Oreimo is more physically painful to watch than Watamote. It hurts

Oreimo is more physically painful to watch than Watamote. It hurts.

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Worst girl wins: the anime.

Read the novels, the anime is shit.

Nice quads but you are so wrong, Kirino is by far the best girl.

The anime is that bad? I think that if you turn a blind eye to incest it is average.

Well fuck me, I liked it after picking it up again.
It's really cute if you ignore most of the tacked on harem bits.

Yeah hits too close to home.

It was painful to watch because I knew it was going to end. The series, not the love between them. Too beautiful.

>Read the novels, the anime is shit.

What? Does the novels have a different end to the anime? If not they're shit as well.

>I knew it was going to end. The series

But user the Nips always spoiler their animes in the title.

You fucked your sister?

Read the pastebin. I'm on my cellphone so I can't post it, you should easily find it in the archive.


I meant that I didn't want to run out of episodes to watch

>worst girl wins
Anime should have ended when he got with kuroneko tbqh

Fuck off.


Do some people actually unironically hate Kirino?

Then don't watch it, maybe it's not for you


user I watched it about 10 times now, and it gets better every time. little Sis is best waifu

Retarded crossboarders like him often do. Easily recognizable by their use of stupid abbreviations and lack of capitalization/punctuation. There has been some falseflagging too recently, no idea why over 3 years after the ending.

How can anyone watch the anime and think Kirino was anything but a fucking cunt

Now I didn't read the books and I heard that she's a lot better in that so fair enough. However if you've only watched the anime you must have some serious masochistic tendencies to even just appreciate her

I watched the anime before reading the novels and I liked her.

That's quite the logical falicy there (to assume that someone has massicistis tendencies solely based on the fact that they found something to like about Kirino)

Why would anyone do that? Kirino is clearly just conflicted with her feelings for Kyousuke. The fun thing is, if it wasn't for Manami, they would've probably ended up as normal siblings.

Manami is the hero we deserve.

Well, even with Manami they could be good, remember the good route.
The incest route is a result of a many events.

Being conflicted with one's feelings and being a bit rough around the edges because of it is one thing, being a massive cunt is another

I appreciate a tsundere, I really do. But this is way past the point of being cute

Fuck off.

Read the short story "My black haired little sister can't be this cute", they'd be normal siblings with a good relationship.

Manami literally made it possible for Kirino and Kyousuke to have romantic feelings for each other.

But Kirino actually had a ton of dere moments through the series.

Which ones? The one when she's comforting Kyousuke because Ruri broke up with him? The billion "woah dude look she's a girl but she plays eroge" scenes?

>asks him not to make fun of him after finding out her secret
>the whole first meet-up thing
>their moment in the cafe after Kirino ran out of the house after being found out
>Kyousuke: "Why is all this eroge little sister themed?"
the whole moving to America thing

And that was just the first season. Well, most of those probably aren't really "dere", but more like her shell cracking little by little. I pulled these out of my ass btw so I might've remembered something slightly wrong or missed something.

But the point is that it's silly to hate a character because muh over tsundere

This is of course biased, but I found Kirino's tantrums extremely cute


>But the point is that it's silly to hate a character because muh over tsundere

Because Kirino isn't really a mischievous tsundere cf Asuka for example. Nothing against her. She, too, had her complex motives. She just has hard time trying to hide her feelings.

You know, that's not really my problem with her. I like tsundere. It's just that to me she doesn't really seem to fit the tsundere character until like the last two or three episodes.
I did try to rewatch the series with an open mind too, seeing as so many people were happy with the result and I thought maybe I was biased because I was rooting for Kuroneko. I still found myself wanting to strangle Kirino after a few episodes, she's just that infuriating to me

That's mainly an anime only problem. You are meant to dislike her at first but come to appreciate her more and more as she develops and you learn more about her. The anime miserably failed to capture that. The LNs are absolutely crucial to understanding the characters and story.

I did mention that there

Well, don't hate on her or the story then, you are the one with the wrong impression. Read the LNs or not, but nobody here really cares about the anime. It's just a bad adaption.

I'm allowed to hate a character from an anime I watched, DAD

Seriously though, I didn't like the story enough to make the effort of reading the LN, especially if kuroneko doesn't win

>my little sister can't be this cute
>someone else than imouto winning

Yes but your opinion doesn't really count as the anime is a shit adaption. I'm sorry but that's just how it is, if you even want to discuss anything Oreimo related you basically have to have read the novels.

> especially if kuroneko doesn't win
Why the fuck would she win in the source material? That makes no sense and it would be stupid as hell.


Kirino is a miracle of the universe.
I love her, Sup Forums.

My opinion counts when discussing the anime, which is what most people do anyway

>Why the fuck would she win in the source material? That makes no sense and it would be stupid as hell.
What? I didn't imply the ending would be different

As I said, "nobody here really cares about the anime. It's just a bad adaption". The people who care about Oreimo have all read the LNs.

>What? I didn't imply the ending would be different
Yes but it's kinda retarded to think it would be different in the source material, especially given how shitty the anime treated the story. The anime staff probably would have went for the non-canon Kuroneko, good thing based Fushimi was there.

I love how the the filthy cat losing comes up a good nine out of ten times when people list their complaints about the series. Disgusting, retarded shippers.

>it's kinda retarded to think it would be different in the source material
Good thing I didn't do that then

Why the fuck would you even mention that then Read up on the actual story or go away.

>based Fushimi was there.
One of the greatest writers of our time.

Mention what? I only said I didn't enjoy the series that much and kuroneko not winning made it even worse
Why are you getting defensive over chinese cartoons jesus christ

I don't really hate Kuroneko. I actually respect her deeply and feel pity for her for neglecting her own feelings for Kirino and Kyousuke to have each other.

You're one of the "it was her plan all along to get them together" idiots?

I'm not even a Kirinofag and I fucking hate her. She should have stayed the fuck away.

You know what? Fuck it, I'd be ok with pretty much all the retarded shit she pulled as long as she was honest about trying to steal Kyousuke and stopped after being rejected.


>bumping this shit

>Read the short story "My black haired little sister can't be this cute", they'd be normal siblings with a good relationship.

Ah, a world where Kuroneko can win. Not bad.

Actually it is Manami who is more likely to win in this timeline.

it was hard to watch because kirino is a thankless bitch. Kuroneko is the best waifu material, because she can cook, take care of kids and cosplay and pretends she lives in a world of her own which is cute.

Of course Kirino had to win because sibcest and I think that's fine. BUT KURONEKO IS BEST WAIFU

I'm conflicted because she's a rabid cunt who ruined a sibling dynamic and was physically violent after she lost, but she is the reason Kyou and Kiririn got together in the first place

>t. tfw-no-imouto

you didn't ask your parents nicely for one.


Is this a Kirino thread now?

How would their parents feel if they moved in together as husband and wife?

They're already married. They went to the church and kissed and everything. And they live in the same house.

And they have the same family name.

yeah they're totally husband and wife

>Implying it wasn't always a Kirino thread

>Have sister growing up
>Sister is a bitch
>Watch Oreimo
>Think i've found an anime with a semi-realistic depiction of a brother-sister relationship
>lol nope incest

Why do you value realism so much?

>implying sisters are for friendship

>Implying anyone would ever want to stick their dick in their sister in real life
Incest is cute in 2d but gross in 3d

There are. Let's not get into that though, Sup Forums isn't the place for this.

I don't, I'm just sick of nearly every single imouto I see being a completely unrealistic representation of what a sister is.
Oreimo could have been something different, like a show about two siblings reconciling and maturing in a non-lewd fashion, but instead it became a generic harem anime with added incest.

>forgeting about Ziploc-kun


I know about Redline imouto, OHB, Ringpop and Car accident user. Who is ziploc kun? Another hero?





Quads don't lie. Kirino sucks.

Well she had to win because it's incest. Replace kirino with kuroneko and this anime goes up to 8/10

Anime kirino is a bitch all the way through. Novel kirino is an irredeemable cunt in the first four volumes and just annoying for the rest of the story. I still don't understand at what point you're supposed to forgive and like her

You deserve a gold medal for that post. Couldn't have said it better myself.

>Car accident user

You know, I've never managed to find any archives or screencaps of Car Accident user's story.



back when i was 22 i fucked a 15 year old because she looked like kirino to me!

I need more pics of her in this pink outfit please

confirmed as fuck

Kirino butt is best butt.


A boy falls in love with his sister.

Unable to confess, he is gifted by a deus ex machina with his sister's phone number. Never minding the fact that it's different from the number listed on his phone, he immediately calls her, and is overjoyed to find out that she has a crush on him as well.

But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day's confessions to his sister, she only looks at him with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, he finds out that the girl he called is not the same sibling he fell in love with. In fact, she doesn't exist in this universe at all. She is his sister's alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with her brother, the MC's own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of her crush.

Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of INCEST.


best outfit

Stop posting that because it's already a thing.



perfect skirt for a quickie in Ruri's bathroom

>Keit愛 OST

OP: youtube.com/watch?v=ycfdfinG_P8
ED1: youtube.com/watch?v=hXDNGS9V4Us
ED2: youtube.com/watch?v=m4DyTjrruVo

OP Full: youtube.com/watch?v=4NShEKYoPXw
ED 1 Full: youtube.com/watch?v=IIX9aoN7g4o
ED 2 Full: youtube.com/watch?v=woiMYzVTl9c

>Keit愛 TVアニメ

PV: youtube.com/watch?v=JcVGDV67L-g
EP 1: youtube.com/watch?v=o_rz1bluG_k
EP 13: youtube.com/watch?v=JLUjMWRCzic