New volume preview is out.
Spice & Wolf
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Did she died?
from childbirth yes
Mini Horo.
Myuri a cute!
No way, seriously?
It's sad.
The last 2 generations of Japs have lived without their parents because "work" so now they can't write fathers and mothers to save their lives.
I would've been OK if he killed her off for cheap drama (as if this LN series need more cheap drama) but it's because he can't imagine what a mother and a father that spend time with their kid are actually like.
The degeneracy of "modern" life.
No, it's just a ritual where they pretend someone is dead and make a mock funeral where they say all sorts of nice things for them.
Eh, those Spring Log chapters that got released online a while ago are part of this new volume or standalone web teasers of sorts?
This is shit and the author should kill himself for even thinking of such a storyline.
>horo dead
Series dead.
How are you so certain that's the reason?
You serious mate?
What's the last anime or manga or LN you've read or watched with both parents taking care of their kid?
Does it even fucking exist?
Both of my parents spend more than enough time with me when I was a kid and they are both great.
I'm 30 now so I guess I'm one of the lucky few who didn't get fucked over from liberalism.
On the other hand I've noticed very often the mouth breathers screaming projection in this board are typically the ones projecting.
While I personally think that reason is plausible, it doesn't mean it's the only one. I was asking if you have any evidence that is not based on personal speculation or conjecture.
There's one which is pretty entry level, user.
No wolf ear?
Pretty sure it's already known that she is alive and that this was a fakeout.
She will return
Look mom I posted the meme again.
Hiding them.
But she's alive, what the fuck are you talking about.
Not to worry.
Lawrence will set on a journey buying and selling light orbs to bring her back.
What? I don't get it.
He only needs 15 orbs.
Horo is fine, you can't see it but she's wagging her tail
Who is that, her boyfriend?
Jesus, that's that Cole nigger, right? Don't tell me he's the male lead now.
Stop it, Holo rolls way better off the tongue
Wasn't that 13?
They can't be easy to obtain, though. Gotta make sure some DRAMA takes place while he asks now cake Norah to help him crash some fur market or something.
>On the other hand I've noticed very often the mouth breathers screaming projection in this board are typically the ones projecting.
Oh fuck, you got me. I wish my parents spent time with me.
Anyway yeah, I can see what you're saying about the whole parents in anime thing. I'm pretty sure there have been shows recently with parents (this season's barakamon, whatever it's called, for example?) but I did have to stop and think for a while to find one. Recall also that a couple of generations back was WWII, so yeah, that supports your theory. I don't think I agree 100%, but I can see why you'd draw a connection.
dear god no. Fuck that kid.
That faggot ass kid that follows Korbo and Lawrence around for two thirds of the novel.
So I guess it's more of an adopted older brother soon-to-be-boyfriend.
Why isn't that twerp in a monastery somewhere yet? Or better yet, in a fucking ditch.
Col feeds from your hate.
I can't read this shit.
Someone already translated it, just google.
She is not dead, by the way.
Told you niggers, mock funeral. Weren't any of you here for the previous threads?
holy shit no, i missed it
not fun, saying that she died like that
I'm done. I am so beyond done.
>user's imported the ln's from Japan so this could happen
Hey, fuck you, you didn't screencap my
>It's cake Norah time to shine. Rejoice.
clever comment.
>Sup Forums says the collector's novel will sell out last week
>hasn't sold out yet
>no one's going to be buying 2000 copies of this shit
Just wait for the prices to come down you dumb niggers.
Myuri is already cuter than her mom.
No character will ever top Korbo's cuteness, not even her daughter.
this man knows his shit
>hasn't sold out yet
How do you know that?
How do you know that those who are pre-ordering now won't receive a "sorry, we sold out" email when confirmations start to arrive.
We just don't know, user. We simply don't know.
She's just a fluffier white haired Korbo.
This is old and had been translated you retard.
>White hair
>Better than Korbo's Auburn colored hair.
Shit taste.
Bet you love listening to Linkin Park you edgy fuck.
It's silver, you dolt. Silver is top tier hair color.
Wrong you edgy bastard.
White/Silver/whatever is the opposite of edgy.
It's the color of Sephirot. And that character is the quintessentially edgy.
Next you'll tell us Solid Snake is edgy as well. Go back to bed, kiddo. School's starting soon.
Link please, I missed that threads because I was too busy in the "made for breeding" threads, sorry.
You're trying way too hard there.
Wait, what? She died? What a fucking hack.
Wait, what the fuck? She'd already popped out like a hundred babies before.
Why the fuck would she have problems now despite being an experienced mother?
It was a big baby.
Read the thread, she's alive dickhead.
Like losing all respect for the author and series.
This fucking thread, I wonder how many times we can keep doing this and how many times Sup Forumsnons will briefly lose their shit over it.
I'm just glad there's more content.
Might as well just sit back and enjoy it a little while longer before everyone gets on the same page
Are we talking about Dragon Balls or Clannad's light orbs?
More like loosing faith deserves the ultimate shame.
So, when is the translation coming out ?
damn this looks fucking gay
>collector's edition is cheaper on my native amazon
Is it safe to switch my preorder
Divine preference
Looks like the price of the collector's edition on amazon went down to $135. Still not as cheap as it is on rightstuff, dunno if it'll go down more or what.
>All this hating on Cole
You're a bunch of retards, Cole didn't do any cockblocking, it was literally just Holo using him to stall her relationship with Lawrence.
Cole was a decent character that introduced some interesting dynamics to between Holo and Lawrence, plus the novel really needed another permanent cast member at that point (Novel 6 or 7, don't remember which one).