Europe belongs to Muslims.
Europe belongs to Muslims
They're gonna turn it into a third world shithole like their home countries, and then we won't have anything nice except maybe Poland and most of eastern Europe.
Masallah soon brothers
mfw north america becomes more beautiful than europe
which countries in Europe haven't accepted refugees yet?
Denmark and Norawy seem to lack an awful lot of diveristy. This must be changed.
Gee, I wonder who's behind this post
No, not europe.
The world.
May Humanity dies, insh'allah.
Welcome to Paris desu
>aryan master race
gl hf
Dumb Amerifats not realising they are the Worlds laughing stock.
Nice divide and conquer schlomo
Nice try Vladimir.
Many muslims came here and many more left due to this place being too cold and racist.
Hell if i'd be the one to choose i'd suggest same to be done to sweden as they do with the border of russia or even worse let some jaeger firing squads take care of these invasions.
Obvious shill is obvious. Kys. I'll give you points for having somewhat of a hold on board culture. Lurk moar
White race is on the verge of extinction.
Get used to it and stop spreading hate.
You know who to blame this mess
people who spent their formative years getting blitzed on drugs and dancing in the mud at Woodstock
people who created concept of "white privilege"
And same people who grow up in a literally Norman Rockwell painting
Why do you hate dogs so much if you act and smell like them?
sorry, we're closed. come back in 70 years, when I'm not here anymore
Holy fuck that's disgusting. Why do the police allow them to litter like that?
poland and most of eastern europe is already a shithole, nice memes slavshite migrant
in FACT, the EU took a notable dive after it started accepting shitholes like Poland and East Europe, so why don't you think about that for a minute
if you're so proud of your country why do you hide your flag
>implying police are allowed there anymore
Fuck off weboo wanker. You are making zero arguments and you are only posting hentais. Get a life!
All you need to know is that your country is the least white country in the world. Dirty, smelly and rude people live there.