>yfw you remember your teenage libertarian phase
Did you have one too?
>yfw you remember your teenage libertarian phase
Did you have one too?
ive been a giant fucking pussy
it lasted about forty five seconds
and im not just talking about my teenage libertarian phase
everyone had this phase....dont be ashamed
And then you became an AnCap and everything was consistent and true.
Hippity hoppity get off my property
yea, still brings me shame. im gearing towards national syndicalism now
My "FREEDUMB" libertarian phase coincided with my initial redpill experience.
>tfw remember middle school anarchist phase
>now a natsoc egoist
Nuclear blasts last only 0.025 seconds. Silly nip.
21-22 i was libertarian. Very embarrassing. I used the label more so as a cover to make my fashy beliefs not seem extreme, i was weak.
My libertarian phase never ended, i just became more racist and want libertarianism but with closed near
Near closed borders*
Libertarianism is fundamentally just a polite way of trying to dissociate yourself from niggers.
Oh so you one of those union commies
Libertarism isn't a dead end.
The founding fathers were essentially one half Libertarian and one half White Nationalist using modern terminology.
The jews stripped American Nationalism into these two components. Then they promoted one as an alternative to their ZOG and demonized the other.
>cut off gibs
>niggers leave
>no more single mums
>liberal sjws and commies leave
>no more burn out druggies on welfare
>marriage is encouraged again bc two earner households are better
I dont see any down sides
No I was just a liberal fag who browsed reddit, you can thank the failure of the Canadian liberal party and Ndp for turning me the other way
>remember your teenage libertarian phase
Yeah.. until you realize that other cultures/races/societies do NOT value education, person freedoms, person property, marriage, child rearing, etc. like you were raised to.
"Helping" minorities by giving them huge welfare benefits does NOT mean that they are going to to ANYTHING to improve themselves.
Ex: Haiti was a hell hole before the earthquakes and hurricanes and remains a hell hole even after all the aid given.. they will NOT help themselves and if given aid will not use to improve themselves.
remember when the kikes didn't fuck with your life? heh, me either
I was not allowed to be anything but conservative and because I was an obedient child I wasn't.
No ... As a teen all I was interested in was pussy
I used to be a communist. Kek.
Thats a good thing though
>cut off gibs
>all the people who do nor value self determination, education amd hardwork are compelled to change, fuck off or die
There are no downsides
Beep beep boop boop I am a robot
My dad always told me that i could do anything i wanted but if i voted conservative or became a christian he'd chuck me out. He was joking but i think he was partly serious.
Are you from the future?
Fucking hell phone posting is the worst
And rino boomers.
I had a ~*socially liberal, fiscally conservative*~ phase, and I suppose I could have been described as libertarian.
Really, I was just an ideological coward. Fiscal conservatism was just a way of passive-aggressively opposing liberal policy without ostracizing myself from my peers.
That's pretty rough user. I hope you have come to your senses.
Liberalism is counter movement to whomever is established atm, Liberalism itself holds no ideal state image, at best it can pin point what is wrong with other's. Given ''go wild with it'' to liberalism it produces anarchism and therefore disolves state as funtioning unit.
Moderate liberalism is hardly a thing as it strugles to be something without betraying its roots, similarly how moderate lslam is not a thing.
remember when kikes didn't fuck over everyone? me either.
It was more of a leftist phase because the öeftist party was saying: "no more NC for medicine" and as lazy slacker who watched to much scrubs I was coerced by them.
But in the end I grew up joined the army got into the Medical Officers Training Corps and got to my goal.
That’s how I describe myself to normies when really I want to go full 14/88.
I guess I had like 2 minutes of it at most. Then I realized that I don't want to get cucked by corporations.
Do we win against the chinese and kangaroo coalition when they decide to rise up in revolution?
Remember when investigative threads got bumped?
I was libertarian from about 17-19. Some more Sup Forums after that and the fundamental flaws with libertarianism became too hard to ignore.
We are so distracted in the modern world by trash that we have forgotten the reason of life is to live. The most long-term solution is the sensible solution. One reason the world is crap because people do not think beyond their own lives.
I was akin to a boomer conservative during my early teens. I transitioned into a paleo-conservative with ethnio-nationalist proclivities at around 16.
McPhysical removal™ coming after you
i was a teenage commie. I know...
My technique is to convince people of economic conservatism, once they accept that they're able to accept more out there social ideas and race realism.
i didnt
Anarchist punk boi phase, but really tho, in a perfect world it'd be global anchro-pacifism.
pls prescribe opioids
The virign political enthusiast has political "phases" and is always deep in thought about politics from his mom's basement
Meanwhile, Chad fucks bitches and lives like a god
The ABSOLUTE STATE of pol cucks
>Austria doesn't establish an absolute mandate that every child start reading Austrian economics right at the moment they're able to visualize words
Yeah. I used to draw a lot. Wanted to do a somewhat complex animation of several people doing the exact same movements but sharing only one body. The skin would fade away, replaced by muscles and then only the skeleton would be visible. The idea was "we're all the same inside". But then I had to do some visual research on female/male anatomy, specifically the skull and that eventually got me sidetracked into looking at African, Mongoloid, Caucasian and Aboriginal skulls...
>One reason the world is crap because people do not think beyond their own lives.
be a good goy and sacrifice yourself for the cllective
man, nupol is disgustingly left
Smart idea there Bruce, I might try that.
I had a socialist phase for two weeks that rebounded hard into libertarianism because I wanted to read both sides for myself. The sterotypes of a doctrinaire libertarian as being an obnoxious right-wing atheist are not true you commie fisherman of (you)s.
Sorry can't prescribe anything to servicemen of meme flag armies
>mfw I can't get my best friend out of his and we're drifting apart
pretty straight to be posting pictures of half naked men
i never got out of it
People who have children care more about the future than people without them. A child suddenly encourages one to value the world after they pass away. Who wants to leave their children with a destitute hell-scape after they are gone, because of the previous generations hedonism and selfish decisions?
Seems LIBERTARIAN-ism is not understood by so many. Including OP. Libertarian is a race. You are one or you are not. It is a Libertarian thing... you wouldn't understand. LIBERALISM is something else entirely. You can put that on or off like a pair of shoes.
Thats me in class, once i got drunk, started talking about hitler still being human and almost got beat up by a lefty biker gang because my peers only go to lefty bars.
I would say we start with a free market economy to turn off any incoming immigrants and abolish all social policies aiding niggers.
---> results are niggers flee somewhere else for free gibs and we get a competent white ethno state with good long term preference economy and work ethics.
THEN we turn collective when there's no more Ahmeds and Tyrones, like really fucking fashy SPQR mode.
Ive turned feminists into racist traditionalists using this technique. Use it wisely and take it slow, 3 months is thr average for me.
I remember my teenage normie-with-gf phase
Ya dude lol I also grew out of atheism and science around then kek now I only believe in top tier christianity and our lord and savior KEK.
> the free market is the solution
> 98% of the planet runs on goods made by literal slaves from shithole [N]
like clockwork
A man who does not share your morals cannot be a true friend.
I don't think the writer of that 'redpill' understands or realizes how much order is already imposed on individuals/families/communities. Also, to what authority does that user know what is best for everyone?
Agree. I was never as bad as him, but lately its been getting harder and harder to take him seriously.
>Brother is cop
>We're talking shit and start to fight like brothers do
>He pinned me down and I panicked
>Started screaming about whether or not I'm being detained while he laughs his head off
Dark times
what is this "do you remember your phase" bullshit? theres been a pry at teenage view nostalgia and "when did you grow out of X" recently, and the subject seems to usually be libertarian.
thinks its because of free market and not huge tax rates
I was a edgy leftist in my teenage years. Sorry that today I don't want the state to move me out of my house, jail me for saying anything bad about their primary voting demographic, and give my money away to fucking niggers, beaners, mudskins, and kikes.
I did actually, not in my teen years but about when I was 19-20 perhaps.
I was a libertarian, until I worked for a few years.
Sounds nice.
Is that a Swedish flag there?
How is it going?
Same brother, but you grow up and it's easy to see the problem with people screaming and pain and striking others.