Why is he so damn likable?
Why is he so damn likable?
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He's only likeable when he's bantering with Meebo.
because he's a cute nerd.
Most sheepfuckers from secluded country places are alright.
You just want to fuck him, right? Can't blame you.
Nah, he was great with both Lailah and Edna. Fujoshit goggles too tight
Sorey is not for sexual.
The important thing is that Rose needs to fuck off and die.
What? N-no.
user, sorey is too pure for lewd.
Meebo pls
>ywn be bullied by Edna
jdimsa. Meebo is lucky to have her AND Sorey.
Because he has a personality and interests outside of muh justice
He's alright. But he's my least favorite Tales MC in the past decade. Luke, Yuri, Kor, Asbel, and Milla are better than him. It's the writing's fault for making him nearly static throughout the whole game and doesn't really connect with anyone to develop his character.
Alisha a cute
Because you're a homosexual voyeur.
He's bland as hell.
Do i need to have played any of the games to watch this show?
You need to play all Final Fantasies first
>heard it in his voice
fuck, how many times does he say that?
It really caters towards people who have played the game.
Edna > all
Perfect husbando. Mikleo is stupid lucky.
Hail Edna, the greatest beauty in the century
>Sorey will never put his strong hands on your waist
stupid lucky Meebo.
I wonder if Eizen will let me marry her.
I would hail and princess carry Edna.
you'd have to let him punch you first.
Sorey is the lucky one who got a qt, perfect and eternally loyal waifu.
Punch-punch, or fiery punch?
they're both lucky desu
They are such close brothers
the closest brothers. kissing brothers
I'd say fiery punch, this is his precious little sister we're talking about.
Suffering Princess who Rose replaced.
Rose is cute too. I can never turn down a girl who dual wields swords.
I'll take it on the chin, I'll either die or survive and hopefully get some approval from Nii-san.
Can I take naps with him and use his stomach as a pillow? I'd be fine with that.
So how do I marry the onii-san instead?
that's acceptable but you'll have to fight Mikleo, he already uses Sorey's stomach as a pillow.
I think it's the heels.
I normally hate male leads, but he does nothing to me. It's like my brain thinks it's a girl.
I want to do naughty things to Magilou
Speaking of which they've really lessened her presence in the anime.
>Why is he so damn likable?
she's not really in the beginning that much, is she? mostly in Ladylake. i guess they cut out her boss fight. she'll probably show up in the next episode.
She's was in several scenes including in the meeting with Sorey and Bartlow, Ave several 2 boss fights but the anime removed most of her appearances.
Not that it's a bad thing mind you her appearances were forced.
Yeah, I'm really liking how they're going about things in the anime.
I thought this show would be garbage, but the visual FX are fucking crazy good.
The way they do water/particles/beasts. Really well done.
Her suffering face is cute.
Why does a princess wear this lewd clothing anyway?
>Bland McBland
knights have to be comfy under their armor, i guess.
Why are elves always 10/10 sluts?
She can't even hold a bowl of water. She should be glad she is the most attractive girl in the game.
I'm still waiting for this outfit
She is so cute when she is suffering.
They just are.
Berseria anime when?
This is an outfit optimized to make the enemy want to fuck you instead of killing you. Elf wisdom is really amazing at times.
Because his theme is healing.
Well, it's working. I don't know if that would make me her enemy or not though.
He's not too offensive or too cliche. He's smart and super pure and friendly to everyone. Ultimately did his job well all things considered. He is a loving husbando who came back to his waifu after centuries despite the odds of not remembering him.
To be stuck in a shit game with a subpar cast and atmosphere, he's perfectly okay.
Mikleo pls.
I will protect her smile.
>Sorey, Alisha and Zaveid all get themes
>Mikleo, Lailah, Edna and Dezel get their temple remixes as their themes
>Bazinga girls gets nothing
Sasuga, Baba.
Fuck off Mikleo, don't you have husbandofagging to do?
>mfw Dezel's theme
Journey's End is also considered to be about Sorey and Mikleo so all renditions of the song could also count as their theme.
why do you think i'm here?
Go please Sorey before he starts jerking off to ruins again, you lowlife
This thread needs more of the BEST.
i agree but you didn't post him
>Eizen will never punch you
You're conveniently ignoring Ludger and Jude.
>human boy
>seraph that used to be a human boy
>living together forever as seraphs
Fatebound from the start. I wish every story was so profoundly satisfying.
Nothing wrong with Ludger.
I actually like this anime a lot more than the game.
me too. i'm a little worried, though, because they're still covering the part of the game that wasn't that bad to begin with. i hope they don't fuck it up after the Hyland-Rolance battle.
Sleigh is cute, CUTE!
It's been nicely done. I won't drop it at this point but I wonder how they're going to include Rose or if they'll just keep her out of the way. I don't think they can get rid of her entirely but they seem to know that showing her doing shit means low ratings. I hope they just tone down the "Rose is awesome and everyone loves her" bits. She can be right, she can have cool moments, but she can't have the cast fellating her the whole damn time.
Berseria's getting a manga this fall. Hoping it'll be good and we get scans.
Is this yaoi?
Why does she replace Alisha? And does that really happen in the game? Everyone loves her or whatever?
It was a huge scandal that gave Zestiria horrible ratings in Japan. Basically the producer, Baba, really liked Rose's VA and dramatically increased her importance in the plot. As a result, a lot of players felt that the story after she joins is noticeably worse.
She is the true heroine,
the fairest in the land,
the queen we should all praise.
So please post more pics of her
Have heard the script was changed pretty late to include her or something.
So is there some interview with the story writer or leak of what they wanted to do with the story before Baba forced Rose in?
>So please post more pics of her
Your wish is my command.
>o is there some interview with the story writer or leak of what they wanted to do with the story before Baba forced Rose in?
I doubt they're allowed to explicitly say what the story was like (for now), but I suspect that the manga and anime are closer to the "original" story.
I'd sacrifice for that.
I knew that much, but what exactly does her character do to warrant so much hate? I hate Zestiria just for its vapid gameplay alone, but never knew what made Rose so bad. Is she just a Mary Sue or something? I have seen people compare her to Lightning, but Rose only has one game, you know what I mean?
Proto-Griffith NO!
Anyone have the picture of Lailah blushing with her hands on her face from the previews?
This one?