Kazuma can start this thread.
ITT: MCs that were too good for the main heroine
start and end considering he's the only good one.
Fuck off. He was a cuck and was beta as hell.
Natsu from Fairy Tail
Parasyte MC
>Guts, clearly a salty lolifag
>Doesn't even remember Shinichi's name, clearly animeonlyfag
>He was a cuck and was beta as hell.
>ride bike, sail ship, draw mango, win 2 girls
>author is dead
Too fucking good for anyone in Re:Zero in general.
Fuuck... You just had to remind me didn't you?
Fuck off.
> Too good
Oh there's Reinhart! I totally agree.
Agreed. All of the others just can't compete on how good Subaru is.
In general, Shirou's too good for anyone anyway unless it's worm.
>implying a sword could be good
>implying that Rin wasn't good enough
The only one good enough for him is Exia
Though with the recent Alicization arcs, Asuna is starting to prove her worth.
>Nobody makes a single fucking move: The anime
She's a total bitch and not at all deserving though, so you're right.
Subaru is so good it fucking hurts.
This must be bait
Kirito is a shitty non-character
why has God abandoned us
If the author only left some kind of fuckken napkin with the ending written on it. Some kind of notes of most important plot moments.
God fucking dammit, ZnT author did it, why couldn't he do it to?
Not so much the MCs were too good, but rather the heroine was too shitty.
all kazuma are awesome. prove me wrong.
>baby's first self-incert Jesus
Yeah man
I can't
Everyone looks the exact FUCKing same itt
>Replying to bait.
Come on user, you know better than to do that!
A familiar pattern.
This guy is too good to be tied down to a woman.
Agreed. Index a shit;
It's honestly difficult to point out who the protagonist is in Durarara!!. It could be Mikado, Celty, Izaya, Shizuo...
But I usually go with Mikado since he was the first protagonist to appear. And he is too good for muh katana girl.
Celty was too good for Shinra.
He's a little arrogant shit. But boy, is he efficient at it. His unwarranted entitlement makes him someone, makes others notice him and make him influence the world around him. You or I, we would be noone where he is someone, and would achieve the same through a lot of autistic scheming and through tens of repeatings he did.
Shinra is great
I always hated this girl so much
Had I not watched any further than the first 8 episodes I might have been able to understand you. But as it stands this MC's utter incompetence, childish tantrums and all around edginess even puts fucking Ikari Shinji to shame.
Medaka doesn't deserve a boy as pure as Zenkichi.
[/spoiler]Still happy they got together, however.[/spoiler]
Apparently I'm too autistic to even properly spoiler tag. My point still stands.
Such best that it hurts.
Medaka should've been cucked by Shiranui. She doesn't deserve a guy like Zenkichi.
But she is already.
Cry more Kamikotofag.
I think you'll find that he's already tied down to many women.
>he doesn't know
Animeonlyfags talking like they know shit makes me laugh.
Honestly this should've happened for a while. Medaka losing realizing she's missing the one keeping her sane the whole time would've been fantastic to see.
Daaww... She did love him in the end.
How much would you say the anime deviates from the original LN?
Past episode 8 the anime feels like it switches writer(s) completely and the quality goes down the shitter from there. Perhaps increasing freedom with the source material is the reason why.
Don't listen to them, both ln and anime are shit.
>both ln and anime are shit.
I'm sorry for your shitty taste
Are you actually telling me that re:zero is good?
They made it look like Subaru was actually more of a douche that he actually is:
1) LN: It's Crusch herself who suggests to Subaru that he spar with Wilhelm. Wilhelm acquiesces to his liege lady's request quite willingly; it was almost as if he was anticipating meeting Subaru again. (the reason for it is explained in 2)
Anime: The anime makes it seem as if Subaru demanded the whole affair and the Crusch people are overextending their hospitality to him because of Emilia.
2) LN: Felyx observes that Wilhelm has taken an intense personal interest in Subaru's character. To Felyx, this is unusual because the Sword Demon usually takes an interest in a person only as someone to kill, rather than somone to make acquaintance with. :p
Wilhelm simply replies that he looked at Subaru's eyes, and his eyes were that of a person who had faced death many times. Felyx says she doesn't understand, but wishes Subaru 'good luck' because being liked by the Sword Demon is almost as dangerous as being liked by the Witch.
Anime: No such observation that Wilhelm likes Subaru as someone who has faced death. The entire scene between Felyx and Wilhelm is cut.
3) LN: While Subaru is resting on Rem's knees, he tells her he is sorry because he is weak and easily hurt (physically). Rem replies it's okay and that she's happy the way it is, but Subaru is still sorry because he thinks Rem would feel bored taking care of him.
So Subaru personally suggests taking a day off the next day to visit Cadomon together. They will buy apples as a thanksgiving gift to the people who helped him. Subaru is much more caring about people.
Anime: The anime cut all this out and it was Rem who had to drag Subaru out of his depression.
4) LN: When Subaru defends Emilia's honor by asking to be fair in judgement, despite her being a half-elf, Cadomon apologizes for his harsh remarks without knowing her personally but kindly tries to make Subaru understand why Emilia is being feared. The whole conversation ends on a happier note when Subaru agrees to buy 20 apples from him.
Anime: Subaru is mocked by people (pushed out of the way) after trying to defend Emilia.
5) LN: Subaru and Crusch talk about marriage for the royal candidates during their dinner. Crusch is playfully teasing Subaru about Emilia possibly being betrothed - Maybe Emilia actually felt stressed for the past fews days because she was worried about getting married? - and thinks his reaction is cute. Seeing him flustered makes her glad that Subaru seems to have gained some energy since their fallout.
Subaru remarks that Crusch is a very kind person. He asks if she is being kind to an 'enemy' because she is confident she will win. Crusch replies that she is not confident, only that she is brave enough to fight. She'll do her best to win, and hopes that Subaru will also do the same. Subaru thanks Crusch for her concern and for helping him realize what he can do to help Emilia.
Anime: Felyx barge in in the middle of their dinner and admonish Subaru for being there, etc. etc.
6) LN: Wilhelm gives many moral advises as he tutors Subaru. If Subaru has already decided to fight, then he must continue fighting to see the end. Subaru asks whether if he doesn't give up, he would get better with a sword. Wilhelm says that's a different question and he doesn't know.
Citations are needed.
>Anime: No such observation that Wilhelm likes Subaru as someone who has faced death. The entire scene between Felyx and Wilhelm is cut.
he did actually say this though, he literally said the "eyes of one who has seen death" line
>The obvious choice hasn't been posted yet
Not that user but i read this and i dont really think that i would like subaru more for this kind of things. They help his character but he is still almost the same as showed in the anime.
I dont really like subaru but i dont hate the guy, just think the he is really stupid so i just stopped caring.
but he didn't say that subaru piqued his interest.
was it not implied by him saying that? that's definitely what I saw from that line
I guess I didn't pick that up. Though he explicitly states that Subaru has his interest during Crusch's mansion.
A failed Rance is still better than having no Rance.
Kazuma is cool, but he has his stupid moments too. Sometimes I smacked my face when reading this guy's inner dilaloge.
He is Rance's ancestor
The bloodlines need time to strengthen before they can be harnessed to the potential that his hyperweapon brings out
I liked how he was sorta okay with starting a new world war
More like the other way round. I'm just too sad to say that Rance's bloodline's alpha-ness had been going down with each generation.
He was too good for his show.
And IzaIza is too good for any of them.
>gets his ass kicked by weak sailors
>couldnt bring himself to loose virginity to a hot piece of ass
>cant pick up chicks for shit
Yeah sure
>Nobody makes a single fucking move: The anime
Nisekoi too right?
Agreed but he's better off with his waifu dead too.
What main heroine?
That one gender-swapped chapter with female Usui was better.
user please. I can't just causally toss around the name of a Goddess.
I hate Kaze no Stigma. I might have liked Kazuma's smugness if I was 12.
Well, he literally doesn't have a job without a war going on, so it makes sense. What the hell do you think soldiers used to do whenever decades-long wars abruptly ended?
>couldnt bring himself to loose virginity to a hot piece of ass
You sure?
RIP author
>Liking Kazuma
Only acceptable if you're 11-16 years old.
Oh boy only took him 13 years
Yo hold the fuck up. Shinra is fucking amazing and Celty/Shinra is my OTP. I won't stand for you shittalking either of them.
Couldn't agree more. Mikado really only went to 'Great' for me due to his absolute madman maneuvers at the end, but damn at least he was actually mildly interesting throughout the show.
Parasite girl was so fucking boring every time she showed up. Had no character at all.
Kill themselves.
>Ctrl F
>No Banri
Ghost Banri was a faggot tho.
Can't believe this hasn't been posted yet. Kaname's such an annoying, ungrateful cunt.
I seriously think Gauron, the fucking main villain, showed more love for him than she ever did.
If only Sousuke wasn't so oblivious to love then he should've just gone with Tessa. Chidori was an annoying bitch.
Go and read the Manga version. They adapted the LNs with more detail.