How does it feel to have shit minorities americunts?

how does it feel to have shit minorities americunts?

we got based jew hating minorities here, making jew hate spread much more rapidly than in cucked america

inb4 "sven rape nation n1 rofl kys"; we will get rid of criminals soon enough, you'll see

inb4 "fock moslems they terror";
only retarded americunts who never even talked to a muslim belives this

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Feels bad man. We could actually use muslims to uncuck the major cities of our country.

American blacks hate jews. All of them. American blacks know that the jews control the banks, and the banks won't give an American black a decent loan so he can get his teeth gold plated. Damn fucking jews!

Seriously, America blacks hate jews, towel heads, Asians, Mexicans, and every group on the planet. And they hate them more than they hate Whitey, cause Whitey is dumb as shit and lets Blacks live off Whitey's money (welfare, Medicaid, food stamps, section 8 housing, etc).

Brought to you by: Know your blacks

muslim hate need to stop in america, they're not even on your continent

i know a lot of blacks are aware, but they cant affect shit

blacks never had their whole families killed by kikes or kike-american-puppets, their hate will never be strong enough

americunts cant even understand

>you'll see
The Swede mumbled for the next 15 years

>Muslims are really great, guys
Fucken pottery

I guess OP is Iranian.