Koe no katachi

This anime really made me sad for days after reading it. I've been so freaking depressed. I am deaf in one ear so this actually hit close to home.
The only person I really hated was Ueno. She keeps abusing Nishimiya, like it's actually her fault that shit happens and she doesn't feel feel ashamed for beating up a deaf girl. And Kawai was a bitch too, for always making ishida the only bad guy. He was shit but they didn't have to crucify him every time. Fucking bitches are always the worst shits.

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Doesn't this manga basically say it was the girls fault for being bullied and is filled with other great "japanese philosophy"?

I only read the one shot


>this actually hit close to home

Same, I've been "hard of hearing" since a very young age

>This anime really made me sad for days after reading it

This manga was mediocre, anyway.

No, and I'm not sure where you got that.

to make matters worse, a guy in highschool screeched in my good ear as hard as he could. He was sorry once he realized I was basically deaf for 45 minutes but he's probably done permanent damage because sometimes I get tinnitus.

>Doesn't this manga basically say it was the girls fault for being bullied and is filled with other great "japanese philosophy"?

No. You might have misunderstood some of the parts about how she feels like she's a worthless burden and everything is her fault.

The reader is not meant to agree with her. Rather, the author is trying to help the reader understand how disabled people (especially kids) can wind up depressed.

The one shot was garbage.

I can only accept this if you think the serialization was worse.

>see trending news story of kid being bullied because he was deaf
>had his backpack and all of his belongings dumped into a toilet
>immediately think of Koe no Katachi
Damn, people are fucking cruel.

not him but, both are weak. in fact, I really hate when people say "oh, the one-shot is much better". the girl was abused, years have passed, the bully finds her and apologizes, she AUTOMATICALLY accepted. wtf

I would really like to find a manga with a more realistic approach about bullying, but for now I only found these melodramatic bullshit.

Please, lurk more.

in the beginning she didn't know she was hated so she liked him

>Damn, people are fucking cruel.
yep, but WHY? that's the question koe no katachi ignores because it was only concerned with shock value.

>No, and I'm not sure where you got that.
It's like that in the one-shot

same as above

You have some weird reading of it, then.

is still bullshit. and in the serialization gets worse: she confesses to him. the guy finds her, apologizes and some chapters later she was saying "AYE LIGE YEW". I expected a gradual involvement, after all, people who suffer from bullying are insecure and do not trust easily in others. but the author prefers soap operas, unfortunately.

>that's the question koe no katachi ignores


I mean, I don't want to go all "2deep4u", but it looks like half the fucking story just flew right over your head. God, no wonder you didn't like it, you had no idea what was going on half the time.

Maybe you'd be better off reading political cartoons, where everything is clearly labeled.

it was explained. They think the disabled person is being a burden on purpose. Dragging the class down. They think the deaf person can JUST be normal if they tried.

please be joking

>Why Ueno mistreats Nishimiya?
Just because. She is a jealous child, anyway. (Wow, very deep).
>Why the teacher is a son of a bitch?
Just because (Wow, I'm drowning in the deep).

The only bully receiving a deeper treatment is the MC.

>some chapters later
An interesting way to say "a third of the entire series later".

He didn't say it was deep, nigger. Learn to read. Also learn to type in English without making mistakes every four words.

Shouko was a mistake.

so does the MC kiss or confess to Nishimiya?

you know why it is easy to tolerate the MC, but not ueno? both were bullies. but he was developed, she doesn't. ueno is just that kind of character that the author uses to make a point, to make drama. a plot device.

>Maybe you'd be better off reading political cartoons, where everything is clearly labeled.

Of course, in fanfictions.

she wasn't*

They're pretty lewd in the last chapter.

That doesn't mean it's deep, that means you're retarded.

people like her exist though. They don't ever develop

>Sup Forums - katawa shoujo & Blogs

i'm not talking about maturity. i'm talking about exploring the nuances of the character. ueno has none. she exists only to be a bad bitch.

I just wanted it for nishimiyas sake. She deserved to get what she wanted considering how much she suffered.

pic related

You know those movies that use serious subjects to get Oscars, those that the mass likes to say it is realistic despite being shallow? Movies like The Help or The Blind Side. Well, Koe no Katachi is the manga version of these films.

When is the movie coming out anyway?

11 days

How big of a hit is it expected to make?

I dunno.

You must have an idea.


I always feel bad reading such news stories and wonder how can the world be so cruel to cute girls. But then if I see a picture of the victim and see they are just a 3D person I completely lose interest.

From a few days ago. Warning: spoilers. And triggering.


i couldn't watch more than 60 seconds without tears in my eyes


Fuck. doesn't feel good but at least I know I can still feel

Kids are real fucking assholes holy shit.
All the mad is coming back to me.

Is this SJW: the anime?

I'm fucking interested now. I will watch this.

So you're saying what she goes through is okay?

Both of you kill yourselves.

and people say knk is not emotional manipulative

literal autism

Reminder that advocating bullying is not cool. And you don't fit in if you do it.

Everything is manipulative to some degree.
Even the shit you like is intended to manipulate your emotions. You feel good after watching some shit tier animu, right? Well, they're manipulating you because it's making you feel something that otherwise you wouldn't feel.

>anonymous imageboard full of single adult men who barely interact with society
What are you even doing? Go try to effect social change on Facebook or something.

I love this manga.

Is this some show for middle aged women? Why is the studio full of flowers and shit?

This is my world. I want to keep it nice and kind.

No you don't.

>not liking flowers

Your taste is shit.

Very nice manga. I love it

To think her dad and grandparents hated her too. Poor thing.

Ugh, this thread stinks of tumblr.

Financially it'll probably be average but what's exciting is that Koe no Katachi is offiically being sponsored by MEXT, the Ministry of Education and other things that have a T in them.

It's going to be in every single school across the nation minus university to promote anti-bullying and anti-suicide.

Also KnK is going to have an advanced screening at the Tokyo University of Art and Design's school festival.

I like how normally the people in the boxes go "ohhh, sugeee" at everything but this time they're dead silent and look like they're about to fucking cry.

PTSD probably


yeah, you're right, BUT, there is a thing called subtlety. our suspension of disbelief is connected to it. so if I realize you're manipulating me, it means you've done the wrong way.

This is great.

But the teacher wasn't a dick "just because". When the protag said that he didn't do anything the teacher said that he was going to learn a lesson, this is a thing he said before and after. Showing that the teacher knew at least to some extent what was happening and wanted to teach the MC a hard lesson. Read the beginning again.

>Financially it'll probably be average but what's exciting is that Koe no Katachi is offiically being sponsored by MEXT, the Ministry of Education and other things that have a T in them.
>It's going to be in every single school across the nation minus university to promote anti-bullying and anti-suicide.
if the government supports, it is shit. it is one of those works made to help people. the entertainment becomes background.

You're trying to manipulate people to think that just because you think some way then you're right. But you're doing it wrong, your're not being subtlety.
Stop trying to manipulate people on thinking that you're not a retard, because you are, a big one.

The romance was literally the only interesting thing about that shit. The bullying melodrama was awful (outside of the one shot. )

Jesus christ at least give some warning before you post that

KnK was literally a oneshot made to help people

What romance?

>This anime
the anime is out already?

KyoAni is literally going to shape the future of Japan

Haven't you heard about it?

and I suggest you to read the rest again. don't you remember how he treated ishida when they met years later? the teacher is a very cold person. he sees the boy as a burden. he's just there to represent educators who ignore when a kid has problems. so he's like that for the sake of the plot. an unilateral character with no nuances.

I didn't know it aired already

They've gotten so far.

>cute girl, moe design, insecure, who loves and helps everyone. plus: she is deaf.
>the world hates and mistreats her.
>this happens in 90% of the scenes
these are facts. i'm not trying to change the thinking of anyone.

Nishimiya is hot and her deafness isn't genetic. She has super genes so that completely overpowers any message Koe no Katachi tries to make.

Any credibility of Ishida being genuinely apologetic or Ueno actually discriminating against deafness is severely compromised by Nishimiya being beautiful. You cannot rule out the motivations of a man wanting to fuck a beautiful woman, and a girl being jealous of said beautiful woman she was confirmed jealous of in middle school.

it hasn't you dork. the Movie is out on the 17th

but the op was talking about the anime.

what do you mean? I thought it was only a movie and a manga

Try /r9k/.

r9k? but all they do is whine about not having a girlfriend,
all day everyday.

You can get deaf by other reasons than genetics. Some antibiotics can make you deaf for example.

It's a movie. It's shown in theaters.

I think that it's a pretty interesting manga, because it shows how cruel kids can be to each other for no good reason what so ever. Kids are sort of small little sociopaths who don't know how much damage they can do.

Also all the hate on Ueno is kind of uncalled for, she's being afraid to get bullied to so she doesn't involve herself to much and she's jealous. Kowai doesn't necessarily do anything mean, but she doesn't try to fix anything either. I hope the movie tries to show their motivation and reasoning behind what they do better than the manga did, that's the most interesting part.

>katawa shoujo
If bully MC ends up with deaf girl in this manga/movie thing too, I'm calling all this anti-bullying crap bullshit.
Just your patterned romance shit.

>katawa shoujo

Shit tier
Mochi tier
Who tier
Waifu tier
Fag tier
Mum tier

Use the google.


ah so its going to take a very long time before we actually see a non camrip version of it.

I'm still not sure if this game is real or if it's just like that keit-ai meme.