Danganronpa 3

>nobody will ever look at you the same way Nagito looks at Izuru

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I want to marry her and make her feel hope

>Marry her
>Get killed for despair
You didn't think this through.

Why was she blushing so much?

If Munakata wanted to execute the Remnants so badly, why didn't he? Or was he just too weak to defeat them? He must be pretty butthurt that Naegi was able to capture all 15 with ease when he couldn't kill a single one of them.

Someone please draw Junko dressed as Peg Bundy telling user to get off the couch.

I won't your SHSL talent is baseball bat avoider.


>Punched Naegi so hard Rihanna playing sticks and stones
>Knee'd the fuck out of Anxiety fag and makes niggers drop faster than the Detroit police department
>Went one on one with the Gozuboys
>Rekt Hinata so hard he turn Izuru
>100% accuracy rate in Olympic chair throwing, that one miss on Kirigiri was just to flex his muscles and check dat ass
>Went full ham on the old man and crew just to get his kick quota fulfilled
>Roundhousekicks the everlasting shit out of Monaca's puppet
>Too busy punching manlets, so some mentally deranged kid blows up half the school
>Great try, but no normalfags died
Fucking reeeeeeeeeee
>Tried to kill the donut but jobbed again
>Survived 2 missile barrages by some random ass cripple in a wheelchair
>Called out Monokuma's bluff with his cameras, recording his mad-ass pecs and didn't give a fuck in general about any of these plebians
>Became the world champion in boxing, declaring himself to be best with bare hand combat before even leaving high school
>Too Alpha to mess with the bitches and instead neglects his own feelings as being the third wheel to protect his friends no matter what
>Only taking 2 episodes rest before kicking the shin of everyone again.
>Took a fucking spear to the shoulder, impaled into a wall and shrugged it off like it was just a mosquito bite
>Seduced by Ruruka's sweets, but who gives a shit, our boy definitely doesn't. Fuck candy and fuck that whore, time to get her killed via NG
>Kicks the riot down with the power of flaming fists and thousands of normies
>Crawling to safety as we speak! :v(




PS: Normalfriends and Chiakifriends need not apply to based Juzo
I don't think he knew his own plan, my friend.

post 10/10 danganwaifus

What the fuck is Munakata's problem?

Well she has a crush on her senpai and is trying to impress him..

why else would she try to kill him constantly

Komaeda is the heroine of a shoujo manga.

Who wants to talk about stepping stones?

He had a bad day.

RIP user. He could't hope the despairslut


Munakata will do everything in his power to destroy despair

Munakata dindu nuffin! It was all dat no good Despair!


One more kill and Munakata, NG, and the attacker are all tied up

Because she's a shallow shit tier character with a horrible background and motivation. At this point she's just "lol randumb im bored" the character and anyone who claims they love her for her personality is by standard either infatuated by memes or is simply falling for design rather than falling for the entirety of the character.
Zetsubou, his entire problem is zetsubou and we'll find out soon what his final plan is as we still don't know his plan. It's going to be something extremely dumb or something extremely profound.

She pretty much forgets all about it soon though

She was too pure for this world

Why is Mahiru so adorable when she's being lewd, while Mikan is disgusting?

Right here

Yeah, it was Despair. As in an actual person called Zetsubou McMirai, the 16th Participant and the true mastermind.


why do nips look so disgusting, subhuman?

At least (you) tried.

really qt

Mikan is lewd in her despair form. Obviously despair is disgusting.

Let's be fair, that's Soda. They cast him perfectly.

Reminder that this isn't a game and there are no rules.

So you'll have to accept bullshit medicine saving Kirigiri.

>Calling out what's wrong with the character
>Dismiss it as bait
Waifufags as per usual being retarded.

Pic related

Mikanfags kys

>Komaeda is the heroine of a shoujo manga.
Can't wait for the part where transfer student Naegi ends up winning the Komaedabowl.

She was a horrible, manipulative, cunt of a human being that would literally kill her lover. But I love Ruruka. RIP

you can't deny this truth, user

>Hates Mikan
>Posts BadMikan
How about you take your own advice?

>hating on mikan while posting the mikan of class 76

Who bitch this is?

Fuck: Chiaki
Kill: Sayaka
Marry: Kirigiri

When will she appear again?

I want to see High School Seiko and Adult Seiko making out with each other.

In a flashback when Nagito appears in Future arc and infodumps everything that ever happened.

Well its been like a year or so since she met Izuru so it wasn't that soon. They were pretty much a thing up until DR2.

Izuru got bored of his relationship with her and she's been doing him foul so he decides to break up with her especially since she was starting to flirt with Naegi.

Besides I don't think Junko completely forgot as she literally never thought in a million years Izuru would turn his back on her the wa he did at the end. She took the break up really badly. She was legitimately pissed when he came out the way he did and chose a future without her.

No, she's talking about Hajime Hinata. Izuru Kamakura is the one that Junko Enoshima is all wet for.

Izuru Kamakura is a personality created by Hopes Peak while Hajime is an original, but more boring personality due to being plain

Kill: Kirigiri
Fuck: Chiaki
Marry: Sayaka

Not even a sayakafag

Soda is cute though

I hated her however she did not deserve to die so brutally

>Implying Seiko is a whore made with the only purpose of fanservice

Yeah no, fuck off Mikanfags

>You'll never feel Kirigiri's bacon hands on your dick
Is this true despair?

Fuck Sayaka
Marry Chiaki
Kill Kirigiri

Except she is specifically talking about manlet. Good try though, 2/10

>People unironically thinking Junko had a relation with Izuru

Are you people actually fucking retarded or are you just pretending? Izuru's incapable of loving as he's quite literally a robot at this point.

Princess she is very much

Mikan contributed more to the series than Seiko did, and that's saying a lot considering how badly the SDR2 cast has been shafted.

So it's pretty much confirmed that she did this to herself right?

Not even a kirifag but Sayaka is gutter trash.

Killing her is the one objectively right pick.


Kill Sayaka
Fuck Nanami
Marry Kirigiri

It's a happy ending because baconhands is finally dead.

>emulating the animu designs exactly

for what purpose

Sayaka is basically the perfect character. That's why she made the perfect first victim.

The after credits scene of the final episode will be her flying around space, being a NEET and putting a new game into her Game Girl Advance called "[thumb obscuring]pa V3"

Not if Seiko's pills ex machina has anything to say about it.

I'm married to Sonia

>Series lures me away from the cute brown tomboy with Kyoko
>They kill the elegant, distant detective and leave Aoi alive
Well shit.

The quality sure increased.

Cry harder Matsuda-kun. Your despair is delicious.


>Mikan contributed more to the series than Seiko did

Exactly how? Giving autopsy reports? Something which Monokuma could and has done before?

Also the fact that the most relevant scenes with Mikan are pure fanservice shit is enough evidence to sustain my claim.

Why was she lugging around the stones?

Kyoko living could actually work alright if they tie it into the theme of breaking the game's rules.

All the budget is used on Mikan.

No, Izuru Kamakura was the one who brought Junko Enoshima's AI, tried to convince Hajime to push GRADUATION and came up with the plan to basically insert Junko Enoshima into the blank slate bodies after they were murdered.

If Izuru broke up with Junko, then explain why Izuru went to all the trouble to bring back Junko Enoshima in other people's bodies?

not mine but

Junko's too much of a meme character to "love" anyone, take off your shipper glasss and get over it already. Her entire ideology is some bizarre form of cuckholdry where she gets off on others despairing while she's in the background despairing about how shit she is, every action she ever does in this series can be summed up as just that.

Screencapping this just encase.
I want to see mountains salt if they do end up bringing her back.

Hmm, lets see
>autistic detective with maimed hands
>9/10 mind-reading yandere

Id rather die from some kinky shit than from boredom

>contribute anything but garbage "fanservice"

She's trash user. Don't compare her to Seiko. Level up on the waifu scale.

Block door. Create closed room.

The memelord has so many memes that I can't count them
>Punished Persona
>You don't know about me or my plan
>Kill urself my man
>Platitudes don't save people
>You know why
He will literally spread hope using memes
The mindhacking despair anime doesn't have shit in hopeful memes

>Not even a kirifag

Sure you're not. I'd rather fuck the idol than the corpse fucker

She has a form of love towards Izuru since he was the only one who saw what she saw on equal level.

That's why she can't love anybody else.


What "no"? She is talking about Makoto, stop being autistic

marry nanami
fuck maizono
kill kirigiri

This is perfect

They even picked the best part of the ED for it

Which one of those X'd people is actually alive?

She didn't seem to love it when she thought Izuru somehow came into the program


I want to chew on Chiaki's chub

All of them.

She was a killer in a class trial and helped to foreshadow the despair twist before her execution. She's part of the link between Junko and the rest of her class. Even if you don't like her, she objectively is more relevant to the plot than Seiko was.

She's has her endearing insecurities and not a strong a spirit as Sakura but she's still great



Nah, Seiko contributed more simply by spreading her plot device pills around.

People here do underrate Mikan a little bit though, most of the shit she says during trials is usually relatively on-point and not as dumb as what her character archtype would normally entail.

Exactly. Well you'll just have the Kirigirifags on the denial train

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