ITT: Overrated series
ITT: Overrated series
everything kyoani does..
Anything made in this decade.
>Mob Psycho
>Hunter x Hunter
Find more overrated series than these, I dare you.
First post best post.
>not shit
You fucking blew it OP
Your life OP
This series of "Overrated X" threads
I want my time back.
gurren lagann, not so good
Anything Tsurumaki's directed.
You can't /thread yourself.
Madoka is a favorite of pseudo intellectuals and grossly overrated.
I agree in the sense it chopped up the manga but it's still the only anime still animated completely on ones (24 fps)
does that mean they drew every single frame. if so; holy shit
I enjoyed reading akira. The anime is fun to watch even with normie friends.
>having taste this bad
Isn't it a favourite of yuri pedofags? No one on Madoka threads ever acts intellectual.
fuck Evangelimon
Close to biting.
Konosuba yea. Re:zero is actually underrated (on Sup Forums at least)
I'm a huge Jojo fan but the fact that it hasn't been posted yet is surprising
Should have been second or third post desu
That's because Madoka fans gave up on threads after crack-kun came and the only people willing to talk with him are tripfags.
Madoka threads were some of the best threads in Sup Forums's history when show was airing. Truly sad how things look now.
>Underrated on Sup Forums at least
Fuck off you dimwit
muh time warp
muh nonsense physics
which series though? Bake is alright but the rest are trash.
These, Legend of the Galactic Heroes, Gash Bell, Hokuto no Ken, and One Punch Man
Aria, an anime about nothing
100% this. Katanagatari is also grossly overrated.
I think people tend to think that overrated means bad. There's shitton of anime and manga that are good story and production wise, but are overrated as fuck
when did we start taking refugees from reddit?
I was thinking that he was talking about the manga
>40 threads on Sup Forums every sunday
Shoujo titles. Like Rose of Versailles, Oniisama E, Glass Mask.
>if somebody thinks a show I like is overrated they're from reddit
Butthurt, simpleminded Bake fans
just because you're not the target audience doesn't mean it's overrated
I am the target audience, but I still dont like them. They are not bad, but they arent that great either. Very generic, cheesy, melodramatic and cliche.
Go watch utena faggot
Ore Monogatari is worse desu
Yes, people are retarded and misuse the term. It always hurts when I see these threads and only a couple of posters using the word correctly.
It was underwhelming after Akagi.
please get some taste
Princess Tutu, The Big O, Utena, Rose of Versailles, Galaxy Express 999, and LotGH are all wildly overrated here. Almost every somewhat old, faux-obscure anime that was posted in 3X3 threads is seriously flawed or completely forgettable.
Gunbuster too.
Please learn what "overrated" means.
I wouldn't be so hasty with "wildly" but yes, they are overrated. 3x3 threads tend to make me cringe.
More like
>ITT: Things Sup Forums hates because they are popular.
Most of those except Tatami Galaxy, Ping Pong, Chihayafuru and Monogatari
More like
>ITT: Sup Forums shows off their superior taste
The manga or the anime?
Name a show Sup Forums unanimously agrees is good.
Now Akagi is certainly a series that is overrated.
I think i did
Ashita No Joe
Future Boy Conan
All shit.
Hare Nochi Guu
Samurai Flamenco
Elfen Lied
Only thing amazing about this show was the opening theme.
>I am the target audience
You must be 18 or older to post on Sup Forums.
I think the monogatari series are pretty overrated, and the movie was really bad. I enjoy watching Re:Zero, but the amount of people talking about it like it's the new Evangelion is just plain stupid, it's not that good. Gurren Lagann is pretty hyped. Spirited Away isn't as good as people want it to be (yes I know it's a movie). I also think Shirobako is a bit overrated, though I like many of the PA Works shows. Madoka is also a bit overrated.
Underrated treasures are Tatami Galaxy, Noien, Shinsekai Yori, Binbougami Ga, Hataraku Maou-sama.
>Samurai Flamenco
Other than that, yeah
>Shinsekai Yori
>Tatami Galaxy
Those are both very highly rated, and not underexposed either.
Mushishi is severely underrated.
Elfen lied is the worst anime ever made. You cannot name anything as bad as it.
The majority of harem
Fairy Tale
Current Simpsons
Log Horizon
Dragon Ball Z
Vampire Knight
Hellsing (not the OVAs)
Lucky Star
Honestly Elfen Lied is, if anything, underrated here. Bando was great.
This boring piece of shit.
Huh? Have you even watched Elfen Lied? I haven't watched it for ten years or something, but I pretty certain it wasn't worse than average. Afaik it was made by a hentai studio and had some low quality some places, but the story was rather nice (if a bit edgy).
here's your reply
Everything by Trigger.
As far as I know, none of those believe they are more than they actually are. Which Elfen Lied does. It is the non meme version of pretentious. For example.
>Lets make a bunch of fucking children kick a puppy to death, you know like children do. Isn't This characters backstory so sad? You should feel bad for her.
>Let's chop off all of this cute girls limbs in ridiculous blood explosions just for the sake of it. How sad :(((((((((
>This Moeblob was raped by daddy and mummy didn't care, now she eats crusts.
>Look at this generic anime protag! Everyone wants his dick, just like YOU viewer.
It pretends to be tragic and sad but just comes off as stupid in my eyes, you are supposed to feel bad for cute moeblobs simply because bad things are happening to them, not because they were well developed characters.
I'm not very good at articulating my thoughts, so if its unclear I apologize. And sure enjoy whatever you want or not but holy shit, I hate it.
Oh yeah and the only redeemable thing about it for me was the OP
I'm watching Uchouten Kazoku right because Sup Forums told me it was a hidden gem, but four episodes in now and it's kind of boring. It mostly seems like a /jp/ weeaboo show because of all the mythology, I guess that's one of the reasons they like it. Gonna finish it since it's a PA Works show, but I hope it gets more interesting.
It does in my opinion.
ok i just read the manga, which i enjoyed without thinking about if it was pretentious or not. I guess the anime was just worse.
On the subject of pretentious, where do things like steins;gate and mirai nikki go?
>Sup Forums worships the ground re:zero walks on
>underrated on Sup Forums
Elfen Lied was fucking awful. Not the worst ever made, but pretty damn bad and far below average.
Pretentious piece of shit.
>Dragon Ball Z
>Unbridled Opinions: The Thread
i mean it's definitely entertaining, but I wouldn't call it good. I think entertaining is the best word for DBZ.
I haven't watched Mirai Nikki but I've heard bad stuff, as for Steins;gate I would say it is simply over rated, I enjoyed it but its not a favorite and I didn't feel an air of pretentiousness to it, if thats what you want to know.
Which post upset you, cutie? Don't worry, I'll protect you from those rude contrarians.
The manga for Mirai Nikki was pretty nice. I haven't watched the anime though, it's kind of boring watching an anime for a manga you've already read.
Meant for
i dunno, sometimes it's nice to see your favorite moments, but in motion with sound and stuff. it's like re-reading but arguably better
Anything that was ever liked by anybody.