Has there ever been a more stylish anime?
Music, Art style, action, nazi vampires. It`s so fucking perfect.
Any similar suggestions?
Has there ever been a more stylish anime?
Music, Art style, action, nazi vampires. It`s so fucking perfect.
Any similar suggestions?
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Mob psycho
God will send a demon to torment you every moment of your life
Is Anderson /our guy/?
saw it mentioned alot here. Is it just some Sup Forums meme or is it really good?
Its picking up.
We'll see how they handle Drifters
It's just average. I wouldn't waste time watching it, and the threads are cancerous. Definitely stay away, even if you do end up deciding to watch it.
I`m curious. What does Sup Forums think about Hellsing Ultimate (compared to Hellsing for example)
Never read the Manga is it close to Ultimate?
tv > ultimate
Reminder that God himself is behind the anime OST.
To be absolutely fair, Hellsing has a short thesis on cultural philosophy expressed in the monologues.
The whole thing could be read a cultural comparison between Germany's attitude towards blood, relation and Schopenhauer and an anti-Nietzschean attitude towards humanity.
IT's got a lot of depth compared to "Oh yeah, we're german, we're nazis and we eat schnitzel and we're effeminate"
A lot of hidden bits too, like how Walter's attitude towards beating Alucard and giving up his maturity for his youth again can be read as a sort of analogy for the corrupting force of modernity as a tool for revenge by European nations in the late 19th, early 20th century
What was his end goal?
The story is average and boring sometimes, but the animation is truly amazing. Especially the way they did the eyes.
>the only song he posted was from the original TV soundtrack
>which is better
Fuck off, newfag.
To be nothing more than a bayonet
That ending gave me feels