Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
Read the guide before asking questions.
Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
Read the guide before asking questions.
Other urls found in this thread:
You fucker
Which thread do I post in??
As cancerous as it is this one did come first
dang well your thread looks intimidating and scary
Scares away all the dekinais
not all of them
Yeah, you're still here.
i threw you that one as a consolation prize for your failed thread i hope you know that
Explain this, 僕 cucks.
I'm gonna start tutoring with some native Japanese lady to help me stay on track and learn things easier. She seems nice. She has a master's degree in Japanese and has been teaching for 24 years or something.
That wasn't me bro, notice the full stop
As much as I hate your banging threads I appreciate your sportsmanship
1 is regular boku 1 is lower level boku
doesnt matter to me youre all the same guy to me
except my friendly allies they know who they are
>僕 *bˤok 仆 pú This servant (male) Literally, "charioteer"[1]
Ancient way for commoners to refer to themselves in front of nobility, a kind of 謙譲語. Literally referring to yourself as "your servant/this servant."
Thank you, I am an idiot.
To the other person who is thinking of looking for IT jobs in Japan,
They do need bilinguals. I'm only between N4 and N3 and they still have plenty of jobs in that area, even better if you have had work experience.
Of course now the jobs are just jobs that appear, but if you aim job season you might have a good time.
also rakuten is hiring entry levels if you want to try, 15-20 positions last I checked, I tried to apply but my cat fucked my code task up
Well I dunno if I'm arguing against the same person here but you can't post a quote from a Wikipedia article claiming that subvocalization is physical and then ignore the fact that the article also says it's normal and impossible to completely remove. I dunno where you got this definition of "real" subvocalization you're referring to.
when she asks you why you're learning japanese, tell her it's for the cute girls
Ask her to always refer to you as おにいちゃん
i would just take a philosophical approach and say that because japans population is declining this is the way nature works to ensure survival of the japanese people
we all laugh now but in 200 years the gaijin repopulation effort will go down in history as what saved japan feel free to save and quote this in 200 years
So for you dudes making DJT threads on Sup Forums like like your while laife?
i make a thread sometimes and i post in it
i even post in threads i didnt make
Yes you can. Wikipedia is stew. You literally have to vet the references of every statement in a wikipedia article in order to avoid misinformation. The wikipedia article is literally two different topics that are being forced under the same term, and it extensively references very unscientific studies that don't control for all influencing factors.
Yes, this is affecting the definition of "subvocalization", but as it was coined and exists it's not "reading aloud in your head", which you can't remove, but just "your throat makes faint vocalizations of what you're reading", which automatically goes away when you're literate if you're neurotypical.
>tfw my country's population increase for the past 16 years consists of 100% immigrants
I guess Japan could do the same.. but the country would change fundamentally and I don't think I'd appreciate the change. Oh well.
This is a nice rec image, I like the colourful background.
Why aren't you reading Japanese websites already?
検索 けんさく search
詳細 しょうさい detailed
動画 どうが video
音楽 おんがく music
歌詞 かし lyrics
台詞・セリフ せりふ script
画像 がぞう image
地図 ちず map
番組 ばんぐみ program (tv)
掲示板 けいじばん BBS, forum
実況 じっきょう (real condition) a let’s play type video
広告 こうこく advertisement
設定 せってい settings
会員登録 かいいんとうろく membership registration; subscription
ログイン login
ロフアウト logout
次回 じかい next time
自動的 じどうてき automatic
利用規約 りようきやく usage agreement
投稿 とうこう contribution, submission
生放送 なまほうそう live broadcast
お知らせ おしらせ notice
一覧 いちらん at a glance, summary
最近 さいきん most recent, nowadays
翻訳 ほんやく translation
情報 じょうほう news, information
安全 あんぜん safety
japan already wants to be white its only a matter of time
not to mention that a lot of the references on that page are literal speedreading pseudoscience that uses jargon like swords
Which one of these do I use for JAVs
You can't use Wikipedia to back up your assertions and then claim other people's assertions can't be backed up by the same source because it's unreliable. That's asinine. So far you've just made a lot of statements without proof and the only source that's been referenced disagrees with you.
>like like your while laife?
Thank you. I didn't know 実況 じっきょう was translated to real condition. It makes much sense now.
It's not the same source. Wikipedia has references. Those references are the source, not wikipedia. Wikipedia is not a source.
ハメハメセックス -
Did you know every single word in this list is in Core6k, except ログイン・ログアウト which are obvious?
Although some are split up, like 会員 and 登録
Those references are not the source of the quote, because the quote is from Wikipedia.
Let's learn Japanese boys.
The quote is based directly on those references. I'm sorry if you're somehow so autistic that you assumed that a third party quote with no standard format citation was meant to be a formal citation, but that is wrong. You're supposed to be exposed to the existence of contrary information and research it yourself, not take literally any indication of information contrary to yours as an attack in formal argument.
Which Japanese boys should we learn first?
>tfw you're learning Japanese so you can finally find someone to love your small penis.
You cped some crap from Wikipedia to back up your argument from an article that disagrees with you and now you're making up some guff about how actually that part of the article is legit but everything else isn't. Ok well actually I'm a PhD in cognitive psychology and I personally verified everything in that article so just take me at my word.
>autismal le burden of effort bullshit
Nope, I'm done. You don't care about subvocalization, you care about people responding to you on an internet forum. You're not getting any more points or view or attention from me, but I will give you this for your own benefit, though you probably won't read it if you feel so offended by this exchange that you're stooping to this level in the first place:
autismal aggressive response:
normal response:
>That's interesting, I don't agree at a glance, I'll read up on it and see if it has anything for me
guess who you are
"Stooping to this level" from the guy who resorted to the autism personal attack in the first place. Thanks for finally providing something relevant though.
if you think the fact that you might not have used slurs anywhere somehow makes you better than him you're fucking retarded
he's completely right that you obviously don't actually care about the topic of discussion
Fuck off with your peanut gallery bullshit.
What is the literal translation of this?
fuck off with your off topic bullshit
just fuck you both generally lol
Now sun algae one sun cancer balcony along
I see the usage of cushion words like まぁ and ねぇ as a crutch foreigners rely on too often.
Hwabyung Wars: The Hwabyunging
fuck off gook
I did it! I became a guy who can enter elementary school.
I can pet 洋ロリ.
Both those words play important roles in the sentence though, I don't really see how they're a crutch that foreigners rely on too often, Japs say them both all the time too, female jap conversation is pretty much just them exchanging "ねぇ"s to one another
And you want to sound like a gossiping Japanese female? You should also note the distinction between written and spoken language.
This year, I will dump Dekinai-chan
What is it like to fail JLPT?
>And you want to sound like a gossiping Japanese female?
that's not philosophical, that's saying you want to fug japanese gurls
yeah but thats bc mother nature wants me to
tfw still haven't become one with Japanese grammar and sentence structure
Even when I read a sentence and understand the grammar, it's still hard for me to process and fully comprehend it. Guess it will get better over time.
Nah, you're doomed.
>I did it! I became a guy who can enter elementary school.
>I can pet 洋ロリ.
Thanks, senpai.
Disappointment, but then you open a novel and you understand why you did not pass.
Not fast enough reader, not 100% true comprehension, etc.
Such is life of a DJT denizen.
>pronounced nie-CH
what is this a pun on?
Truly motivational stuff
No. I have interest in only culture!
(and y o u j...
ニク オレ クウ
オマエ ヤサシイ イイヤツ
ダカラ オレ オマエ クウ
>live in Japan
>have sperg non-Japanese acquaintance who wants me to introduce him to some girls
>he instantly falls in love with any girl that shows him even the slightest bit of attention
>tell him I'll think about it (can't just say no because he'll sperg out)
>never plan on actually doing it
Somebody has to save the world from these social degenerates.
Really? neat