>Soviets knew it was a coup [Page 3]
>LBJ was behind it [Page 5]
>Jews involved [Page 64]
>CIA infiltrated media, church and missionaries [Page 3]
>There were over 40 journalists working for the CIA in the media [Page 17]
>CIA-NBC connection confirmed [Page 2]
>two shooters, one escaped [Page 3]
>Missing file [Page 2]
>Rockefeller Commission: Oswald was an agent of the CIA or an agent of... [Page 4]
>Ruby and a communist police officer framed Oswald [Page 2]
>Oswald was a communist [Page 2]
>Oswald was never in Mexico [Page 38]
>people appearing in the Elena Garro scenario may have been CIA agents [Page 4]
>claims that Dallas Police were John Birch Society, Ruby shot JFK and then Oswald to tie up loose ends
>FBI knew about Ruby
thread theme:
/JFKG/ - John F. Kennedy Files General - Kennedy Babylon Edition
Other urls found in this thread:
first for dead kikes
Cruz is on trumps team now, they need time to scrub his dad from the archives
CIA niggers trying to cover their incompetence, and failure to catch the real killer of JFK.
/ptg/ replacement thread when?
Nice reading comprehension.
you have to go back
I don't know what to make of this (un)redacted section on crop destruction in Cuba. Has this been found yet? If they had these agents then, the ones they have now are 100 fold more effective.
The wall just got ten feet taller. Imagine if someone else had been the 45th POTUS, not a single JFK File would have come out.
now that you've gone back, you can never come back
take ur memefagpole and shove it up ur ass
A knife in your belly, and your screaming death. I look forward to sending your mother a video of you writhing on the ground with your guts twisted around my fairbairn sykes like spaghetti.
Entomological warfare is as old as time. They're discussing using bugs instead of (detectable) chemicals
Which might explain why Cuba became so determined that it's agricultural stay organic..
No chemicals, no CIA malfeasance...
Makes sense
meme blade
that's smart anyways. fuck (((monsanto))).
Do bugs count as WMDs yet?
As a descendants of Cubans I wish they did this, fuck Castro & his backers.
>hurr castro was anti globalist
No he just played for the communist globalists.
we need to recruit this one.
JFK happenings thread.
Weapons of Miniature Destruction
I went thru everything. it's nothing but boring bureaucratic nonsense.
shits getting slid hard
keep it comin boys
I didn't know shareblue hired cold steel the hedgheg
Trump demotivated all of us with that announcement that not all documents will be released, I know its not his fault but still, we just want to learn the truth...
Re: JFK Bulk Download
to me
Thank you for your request to download the 2017 release of JFK assassination files. Completely download all 11 files to the same directory then open to unzip all.
Download times by be significant due to the large size.
Report issues to [email protected]
There are supposed to be 18 files not 10
Change 1 to whatever
Who was the other shooter
Why is the date at the top 10/20/20 ?
the De Bruey memorandum....anyone seen it in the release?
So these are the new files then, the others are an old batch. Correct?
There's nothing but slide threads on the catalog trying to bury this.
Must be devastating information to have this many slide threads. Never give up.
Keep the general type threads going.
Well done.
/htg/ /sg/ and brit/pol/ and even/ptg/ should be keeping this going
>Lee Harvey Oswald interview as pro-castro advocate
To me its SO OBVIOUS he's working for the CIA here.
Bump. Took 4 pages to find this thread this morning. Getting slid hard
Hey lads, I've been super busy over the past few days. Personally, I believe this news to be bigger than Catalonia. That being said, have you found anything significant yet?
>game sales
>popular new show releases
Its like the world is sliding this.
We all know the juicy stuff was still kept from us.
That said (((They))) are scared because some autist might see some connection they missed in all of this dribble.
If I had the know how, I would translate all words, signatures, names and all those scribbles to identifiable and searchable text so that we could start to find connections between dates, names, locations etc.
>Why is the date at the top 10/20/20 ?
Cover page. Be autistic about texts not formalities
yeah the cia admits they knew of second shooter, Ruby's name was really Rubenstien, and the CIA is less competent than I ever imagined. Nothing some of us didn't already know though.
I don't get how this changes anything
I was also very shocked not to find this on the front page. Why the fuck is this not the number one thread? Instead we are seeing shit about Catalonia and the normal fascist bullshit.
Undercover CIA nigger journalists. There seems to have been a second shooter. Lee Harvey and Jack Ruby met days before the shooting
Also bump
So when you click that 2 shooter article its all been whitewashed. no page 3 anymore. Spooky or no>?
bump and catalonia
Here is my 2 cents about why there are certain papers not being released. This is just my speculation though.
CIA claim it is for national security reason according to Washington post.
>In a statement, the CIA said its redactions were meant to protect national security interests — the names of CIA assets and current and former CIA officers, intelligence-gathering methods and sensitive partnerships that remain viable today.
>Current former CIA officers
Now this is what I find fascinating. Officers would have to be around 60-70 years old or older now if they were hired by CIA around the age of 18 or so if this takes from the 60's?
What positions could current CIA agents be doing now that were agents back in the 60's that could blow their cover if they haven't retired by now and what would it risk if we knew names of agents?
>Sensitive partnerships
I speculate these partnerships are indeed with the news media. My guess would be that CIA agents are now a part in the news media giants high up on the ladders in charge of doing oversight on what information is actually allowed to be released before it can be reveled to the public.
We even have documents that say the CIA had about 40 CIA agents posing as journalists undercover. They could be agents that were posing as journalists back then and just rose the ranks possibly through out these years. Would be a problem if people knew that there were indeed a lot of CIA agents who have infiltrated the media today.
That might be why CIA are so worried about more info being released because it would blow how much involvment deepstate has on media possibly.
It's been known for a long time that the usa secretly dropped shit on Cuba to kill their crops and encourage famine.
I would not be surprised they did the same with North Korea in the 90s and elsewhere.
>CIA in media
we already know one of those names, it’s Anderson Cooper.
i agree, this is the direction i see this needing to go in as well
dirty MSM has always been dirtier than we even thought
it makes perfect sense since djt is ready to light the final fuse on the faggot news agencies
Pages 132-134
Johnson says its obviously Oswald but suspects a conspiracy of communists either Cuba or Russia.
Oswald barely recieves mail from family at US army training. Contacts Cuban Embassy to express communist sympathy Starts getting mail: strange Pamphlets, Visitors.
Exits military Early to Defect to Russia. Receives Visa for Russia in 2 days. No record of visa application. Speed of Visa suggests KGB are attempting to recruit.
(not noted in file: Oswald attempts suicide. Sent back with his wife. Prob dropped from program but heavily groomed for communism)
Oswald goes to Mexio to Cuban Embassy to obtain Visa to defect back to
Russia through Cuba. Password of Agent allows immediate visa approval. Visa is
denied by Cuban Embassy. Told to get Russian Visa first. Oswald then attempts to Contact
Russian Embassy in Mexico.Presumably told to contact Russian Embassy of his own country, Since then attempts contact with Russian embassy in Washington. End of contact. Presumably abandoned effort. (1/2)
But why male models?
Even if that is true that the CIA has embedded reporters working at national newspapers, how does that prove involvement with the deepstate? the CIA is run by the DCI who is appointed by Trump, the CIA are officers who risk their lives in service of the United States Government, Do you really think they would risk their lives for the oil or banking cartel?
The rest involves MLK BPP and evidence of Russian meddling of racial tensions.
Now what if Russia had MLK assasinated after raising racial attention to false flag is as a US gov. conspiracy. The same way they attempted to spin the JFK assasination to spark a race war in the US? What if this tactic was learned from the JFK assasination of divide and conquer, hence why these pages are included and classified here? 2/2
>The centre for the Study of the Presidency & Congress
Mr. Mahaffee
"Nothing to see here; just civil servants being boring"
This is shilling in UK tv.
nice work
Pretty sure the second shooter doc is just stating what a source said to them and not “admitting to a second shooter”
You guys are a little spergy
is this the latest theory?
>LBJ wanted "goddamn kennedys" dead
>Oswald+Ruby were boys
>Ruby+Police officer doublecross Oswald, kill JFK, get away
>CIA/FBI coverup to blame Oswald because real killer got away and Oswald was pseudo guilty anyways
Where I'm struggling is how the anti-castro, far right cubans + jews fit into the equation. My theory is that LBJ knew JFK was to be assassinated and instructed union bosses (Cruz) and (((Jews))) to attempt castro coup immediately following the assassination.
>We now have money (from Jews) AS SOON AS THEY DEAL WITH KENNEY
>"They" may not mean (((They))), but rather "until Kennedy is dealt with" kind of they
>inb4 I'm a kyke shill for suggesting (((they))) didn't pull the trigger.
Look the jews are behind every trigger that's ever been pulled and it looks like their hand played a role in this too, but this theory is the one that makes sense to me most right now and (((they))) only have a supporting role in this one
It still makes me laugh that Trump used his pro-CIA speech on 2nd day in office to bash the media
They also killed GLR
Oswald could have been both - AND working for the CIA as an anti-communist operative AND having sypathies for the Soviet Union.
In particular because of he had a Russian wife - he must have been pretty useless as an anti-cumminist operative - he could not be trusted. And that's why HE was choosen to be the patsy, perhaps Oswald really DID have sypathies for the soviets and the CIA knew about it, But does that mean he would not work for the CIA pretending to be American patriot?
No it wouldn't.
Isn't this literally proof that CIA controls the media?
I admit my post screams JIDF, but I assure you I'm just trying to put together the shit we've found so far into a narrative that holds water.
Truth is the jews are probably responsible, since they've been responsible for every war and political action since the beginning of time. Rothchilds run the world and write the script of world events. they want money, but more importantly the extinction of every non-jew race out there.
Jackie Kennedy delivered the last shot
Shooter was in the storm drain
Jack Rubinstein had heavy connections to the Mob and CIA drug trafficking
Kennedy double crossed the mob and by extension the CIA, so they tried to get him impeached with the Marilyn Monroe affair (meeting was set up by JFK's old pal and mob fuckboy Frank Sinatra.) After that failed spectacularly, they just decided to kill both of them.
look up operation mockingbird
kekd i was LARPing as a brainlet MUH JIDF person
>they want money, but more importantly the extinction of every non-jew race out there.
Disagree. They want the goyim to serve them like cattle. To that end, they want the extinction of any race that could possibly stand up to them in an organized way.
Jews intermarriage rate (not including the orthodox) is around 70%, guess they want to exterminate themselves too.
Oh yeah guess I must be JIDF too
>ze jews control everything meme
holy fuck no wonder all the interesting shit gets done on infchan
enjoy your circlejerk newfags
He was attending anti castro meetings. But I think it was as a plant. I think he was a pawn and you use the soft hand to foster organizations of discontent among the masses . Then somebody gets the bright Idea to take action and you can deny all conspiracy since you where just talking about ideas. Very similar to Stephen Colbert and Stephen Paddock if my assumption is correct of motivation.
It would explain why Jews had Oswald murdered if they where an opposing faction opposing the spread of communism.
Procommunism ANTI
commies the mob
Blacks Kennedy
Colleges The CIA
Jewish mob
Bump for GPs
But who are they marrying. Sure as hell isnt shit skins. They know they are inferior and need white genetics to become dominante
morning anons!
just woke up and am ready for more digging. I have been info dumping our findings out into the normie communities as far as my exposure will allow. godspeed guys, and does anyone have a section of docs that needs particular attention?
maybe you should study your enemy a little better, jews are intermarrying and walking away from their religion, it's not very important to them.
You guys know Oswald didn't do it, right?
His CIA history is a red herring. They set him up with all kind of shady connections (Soviets, pro- and anti-Castro Cubans, etc) to make him the perfect fall guy
I can't believe Sup Forums is unironically falling for "RUSSIA DID IT"
hey ivan
Meh im just jumping the larp wagon. Could give 2 shits about the jews. I just want to find the trators and have a good ol rope day
Always a leaf
Implying the Jewish religion matters to Jews. It's about the (((tribe)))