Nene should just stop talking and stop stepping on other people's dreams.
New Game
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Nene a shit. A SHIT.
Half an episode wasted cause Nene had to go and be a shitty friend.
Nene is best girl. She can do whatever.
Exactly. She even ruined an episode worth of programming work by Umiko.
>there's both a nene thread and a anti-nene thread up
the fuck?
If Ahagon worked for hours and didn't save once she had it coming especially if the cable wasn't plugged all the way in. That's not to say Nenecchi isn't at fault. It wasn't on purpose, but who fucks with cables like that? Isn't it normal to stop fucking around when one notices a cable like that?
My dick is pro-Nene but my head is anti.
Wrong. Hifumi is best girl.
>shit namefag
>shit opinion
It's like clockwork
That may be the case, but due to Nene's carelessness, the natural logical consequences of her actions, she is untimately at fault. Not to mention she probably found a shitload of bugs again.
My question is, why was she in the coding booth to begin with?
Shouldent she be with the other debuggers in their own area?
Also, there should be more antics with the two other coders that were sleeping
Umiko brought her in there to make sure she wasn't fucking around with Aoba. She also secretly wants to play airsoft with Nene.
why do they draw faceless people? is it that hard to draw some shitty eyes?
Nene best girl. How can other girls even compete?
They can't. That's why they are shitposting hard on Sup Forums
Who else loves cake?
Nene should become MC. Aoba is boring.
What if Aoba worked for Taleworlds?
The Okinawan literally forced Nene to sit next to her so she doesn't fuck around in the office, at the end of last episode.
She looks so warm and soft, and her voice is great too, too bad she'd never want anything to do with a disgusting member of the male species like me.
Yun is upset. Say something nice to cheer her up.
You are worst girl
I'm into small girls with a plump belly.
>stop stepping on other people's dreams.
But Hifumi likes it when you step on her.
She's got some cute and fuckable siblings.
There is only one thing worse than being all alone in the dark; being all alone in a crowd.
>homoerotic lust illustrated as a series of dark tendrils reaching towards an egg
What did they mean by this?
Would fug.
>being all alone in a crowd
No i'm not a fucking loser with a mental disease.
What about being all alone in a dark crowd?
I want Nene to squeak on my dick
What gonna Aoba do when realise she is working in a lesbo-company? (not a Greek company precisely)
Behave in a rude and disgruntled manner towards her coworkers and superiors, distance herself from her team and let her productivity slide until she her boss is forced to confront her, at which point she makes a scene and loudly declares that she quits and she's glad to be rid of that officeful of degenerate dykes.
Hifumi will be crushed because she really thought Aoba would finally be the one. Yun and Hajime would feel a little betrayed that their relationship wasn't accepted by someone they thought was their friend. Kou would be upset that a kouhai with so much potential crashed and burned so quickly, but also confused because she doesn't understand that the problem even was; nobody at Eagle Jump was gay as far as she could tell, and she considers herself a very good judge of character. Rin would tell Kou to not worry about it and come back to bed, honey.
>cute girls
>working at cute office
>with cute co-workers
>making cute characters
>for a cute game
>yet still dying from overwork
The fate of being a slave wage.
I want to eat that cake.
Cute clothes, responsible Onee-san, and DFC.
Anyone else notice this past episode there were actually male creatures on screen since the solid color background mob of people on the train in episode 1?
You fags have three threads up
Go back to hiding in your general, newfag.
She's rightly pointing out the overly harsh workplace policy and worrying about her friend's state of mind and health.
Aoba will be a zombie a one year devoid of all dreams and freedoms. It won't matter what she achieve by then.
If anything, the cat was playing with the cable earlier, so we all know who the real fault belongs to.
Up until now I thought it may have been taking place in Dogakobo's S1-2 Yuru Yuri world.
That's a good plan for getting raped by the office granny and not much else.
What else would you want?
It's not rape if you want it.
Oh god I can hear it.
fuck nenecchi and her bullshit.
>fuck nenecchi
and her nenecchis?
Is yes then yes, if no then yes.
Aoba should stop being a psychopath
If this game existed I'd do the exact same thing.
Actually this concept is goddamn amazing. Why isn't this a real game?
Bear costume - high attack
Turtle - high defense
Rabbit - high speed
Fox - thief skills
Flying Squirrel - gliding
Mole - digging
Otter - swimming
Goat - climbing
Penguin - cold resistance
I don't think Aoba fully understands how kissable her tummy is.
I don't think Aoba fully understands how rapeable her body is.
I would ditch otter and have penguin be swimming too.
Let's not rape, please. Gentle cuddles and butt stuff are permitted.
>not making more than part time workers hourly
How long until Aoba starts to prostitute herself? I bet she can fetch good money with that childish body.
As a matter of game design, having to get a new costume to unlock an area is normal; Otter gets you across the river, Penguin gets you across the iceberg. But how does she get through the volcano? Dragon?
Penguin - cold resistance and swimming
Otter - rape baby seals
Does any of you have a stitch of sexy-devil Aoba from the latest episode?
Takotsuboya doujin when?
Literal semen demon
Ty nerds
I hope you star in a doujin by atte7kusa one day.
If Fox is thief, then what is Ferret/Wesel?
People should have just ignored this thread given how it was started after the other one and the person who made it was the Nene-hating namefag, but autism is an unstoppable force.
Apparently, Ferrets are the masters of running through narrow pipe.
>wagamama body
Why is Kou so handsome?
I want to flip her skirt
And then encourage you to look?
My wife Aoba is so cute
>Literally Kirby
She signed a contract that includes free OT, it's her own fault.
t. full time employee in Japan that makes OT too.
I'm sure they're paid OT.
The difference is that part-timers earn by the hour, and thus every extra hour would make them earn more.
The problem with Aoba's choice of a profession is that she cannot become independent, since I don't think games' character designers can go freelance that easily. Well, she could always design for other things, and likely make some good money.
A remarkably large amount of game development labour is freelance.
Hell, damn near every art-related field can be done freelance. You just need a damn nice portfolio to be a desirable selection for a character design contract, and there's never a shortage of competition.
I heard somewhere that Unpaid OT is supposedly Illegal in Japan, but some companies/people use the whole seniority/hierarchy to get workers to get people to do it anyways. How true would that be?
>A remarkably large amount of game development labour is freelance.
In Japan?
Why was Hifumi twitching?
Twitching was a poor choice of words. Trembling probably would have been a better word.
bikubiku is like the sound of one shaking in fear.
Nice Sansha reference
>Why isn't this a real game?
Monster Hunter
Megaman/Mighty #9
Taking the abilities and look of someone you kill is pretty standard video game trope.
>Aoba will never be your mom
why live?
I'd rather her be my cuddle-pillow.
I want her to be my Onee-chan.
Whoa, this bitch is fucked up.
Hifumi is a masochist!
>you will never feed aoba with hifumi
I generally don't like aged goods, but I would enjoy this cake any time.
Not Nene's fault when Aoba is a cunt. And Aoba is also ugly as fuck. And her character designing also sucks.