Am I going to like Prisma Illya if I'm can't into loli?

Am I going to like Prisma Illya if I'm can't into loli?

I'm sorry, I've tried. But I seem unable to. It just feels creepy and unrealistic.

read the manga.

Do you at least like Type Moon?
If the answer is still no, then odds are slim.

just like 90% of all anime, right?

I think you know what I mean specifically. I just can't suspension of disbelief in that regard

The only alright thing from Type Moon is Fate/Zero

Just like your sex life

neck yourself

No I don't know what you mean when you say unrealistic. Your autism is showing


Is magical girls creepy?
GET THE FUCK OUT magical girls are the best, the only thing I find creepy is those kidnapping lolis with their beer and classic rock.
You just never know

You might. There's more to that show than just loli fan service. You don't have to particularly care or know about any of Type Moon's prior stuff to digg it, either.

The anime/manga has a lot of cowtits/kyonyuu girls. They just aren't the center of attention like 99% of the anime.

Wait for Kuro and look if you turn into a lolicon for her

>creepy and unrealistic

good, fuck off and let other people enjoy it.

>Can't into loli

you'll not at first . s2 will make you lolicon

I am into cowtits/big boobs, and Kuro is easily my favorite character, but she is followed by all the big boobs Luvia, Irisviel, Leysritt, etc.

Reminder Prisma event starts tomorrow in FGO

you can get a free copy of Kuro by finishing the event

Event was written by Prisma author

>can't into loli

try using more lube

The target audience are little girls. I guess you're not a little girl.

Oh you are funny, what shojo anthology is the manga in?

Does Iri still breastfeed her daughter?

jesus fucking christ

>Prisma event
Welp there goes another 100 dollarydoos

Why would you pay for stupid phone games

why is silver link so shit? they ruined the fanservice for 3 seasons in a row.

Because I'm retarded

Will I be able to finish event if I've just started playing?


Yes, just beat the first area in the game first

>Not liking loli

Goddamn neo Sup Forums.



>No Miyu

Best answer.

But worm rape in Fate was not creepy and unrealistic? What about turning kids into gore umbrellas?

Fucking brutal

She's being saved for the end of the event (like DoH Iri) or a future gacha because she's story relevant here (like Ibaraki).

Quit talking to strange eight year old girls on your way home from work and use the buddy system between the time school gets out and bedtime and you'll be mostly safe. Stop making excuses and start making smarter decisions.

>playing FGO

It's one of the worst and most jew mobage on the market. No thanks.


No, it sucks even if you are into loli


>still being a normalfag
It's your loss.

>Sup Forums doesn't like loli anymore

It's time to throw out the trash.

Are human bodies burnable or not?

holy shit

OP isn't Sup Forums. OP is just a fag.

Fucking destroyed.


unfortunately there are more pedos on /a than ever thanks to /r9k spillover, new fag

I don't recall little girls being pedos or reading seinen manga

If Kuro and Illya can't break through your loli barrier then I'm afraid that you will never be into loli in any form.

>Bandwagoning mass replies to edgy, one-liner insults

This is the most reddit-like behavior that Sup Forums has, and it needs to stop. Two replies was all that post deserved. Everybody else is just trying to fit in because their lives lack meaning.

We had a decent loli thread just yesterday though

I don't think /r9k/ is the only board you can accuse of bringing in pedos, Sup Forums has Roll and Etna threads constantly, Sup Forums used to have the late night pedo threads, and even with that Sup Forums has always had more loli than /r9k/.

I don't browse there that often, but I rarely ever see /r9k/ threads dedicated to loli the way they are elsewhere. Maybe the occasional post in an /r9k/ anime thread, but it's nowhere near as widespread.

They're too busy frogposting and complaining about
>tfw no gf
to do much else.



it takes modern crematoriums about 20 minutes an hour to turn a body into ash.
It goes faster if they're fat.