it.

see here apparently they need just a few bruises (which she could've made before the incident or shortly after) to be held accountable

Vitek would be rolling in his grave. these guys were child prodigies in metal.

Fuck off Tyrone.

Slav-subhuman weirdos... they look like they would have to be rapists just to get sex at all, Anyone with dreadlocks needs jailed anyway.

after the past few weeks i will get the dave chappelle love contract i think. fuck this shit.

Winds of creation is not buttmetal, they became buttmetal more recently.

What do you look like then, nigger

It's the band.

Decapitated were (are) all conservatorium of music students. they are metal nerds, not scene nutcases. i bet this shit is total bullshit. I was obsessed with Vitek, their old drummer who died in a car crash. I met them once in Australia and they were fucking nice as hell man. not weirdos.

LISTEN AND BELIEVE. It's all just getting worse and worse here since Harvey Weinstein. The feminists are having a field day. One more nail in our coffin.

>apparently they need just a few bruises
I meant DNA traces in her vagina or mouth, semen if you prefer. Also a doctor can see if he woman was forced by the look of her genitals.
This is not fair if just the fact there are 2 girls to testify doesn't require physical evidence. Any 2 women could accuse men and have them jailed.
Also what the fuck "rape shield". This is just insane.

fuck ausanon. you are so wrong. I think this is arguably the best death metal track of all time after winds: youtube.com/watch?v=3G1S-YBtbx4

i bet the woman that Ted Bundy killed would say he was a nice guy too

sounds like she was asking for it, like all rape victims.

Welcome to 2017, brother.

Why would you force poor girl that has been raped to get her vagina checked and DNA traces taken, such victim shaming and blaming!
USA really have rape culture but it's rape culture against men.
Not women as those femicunts always shout

What other kinds of forensic evidence could be used?

>DNA can be used. Pictures of injuries as well. Bruising can be very powerful evidence; bruising on the wrists, on the arms, in the vaginal area – anything indicative of resistance. I’m sure a rape kit has been done – the results of that could be telling and powerful.
>It’s he said vs. she said except you’ve got a lot more shes than you usually do in this situation. You have two women and you have a jury who is going to be predisposed to questioning the integrity of a group of metalheads (the band members). They’re at, I would say, a significantly worse position than a normal defendant would be. The fact that they’re Polish, I don’t know if that really plays one way or the other, but I don’t think it mitigates the situation here.

he was a sociopath. psych and sociopaths know they have to seem nice to coerce people. being seemingly nice or evil isn't an indicator of whether or not somebody will rape you.

It's 2017 logic and reason are long dead

>go to america
>talk to cute girl
>be accused of rape
>woman flirts with you
>ask for her number
>be accused of rape
>woman invites you to her bedroom to fuck her
>say yes
>have sex
>one hour she changes her mind
>be accused of rape
>pay prostitute for sex
>be accused of rape

There's literally no proof you dumb spastic.

>witness didn't call the police while she watched the gang rape in outrage
Case closed.

hahahaha they are not so edgy now are they?

>innocent until proven guilty

why the fuck are they cuffed in prison jumpsuits?

Geez I wonder why white birthrates are so low

In France there is a vaginal examination to see if the girl is forced because rape leaves marks on the vagina. I don't know, in this case it doesn't seem like it's an important matter, the justice is obviously biased. I don't know what they could do about that, maybe try to argue the trial isn't fair.

Just don't stick your dick in crazy and you're good

those smart spastics are just trying to keep me down (genius... your age and/or stupidity shows)

Save the good old Britain! Start deporting poles, pajeets and pakis.

>be polish
>visit usa
>go to prison for not wanting to fuck a whale

>be american
>get shot

>be mexican
>migrate to usa
>die in a drug war

>be black
>be black


They are playing the devils music. Suits them well.

Because the court room is actually a public place, and they're technically still in prison but need to go into the public, so prisoners get cuffed and oftentimes they have the leg shackles too.

If more than one woman says it then it most be true. I'm mean it not like woman have ever ganged up on men for various reason right?

my young cousin let me know this last year after some close calls. but thanks user. the advice still stands as valid

Get off this board you cuck

they're probably in prison

first polański and now this


Rock is the devils work, it's magical and rad!


what if the woman has a big loose mayonnaise jar of a vagina and the rape doesn't leave any marks?

Why there're no photos of the bird?

FFS I thought it was bad enough that there was some faggot wearing dreadlocks and the Gordon Freeman glasses - but to have 3 members of your band wear those Fred Durst cargo shorts is more proof they would have to rape a woman just to experience what sex was like.

It's not about being loose, more like microscare, cuts and that sort of thing. Also they take a sample for analysis to look for DNA of the man. I mean, it's the base of rape investigation in France.

*not, ffs

>I mean, it's the base of rape investigation in France.
And any other sane place in this world, but our numbers are thining

>Rock is the devils work, it's not magical and rad!

What's funny is feminist protest new laws punishing "street harassment" toward women because it will "stigmatize" brown people. Feminist protesting laws supposed to protect women, this is last stage psychosis at this point.


USA is not so sane country.

I honestly don't have an anime image smug enough to convey my opinion of your post.

"Shortly after leaving the tour bus and driving away, at 12:43 p.m., the friend was pulled over on North Washington Street near West Boone Avenue on suspicion of driving under the influence, according to court documents.

In the back seat of a patrol car, the friend was allowed to use her cellphone to call the other woman, who reported the rape. A state trooper said he couldn’t help without a specific location and proceeded with his DUI investigation."

Here it is... the excuse to get off a DUI! sluts'll do that...


They're a metal band, dumbass.

What do you expect them to wear khakis and a polo?

>t. Boomer brainlet

USA is a place where common sense and logic is twisted in some weird way.
Law protects criminals and punishes the victims

Case closed.

"Metal band" or not - it's 2017, who wears cargo shorts? I can't take these people seriously. Is this what passes for acceptable attire for rock clubs/gigs in Poland?

>I'm a fan so it's bullshit

There's nothing wrong with enjoying things that people create but it's always a good idea to distance from their personal lives because very often you might learn something that doesn't sit right with you. Just because you like someones work doesn't mean they can't do anything wrong.

the song, not the album. the fact you were attempting to discredit my statement with an anime image puts us at a mexican standoff as I respect your opinion as little as you do mine. thankfully music is subjective. thankfully most metalheads are morons without any experience writing or producing music.

Incorrect, I stated there was no anime image powerful enough to convey just how mistaken you are.
Why do I get the impression you think arghoslent is a good band?

Bundy literally did nothing wrong and all the women he supposedly killed had it coming.

im saying its likely to be bullshit. i honestly dont give a fuck about a band mate, just their music. anybody that gets themselves into this position is an absolute moron imo.

This happened in America dumb ruski.

They're a metal band and you're complaining that they dress like a metal band.

You're either a woman or a homo.

>Is this what passes for acceptable attire for rock clubs/gigs in Poland?
It has been a long while since I saw someone in cargo pants.
Pic rel member of our metal band behemoth

never even heard of them. as a drummer, im generally only focused on drums... so Johannes Grossman, decapitated, meshuggah flip my switch most.

Be a man and be logical about the state of the world and tape all of your encounters with roastie ass bitches. It's as simple as that.

How does it feel to know your passion is not only easily emulated, but significantly improved by utilising a laptop?

Why not both?

ffs. short shorts or 3/4 lengths perhaps instead? it gets hot on stages, let alone play 200+BPM . what other shorts can a metal musician wear without looking odd? please tell me more fashion faux pas i can avoid...

Post taste

seems like some bongs care more about their style than what's going on around them

decapitated 5/5 dödistä
huoria turpaan

>muh Frooty Loops

Gas youreself, abo

Metal fans also used to wear patched flares and hold on to their belt buckles while headbanging. But this was in the 1970s. And that was what the current style was, way back then. Cargo shorts are a fin-de-siecle look, reminiscent of nu-metal's worst excesses, along with those baggy trousers like 2 black postal sacks with zips attached. So my observation that cargo shorts are somewhat dated in 2017 is therefore quite valid.

>it’s current year guys
Just leave and never come back.