Trump accusing Hillary of collusion now on twitter
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When does she go to prison for obvious crimes?
trump is a fucking moron
Nice flag
Post dick pics plz.
What prompted the Clinton's to take Putin's cash? Was Obama briefed on the FBI investigation into Uranium One? Why did he let it happen? $145 mil buys a helluva lot of pizza.
Get ready for salt
thats hot
Hail Trump.
post the fucking twitter link you retarded nigger faggots, some of you are really good at photoshopping this shit
I know Its fucking great. I'm so proud of him
>it's complicated
what's new? trump has already accused hillary of every deadly sin he himself is guilty of
now he's terrified the end is neigh so he's going crazy
>obvious crimes
Except to the left it's not obvious. They believe she is a hero and a martyr, and it was her turn, but Putin and Trump colluded to beat her
I wasn't asking the left, I was asking the supposedly impartial justice system. No-one is above being punished for a crime, right?
10/10 would fap to that. got tired of looking at nigress monkey
It's real fuckin leaf
>Projecting the left's projection
That's fucking meta
That's bigger than Michelle's ever was .
Big , if true .
twitter should do the right thing and delete this dumbass account
Damn, that's a sexy flag. If it even fractionally represents your physical essence, you must be dripping in bitches.
Obama cucked again by Trump.
she won't, she'll have a heart attack or insta CIA cancer and maybe she died or maybe they swept her off to South America, but we'll have a funeral either way
You can see that the shadow follows all the way down to the bottom of the skirt
Unlike with Michael's large member, this was a lighting thing.
this should be all Sup Forums is talking
but the frontpage currently has 5 (?) tranny threads
Nothing will happen
And yet Trump is the only person smart enough to recognize that if there was any form of "collusion" whatsoever, the collective force of every US intelligence agency, virtually all media houses and the vast majority of rich people in the US should have found out about it.
Twitter would love to ban/delete him, the way they treat everyone else who speaks too much of the truth. They know they can't do that, though, without waking the rest of their users up to how much they suppress ideas. Not to mention all the users they'd lose when they followed him somewhere else.
You'll just have to keep fearing what he will tell the people next.
You mad CIA nigger lol
oh you mean like how the entire democratic party colluded with russia to set up watergate and a fake dossier against trump?
trump forgot that his son already admitted it.
Drumpf BTFO
How will the orange nazi recover?
what are we going to do about this hillary russian collusion hmm
It is now commonly agreed, after many months of COSTLY looking, that there was NO misdoing between Benghazi and Hillary. Was attack from terrorists!
It is now commonly agreed, after many months of COSTLY looking, that there was NO plan to replace the Affordable Care Act. Was obstructionism by GOP!
>he thinks hillary is a social media genius like trump.
hahaha no. She could never keep up with him. Delete your account.
so tell your retard elf Jeff to get off his useless ass and do something about it instead of complaining on twitter like a 12 year old you stupid shit
>all these "abloo bloo bloo I can't wait until mueller says you're guilty" replies
>mueller is implicated in this obama/clinton/russia thing
liberal queer here. voted obama in 08, stein in 12.
>meet with private citizen who contacts you
>leave with nothing because you realize its a setup
>release all emails on meeting
Is totally the same as
>pay 6m to british spy to pay current russian govt officials for dirt
>then lie about paying for it and claim your opponent did what you did
You still havent gotten past the denial stage have you?
Melania has posed nude, Michael has not. Why are you even debating the retard?
What are you talking about? I'm saying that he unironically doesn't understand the concept of COSTLY looking.
Assuming this was real
1. Why is her dick erect?
2. It look atleast 12inch totally 1% of men range who
would be able to muster a 12inch cock
around the world
3. A woman?
I'm calling fake or wind and shadow
>denial stage
It is going to be a heck of a week watching these motherfuckers realize that they were lied to.
Dumbass we have nude pictures of her. She's a woman.
Nicole Aniston is a very pretty girl. Shame that she's a dead fish.
Not to mention shes literally been photographed nude before.
Trump just released his IQ test results via twitter
pic related
"it is now commonly agreed"
> citation needed
massive if measurable
girthy if genuine
Hahaha kys shill.
Trump has forgotten more about COSTLY looking than you'll ever know.
>if I say things are true, they must be true
Are you God?
>Melania has posed nude, Michael has not.
Correct. We need to get some nude photos of "Michelle" Obama.
more like
>true, if big
>I don't read the news
For you, bitch.
He's the president. Why doesn't he do something about it?
>delete ys bitch
School should have started already, huh? You must live on the west coast.
>what is photoshop
Have to talk to Sessions about that.
that Krasstein guy might literally die of a stroke if Mueller turns out to be /ourguy/ its going to be magnificent.
What is wrong with the people that respond to him?
She’s a modern day Greek statue
Nasty and effeminate.
They like internment camps and political re-education.
I bet trump is a bottom. Look at the bulge on her.
>meme flagfag
well shit
>that Krasstein guy might literally die of a stroke if Mueller turns out to be /ourguy/ its going to be magnificent.
Oh i fucking hope so. Guy's a wazok of the highest order. ~I don't think Mueller would even be in that position if Trump didn't trust him to do what's right.
>flag of first marines symbolizing fucking up tyrannical leaders
>calls trump a moron for calling out tyrannical leader
Shills are getting OT, shekel and a half time.
Finally a first lady tran you can actually fap to.
>sanction Russia!
Why punish them for the acts of a crooked woman? Russia is going to Russia. Americans should be better.
They live in another timeline and twitter merges our and their timeline into one.
with the kids
Its russian bots
Do these fucking retards ever get tired of creating epic tweet chains of the same things over and over and over? And people continually like and retweet them. I don't get it.
>Haha he said we need to IMPEACH TRUMP, it's so true! Liked and shared!
>He said it again!
>And again! Liked and shared again!
Who are these fucking people
>No-one is above being punished for a crime, right?
They shouldn't be, but Trump didn't even have the balls to drop the JFK docs after hyping it up like a cheesy wrestling promoter. The fact that the political class is above the law isn't going to change. At least the entire clinton clan is political poison now so we have that going for us. (((They))) will just find some new golems to trot out though.
I wish I could give this post more upvotes xDD
Buncha slack-jawed faggots around here...
Look at the fucking pokies on this babe
Where were you on nov 8th?
For how many hours did you cry into your pillow?
>the end is neigh
You illiterate ponyfag.
>Who are these fucking people
I've no idea, but they got to get paid for it. I remember some bitch getting upset when trump blocked her, she no longer had the attention she wanted.
never. She is too powerful and has too much dirt on other politicians.
If she falls, a lot of people will too and that can't happen so she is protected.
what a nice photo. It would be shame if somebody shopped bbc into it
>1. Why is her dick erect?
Because she's married to Donald Trump.
the memeflags do make it a lot easier to spot the foreign troll farm hands.
>look at the fucking pokies on this babe
>post the Twitter link
Or just go to Trump's Twitter.
Trump is the first shitposting president, you're allowed to have the Twitter app to check his tweets and mine for salt
Make my fried rice, Eugene
I have the Trump Tweets Kodi plugin, so I get them even when watching movies. I never miss a shitpost from the master himself.