Who will take the Ainz bowl and why it will be EE?
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shit man, the other thread JUST got archived. you guys work fast
evileye a shit
T. Bug
EEfags are the worst.
She's going to get killed by Entoma.
_____ the Bug
Maids are for punishing.
Daily reminder that EE is dumb as fuck.
Nothing cuter than a young girl in love.
Entoma will like her.
has anyone made a gallery of maids being bullied?
I honestly can't see how these threads are still alive.
Why is Nabe such a bitch?
Entoma > Narberal > EE > Albedo > Yuri > Chair > CZ > Awoomaid > Solution
Entoma > Narberal > EE > Albedo > Yuri > Chair > CZ > Awoomaid > Solution > Aura
Rubedo and Lastborn are fucking asspulls and they don't make any sense to exist.
Prove me wrong.
>Rubedo and Lastborn are fucking asspulls and they don't make any sense to exist.
Why are they asspulls and what doesn't make sense about them?
>Why are they asspulls
out of fucking nowhere
>what doesn't make sense about them?
>an NPC being stronger than a player
If Rubedo is stronger than Ainz, why does it serves him?
>volume 1
>high level skelton out of fucking nowhere
Ainz is an asspull.
nice argument
you have now subscribed to cute-bug collection. Thank you.
That's your argument.
>out of fucking nowhere
mah main man
That's what an asspull is
_2 is nsfw af so i cant post that.
I mean retard, had a thread not soo long ago. Understandable mistake right? dont worry nabe I love you too.
Can you at least upload it to imgur? I love bug.
Except Rubedo hasn't even showed up.
By your definition everything is an asspull.
>getting transfered to NW out of nowhere
>momonga changes name to AOG out of nowhere
I don't know. I don't even believe what I'm saying I just want to start a discussion.
>If Rubedo is stronger than Ainz, why does it serves him?
All NPC's are loyal to the SB's, this has been shown in the LN several times.
Regular nsfw onesimgur.com
If something that ignores logic happens out of nowhere then it's an asspull.
Like that guy in Bleach being the stronges because he's actually number 0.
Rubedo is mentioned during the setting up so she can't be an asspull.
On another note, you think she has stylized hair or those are bug parts?
Stylized bugs maybe?
>I was merely pretending to be reatrded!
Of all the possible ways to start a discussion that's what you choose?
Definatly Bug parts.
Entoma is a literal hive.
These are horribly orderd, Butt ill spare ya reaction gifs alteast.
She has a core though? Her spider core. Her Cute core.
Bugs would look gross for normal people, but they don't seems to gross out people by just being there. So it's probably hair? I guess? Does that make any sense?
I mean she can change it? I would guess easily, I just wish So-Bin drew some bug so we could see a little more atleast.
"entoma" is the queen of the hive. The body that she shows is made up of a bunch of drone bugs slaved to the queen.
The face bug, hair bug, lip bug - all drones enslaved to the core.
What is this a roach thread?
Spider thread.
Her name means "insect Queen" in Greek
Lately I've noticed I'm usually charmed by spider characters.
She roached Arches voices.
Thank these anons
Yes join the EntomaFags. We have Cutest Meidos around.
If anyone wonders I just search Nip entoma on pixiv for most of these.
Ill be back soon thread. And in greater numbers.
Which one is her tag
I guess I can't run from it anymore
I'm a spiderfag
Rubedo makes perfect sense.
Tabula Smaragdina is an alchemy buff, and the pattern of Nigredo (the initial Philosopher's Stone, a corrupt and putrid essence), Albedo (the second stage, pure and sparkling as impurities are wiped away), and Rubedo (the final, completed Philosopher's Stone, the burning soul and limitless perfection) comes from the Turba Philosophorum.
Also, the greek Pleiades numbered seven, so only having six is stupid.
Rampant shitposting
>out of fucking nowhere
Rubedo is mentioned in the very first arc and Lastborn is similarly early
Everything in the story is an asspull according to this logic.
>If Rubedo is stronger than Ainz, why does it serves him?
1. Because Ainz is literally God for everyone in the Tomb. Shalltear was reckoned to be stronger than Ainz before Ainz actually put her down.
2. We don't even know if she remains loyal.
Well the seventh one in some versions of the legend stopped being a 'real' Pleiades after she decided Orion's dick was absolutely delectable since after she fug'd him she stopped being divine / immortal.
Thanks I helped.
You are an asspull user. You came out of nowhere!
My personal headcanon is that Rubedo is both 3 and 4. It depends on wheter her switch is on or off.
Citrinitas is "optional", sort of, it's the shortest stage of the magnum opus and arguable if it is a real stage at all. It could just be the transition of Albedo to Rubedo. Turba Philosophorum says it's supposed to go straight from White to Red.
The Universe is the ultimate asspull
Citrinitas? That got folded into Rubedo in some versions.
You'll probably also see the Three Ladies going on since Tabula being the autist he is won't miss the obvious chance with three sisters being Maiden, Mother and Crone. Nigredo is obviously Mother.
Makes sense. Trifectas seem to work best after all. Instead of Quadfectas? Not sure what to call it.
>What's Enri's next few arcs going to be?
Visiting E-rantel and will probably get attacked by some group.
Then an arc about the troll kingdom.
Quadfecta is the actual term, though it is obviously not popular as it stumbles off the tongue like a blind drunk.
So Rubedo would be the maiden and Albedo would be the crone, right?
Post about Mare.
What will happen when Ainz wins?
Does he sit on his throne of bones and just gather cobwebs?
He wakes up and realizes it was all a dream.
Probably, Albedo used to be a slut in the settings and remains remarkably evil-aligned so by original design she was probably meant to be the crone.
>inb4 someone asks why there's a "Sorcerous Kingdom" above "Beastman Kingdoms"
To be honest it doesn't look like the smartest acquisition, it must be a logistical nightmare holding pieces of land so far apart.
>attacked by some group
So is it time for another BTFO?
>Sorcerous Kingdom
Was it always that far north?
Comment on how elf is pure.
「Greater Teleportation」
22 was a Lewd so sorry.
It's okay, you don't need to dump.
Another player is going to have to show up eventually. Or someone will have to wield the Eight Greed Kings Guild weapon. There's a lot of foreshadowing that Maruyama needs to pay dividends on. Ainz will have to claim a glorious, hard-earned victory or defeat by the end.
(Plus, it's been hinted that the World Savior has shown up in the New World as well.)
If he wins a climactic battle at the end of the end, we may have to face a fade-to-black curtains-close epilogue that details how the new world has been made for the better.
NabeTard had one though. and I want to reach bump limit as fast as possible anyway.
Also I meant 24 of course. This Is what I get for posting 4 in the morning.
>world savior has shown up
So when does Mare get his harem?
Will papa Ainz help build it or leave it entirely in Mare hands?
After they invade beast kingdom of course user, Im guessing there are elfs there too right?
>He waved his hand to keep his subordinates from noticing. Sometimes pity hurt more than a rebuke, and the same applied to the matter of hair loss.
I feel you JUST
Just a one-off mention of the world's myths, of a goblin king who slew many dragons with a branch. It was in volume 3, in the chapter just before the explanation on World Items actually come up and World Savior gets detailed. It's a tricky bit of reverse foreshadowing if so, since the branch is mentioned before World Savior.
>had one
Had one what?
It's the Stick WCI that keeps scaling up its power.
Did you uh
Stream that?
It's said that Elf's capital is on the shore of "lake" bordering ST from the east.
IDK if Elves share same shore with Queendom and Beastmen, maybe they're just further down south.
What the fuck is a wrly smile
>IDK if Elves share same shore with Queendom and Beastmen, maybe they're just further down south.>>
wry smile most likely. Whered you read that?
Streaming LN is something new.
Just re-reading and pondering if I should re-read 5-6-7 that I skipped every time after the first one.
All the elfkind will think all the elf slaves rescued in the Empire, ST and Beastmen were thanks to Aura and Mare, thus they get sworn in as the new kings of all elves.
Dafaq is vol10 intermission speaks of ST building a forward base near a lake if according to the map Elves are in the other fucking direction from the lake?