Please be quiet, snek and birb are sleeping
Monster Musume
Any illustration on how snake panties work?
I don't think so, but Kurusu said it was sticky when he got his hands on it. So I'd assume it sticks on.
Then again, Miia was on her first date with her darling at the time so she could have been the source of the stickiness
Do monstergirls only speak japanese?
No. They also speak the rape language.
dead thread
dead series
>tfw this shark will never nibble you
>Mako will never save you from drowning
Reminder that Polt has giant, meaty hands that are great for hand holding
Getting her pussy wet for the sex. Lamias are sex addicts.
>giant, meaty hands
Or for handjobs.
Or fisting.
Bet they're hard and covered in calluses
Doppel is the Superior Girl
I would honestly take Mako over some of the main girls. Living a life where her personality type and her physical needs are fulfilled (ocean access) would probably alter my life for the better.
Well, Miia got the letter from her mom via air mail.
So it stands to reason that she's actually foreign. Probably Greek, since that's where the Lamia myths came from.
But user, someone said they killed Polt last thread.
well, think that Papi's mom can't speak japanese very well and Papi had to learn japanese. I still don't know how
How do you kill a ghost?
The only way to deal with them is a proton pack to force them into a trap and put them in some kind of containment unit.
Put a name on so I can filter your posts. Please.
Is it a little weird to anyone else how the species of WATER BASED monsters is the most technologically adept of the whole crew?
How do we fix Cathyl?
>Cerea just got out of water
>her shirt isn't see-through
Shit's getting real.
maybe because she has a lot of money so she can buy those stuff?
Clearly it's not water, Suu has just acquired enough mass to fill the entire pool.
I think Miia's from the Gobi Desert or somewhere around that region.
Remove tsun, add dere.
It's a simple request since I don't care about zerg scans of a chapter we already know about i'm sure others feel the same. Don't be a dick about it.
>maybe because she has a lot of money so she can buy those stuff?
Yes, but my point here is that they're a water based species. How did they get introduced to technology given the inherent differences? How do they charge them? A dedicated room that doesn't go underwater? Who thought it was a good idea to give SEA MONSTERS electricity?
She's too broken to fix.
Cott and Ton trick her into telling Kaede that he's shit at milking her. He apologizes and vows to do better.
She stands!
Lala confirmed Reaper player.
Crabman gives you the opportunity to introduce a new girl into the series.
What species should it be?
We've already got two too many
Goodnight Sup Forums.
Sweet Lala dreams.
I've sunken really low this time huh?
We've got Smith, Ren, Tree Girl, Racist Woman, Egg Lady, Bean Curd Lady and probably others I forgot. Which two are too many?
Do what makes you happy, man. Don't let others take that away from you.
Not even that guy but you're really butthurt over something simple.
Racist woman and Smith_
It's definitely a salt induced name, but they're posting actual content instead of just more waifutalk. Even if we've seen it before it's still neat to see it again slightly cleaner.
It's basically a little talisman to get me motivated to do shit, like not sucking ass at Dark Souls.
Giving girls like Miia and Rach asses was a mistake. I'm disappointed in Crabman.
You're still an autist though.
The person asked for a name rather nicely. Some people just get upset for no reason.
I also don't care for these kimchi scans.
>Giving into autism
>Ceiling Papi is watching you fap
Zombina is the Superior Girl
A rotting corpse is not superior.
Superior girl would come first dude. You'll just have to try harder next thread!
Is it Bina time?
It's always time.
Of course
Always makes me laugh
Doppel is the Superior Edit
Post the Mega milk edit.
I have more of these than I should
Does the moonspeak explain why Mero's mom installed the suicide button?
Not at all.
Thicc, and muscular, and busty Komodo Dragon girl.
I'm extremely confused.
Obligatory edit.
Mero's mom gives Mero a drown all my friends button. Hmm, why would she do that?