Russians are race mixed. They are hapas. Neo was a hapa. Whats wrong with race mixing?
Whats wrong with race mixing?
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the fuck do you even know about genetics?
>They are hapas
What a Jewish post. Look at Kazakhstan for a country full of hapas. Russians are infinitely more European than your average "white" mongmerican.
you guys are just rape babies by mongols
As a hapa, nothing
Outbreeding depression
>falling for the Russia isn't white meme
proofs or gtfo
Nothing wrong with it, the current races are all mixes of various groups that migrated at different types, haplogroups are proof of that.
Fascists wants to talk about the natural order but refuses to acknowledge that migration is a natural part of human history.
being under mongol occupation for hundreds of years is proof enough
I respond to slide threads now because all you niggers keep replying.
Sup Forums is the new Sup Forums
>Hey Brock, we should make another "me me"
>Ok, what would be the ingredients in such a "me me"?
>Well, from what I know of the internet, they really like this character Neo from The Matrix, we should make a me me with him in it
the fact that russia had been under mongol empire control for years is the proof you're asking
but no mongol dna.
how does that make sense?
most russians have mongol dna in them, mongols were notorious for rape and mass genocide
No it's not, you will have areas based on geography and such where mixing occurs, but the idea that Russians mixed with Mongols as a whole just doesn't make sense considering the geography of Russia. The heart of Russia is too far north for the Mongols to have had a substantial impact on Russians.
Time to take off the memeflag,kike.
Do you even realise how did mongol occupation work, you inbred fuck?
The "under mongolian control" means that we payed them tributes for being conquered and were under their influence in the political feild.
Too bad you're under a meme flag so I can't tell if you are trolling or actually retarded.
Anyways, consider suicide.
most people are just against blackie mulattos
I hate spics arabs and niggers but I want whites to breed with asians.
thatg picture shows the heartland of russia under mongol occupation, learn some history about how the kievan rus was fractured and controlled by mongols for hundreds of years. You'd think a european would be educated on these things
russians are not racemixed burgermutt
Race-Mixing is one of many things threatening the White European majority of America. 14% of our births are mixed and most mongrels end up looking exactly like the orc memes that Sup Forums usually posts. No self-respecting white should ever ruin their genetic lineage on a filthy nonwhite. This counts all nonwhite races including Asians. If it gets too bad, the census will start counting some mixed mongrels as white making the whole point of the category meaningless. You already see it with the fictional ethnic group known as "White" Hispanics.
I'm against all mongrels and the creation of them, Whites are barely the majority of our births. We need more European American children not halfbreeds who act like filthy niggers. People like you are the reason whites will become a hated minority if it keeps up.
they still took tributes of women if money wasn't able to be paid which happened often
white asian hybrids make for the best waifus
They could've been European and much more beautiful, but filthy race-mixers like you continue to shit up the country with mongrels. There has never been a successful multiracial country, even we are starting to decline because of the influx of nonwhites being put into our country.
It is lie comrade. If Russia has no Mongol DNA, is proof Mongol never rule Russia.
Since time of Muscovy, Russia never been defeated.
Used to be more like you but whites are almost as bad as niggers. It's already over I'm going to fuck asians.
post stats with dna studies
the mongol story is a western mistranslation.
itt was only reffered to as the golden horde or just the horde. tartars and alike were notorious for being mercenaries at the time.
it was a civil war at best. there are no sources in mongolian lenguage ever found in russia.
Then leave the country, we don't want more filth like you even living on our land. Asians are a subhuman race filled with insect like people. The only notable good thing they've made is Anime and that's about it. Other than that, they're Hedonistic subhumans who need to be killed off.
Well they didn't fuck them there and then upon receipt, for fucks sake.
They fucked them deep in the steppes of modern mongolia and kazakhstan.
One might even say that the mongols themselves are mixed.
You cite fiction as an argument.
You're dumb.
I think about it but then I can't make america great again. Cling to your white fantasy it's already over.
I don't have to, just go to any major city in russia a lot of people have turkic features but consider themselves russians that's proof enough really.
the mongol overlords didn't stay far from the rus principalities for obvious reasons because they needed to collect regular tribute, so mixing did occur
>It's already over when an immigration bill is set to replace the 1965 act and bring in mostly European immigrants
I like how you Asian mongrels who LARP as European Americans tend to blackpill people just so they can fuck your unlovable female goblins similar to western chicks. Slavs will literally succeed over you in a couple decades.
rooskies got BTFOd by horse archers
>meanwhile endless threads about blackwashing in videogames and tv series
surely that aint fiction for sure!
Whiter than you user. Asian population is the biggest in the world.
Most of those Asians are eating shit and dogs on a daily basis. Asian superiority is a meme, most Chinks live below the poverty line. The only sane Asian country is NK since they adopted a system that's simliar to Natsoc. Japan and Korea are cucked shitholes with rising leftist movements and SEA is literally Africa-Tier.
You pretend whites in the US aren't the chinks of white people.
>SEA is literally Africa-Tier
So is America but it's also run by Jews
t.asshurt flip monkey
Russians are not hapas. They were ruled by Tatars who are Turkic people.
Give it a rest. The white European identity has been compromised centuries ago, albeit not to the extent that the current influx of middle eastern and African refugees threaten to.
also if you're from America, you are some kind of mutt to begin with. If you want to split hairs, even mixing with other European descents makes you a mutt.
>Russians are a mixed race.
Yeah, I wonder why no one want race mixing...
>Turkic people aren't Asian
People from Turkey aren't Turks, they're Greek rape babies.
Chang you do realize that mixed people have accomplished nothing historical right meanwhile there are tons of Europeans who have.
Those are street urchins. If you Google Image search any sort of beggar or panhandler and add your nationality, the pictures wouldn't be very nice as well.
That's a piss poor argument. Also that's a very rich argument coming from you, someone that most likely has either black or south/central American blood somewhere. Or even Jewish. You have no claims to anything historical that Europeans accomplished. And second of all, I doubt we DNA tested every single worthwhile accomplishment, we just know the general area.
Russians dont have any of mongol DNA, the only asian admixture we have is from native finnish tribes of the Eastern European plains who we conquered.
I have zero nonwhite genetics
I'm 1/646464646464646464664646464646th German
The one of the biggest Russian geniuses Alexander Pushkin had a negro grandpa. Check and mate, anti-race-mixers.
Race mixing accelerates the decline of the white race, all other race mixing is basically unimportant, since the numbers are so small. It's even small with whites, but every bit matters in that particular case.
In the end, most mixed-race couples in the West adopt the same insufficient reproduction rates as whites themselves, so they will simply be replaced by more and more rapefugees and immigrants from growing areas like Africa and the Middle East.
Tatars and Russians have been intermixing for quite some time.
Northern Russians are genuinely white, like Scandinavian levels of white but then Soviet retards decided to flood the region with non-whites, so today it's not very clear who is white and who isn't. In Saint Petersburg it's not uncommon to see Russians who have one Tatar or Armenian grandfather.
>Northern Russians are genuinely white, like Scandinavian levels of white
burger education
>some inbred aussie who himself descends from abos and inbred anglo criminals thinks he knows more about Russian history than Russians do
maybe you a hapa
>it’s we use ethnic Russians/Poles for Ukraine girl episode
rUSSIANS in denial about being hapas are just as bad as whites being in denial of coming from albinos.
Not all russians, but enough. Pic related
he's not saying they weren't occupied he's saying they weren't race mixing on large scales and he's right
He wasn’t really great - it’s a Soviet pushed propaganda, and we oppose racemixing for other reasons.
It’s not common and there are no Russians with tatar or armenian ancestry. You are thinking of Russian citizens
This is what Dostoevsky said about Pushkin:
"I am needed here, not just by the Friends of Russian Literature, but by our whole party and the whole idea for which we have been struggling for 30 years now. For the hostile party (Turgenev, Kovalevsky, and almost the entire university) is determined to play down the importance of Pushkin as the man who gave expression to the Russian national identity, by denying the very existence of that identity.... My voice will carry weight and our side will prevail"
Are you saying Dostoyevsky is wrong too?