Alright Sup Forums, theres too many shitskins on this board and we need to route them out.
Post pics to prove you're not subhuman
Alright Sup Forums, theres too many shitskins on this board and we need to route them out.
Post pics to prove you're not subhuman
Nigger nose pls go
my estonian gf
You're a nog
You look like you are somewhere on the spectrum
>this is actually OP
Whiter than you britcuck
Behold! The Master Race!
>still not white enough
this is what a white man should look like
Nice try, Antifa.
oh. satchi'd.
This is the best you'll get out of me.
Nah m8. I'd post a picture but I'm not that stupid.
> Nigger nose and lips
...'Mkey also
>rule 2
haha okay loser, go back to Pakistani-londonistan brownie, dont you have taxies to be driving?
either prove your white or fuck off
Living in Spain and when i was in hospital they wrote my skin as pale rather than normal. Fucking moors
There's ugly white people. No shit.
LMAO ALL SHITSKINS! HAHAHAHAHA Join the liberal agenda and screech autistically at the sky. I'm going to become a liberal and just let loose the most ridiculous shit in order to sabotage them. They already do it to us!
Thats bretty much wat I look like so Im good.
Could just be a friend
probably one of his friends or something
Fuck off slide thread sage
handsome and speaks german, but I'm pretty sure he's a kike
that shit is so cash
can't tell if this is satire
This is how your dna should look, for all you niggers out here.
Bix nood, quadroon.
you forgot to say shill
are you a white nigger OP?
im here to show you racists what a REAL white woman looks like
I'm scared to upload one in case someone recognises me, everyone knows my face.
>inb4 brown hair makes you a nigger
That dude shouldn't be posting his real face in here
don't be a pussy fag, i posted my picture
whats all this then aye
who did you kill to get this results?
Am I white enough Sup Forums ?
Are you 12 or something? What do you think Sup Forums could do with your photo besides print it out and masturbate over it?
show bob
Spread the boipucci, fgt.
I'm Algerian yet I have green eyes and pink anus
Am I wh*Te?
just look at my flag lads, no verification needed
I think the majority of Amercan "whites" will have a similar composition. Are we becoming a new phenotype?
t.albino nigger with down
why are your lips almost the size of your forehead?
Bavarian and Irish. Great combo!
typical subhuman kike wog crossbred
should he destroy his career by playing in the worst reviewed movie of the year too?
no, you are inbred part negro roach that should be gassed, or at very least die in some terroist attack
North African/Southern European = part nig
Today I saw a photo of a friends mom who is Algerian and she could have passed as a northwestern European. I was surprised to find out she is fully Algerian too.
they are not that big :(
OP is the alt right in a nutshell
Lol France is fucked
Yes, the real master race.
Yeah, I'm not taking anything under 1% seriously.
north african amazigh can easily look white
shut up I have green
>pink anus
If i saw you would think you were an Italian. definitely white
You mfkers are nothing.
You have :
-no style
-no testosterone
-no courage
-no interest for reading
-no attitude
-no ability to reproduce but only to masturbate
-no job
-no influence
-no muscles
-no psysical condition
>pic related
You can have me as a girl using FaceApp
White master race checking in
Holy shit OP that's really you? No way.
is it true you turn into niggers when the moon is full?
you have nigger ancestors and inbred genetics that make you inferior to Southern Europeans, Jews and even East Asians. Already quite a scummy bunch
Think about it...... your ancestors were some subhuman that they mated with nigs
Jeeze, i'm like confirmed 1/7th or some gay shit native and even I look whiter then some of you
Your skin is a bit too brown