Russell Brand attacks Austrian elections compared them to Hitler

I really tried to understand this guy because he is kind of funny,I even shilled little bit for him but this is enough.Comparing center-right party to Hitler.
Basically in Britain and 70% of EU the ''right wing'' are Liberals like Merkel,Sarkozy, Theresa May etc...
It's impossible to even be like Trump or Orban without (((media))) bringing Hitler and 600 Gorillon chosen ones.

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Reminder that the average Anglo absolutely hates Russell Brand and his left wing champagne socialist ilk and want all of them dead.

Is he white?

I thought Austrian elections were like a year ago and the right got btfo? What happened?

This guy isn't funny, smart or attractive. I hear he has a small dick, too. How did he get famous???


This were Austrian legislative elections not Presidential

literally who?

His entire world view seems to be that all the problems in the world would be solved if we just had more compassion. He has high levels of verbal inteligence, but under the gloss it's clear that the drugs have rotted his brain.

can confirm, some people go apeshit in austria and think we voted for a new hitler. friends on fb are doing the "everyone to my right is hitler" thing...

>mongo eyes
>jew hair
Czechs out.

No, celtic.

this guy diddles kids doesnt he? look at that face.

i thought he was just some rich guy who was famous for being some bolivating hippie retard in spite of his wealth

Stop giving this faggot publicity



Everything slightly right of him is literally Hitler.

Hes welsh, not anglo.

What makes you say that? His surname is English. Don't push him on us, you bastard. Own up to your shit.

> le fish'n'chips and pakis are tru BRITS-face
bin yourself, bongos

His surname perfectly describes him

I bet he fucked loads of hot women. British tarts too. He held his own against Norm, for that I can respect him.

I still think he can be entertaining from time to time but some of his political views are bullshit

He was married to Katy Perry for a while

Comparing someone to Hitler? Wow, that's quite the originality there.
Hope he didn't stay up all night thinking of that one!

he is dating a rothchild

>Micropenis screeches autistically
not news

>compared them to Hitler
I see they are trying new tactics, progressing if you will

Fun fact. For the sake of some shitty cable channel reality show he jerked off a guy in a pub toilet. So when you call him a whore & wanker it's not merely an opinion.

Because he looks exactly like a welshman. Also
>Implying your surname magically means you're 100% that ethnicity
God you're going to excite all those "German" Americans!

Well depends how you look at it but comparison to Hitler might be even a good thing, Hitler was a good speaker, an artist and hated smoking. Now what Russell Brand does or atleast did at one point probably ain't much different from Hitler in his last moments, drug 'em up and go crazy, but that is what happen to all great dictators before the moment of collapse.

>looks like a Welshmen
Plenty of English, Scots and Irish people have dark features, if that's what you mean. It's only in a very small area in South Wales that dark Welsh people are concentrated, the rest of the country has plenty of ginger, blondes and strawberry blondes.
He's too tall and his skull is too elongated anyway. He doesn't look English, but he doesn't look Welsh.

I don't believe any of those maps without a good source,lol at parts of middle east with 1-2% of gingers.

Yeah plenty of half and halfs also. You may be right though, not disputing that just that hes clearly not English.

What do you expect from a delusional, nu-male celebrity?

shilled for russell brand kys faggot

the election last year was for the federal president who has hardly any power.
the recent election was the important one

>English parents
>Not English

He has to be at least majority English but who knows what his grand-grand-grand- father was

>He has high levels of verbal inteligence
He just says big words to sound smart


List of people who dumb people think are smart people
>Russell Brand
>Stephen Fry
>Bill Nye


>calls him little boy
aren't they basically the same age?

Did you vote for them or Austrian freedom party?

the nigger scientist


Of course he would, he's on course to marry a Rothschild.

Meanwhile, in Austria.

ALL American, Jewish women.

I know this one personally.

Milo je unistio Crnu Goru ovdje nema vise pravoga nacionalizma,nestao je, meni licno je mnogo draze Srbija-Crna Gora-Republika Srpska zajedno nego ovaj lazni ''nacionalizam'' koji vode Globalisti i pro-zapadnjaci

Every Russell brand post should be bet with a picture of his penis

Behold the Eternal Celt

>*tiny penis

It's a massive meme that "Anglos" are inbred, they're blatantly among the most genetically diverse in Europe. If anyone'd inbred it's the Scandis as they all look the same.

ÖVP (conservatives): 31%
SPÖ (social-democrats): 27%
FPÖ (right-wing): 26%

ÖVP and FPÖ will form a coalition

>It's a massive meme that "Anglos" are inbred, they're blatantly among the most genetically diverse in Europe

Maybe you are right, but generations of inbreeding can easily create diverse looks too due to altering of the original look in to different ones

Man Russell Brand is dumb. It is hilarious listening to him feign depth and political knowledge. It makes me sad to think about how many people listen to these champagne socialists and limousine liberals just because they're famous though.

Aren't most Celebrities basically what you call ''socialists and limousine liberals ''? If only they would stop talking so much about politics and focus more on their jobs

It's your fault for ever considering the opinion of a degenerate drug addict like RB to begin with.

Even if they really don't believe it they have to spout Marxist BS to fit in and maintain their careers. Brand seems to really be a dum-dum though.

This hack thinks incoherent outrage is the hallmark of a deep thinker concerned with the world. He's a revolutionary activist that wants to destroy, destroy, destroy, because he is so OUTRAGED over his enemies. I mean, just look into his beady anglo eyes and see the abyss.

He is right though. Rejoice!

Good.. What is their stance on migration/refugees?

He's a former junkie that probably read a lot because he has a high verbal intelligence but says absolutely nothing with his verbose verbal diarrhoea.

He's the Bombastic King.

He's a communist. Watch the latest JRE he's on, he admits he is one several times.

>Russell Brand
Fuck this communist pos

Fucking flaccid fascist!
He's a grower and you are being prejudiced!!


good compared to other western european governments but still too lenient.

a step in the right direction i guess

Those are some small balls regardless

He is a faggot
Disregard it's opinion

>Still had more sex then any of us

Really shows how important verbal skills are

Aaand we have yet another episode of this already popular series called "Faggot stars pretending to know shit about politics".

/ourfashygay/ Morrissey subtling shutting down this smarmy cunt.
Required watching for all Sup Forumsacks.

He was in the pool!

I guess. Or fame and profile/reputation.

He's a degenerate heroin addict """"""Celebrity"""", who gives a fuck

>yfw dick too small to turn into vegena


bump nigga nigga

fucking scruffy looking smug faggot. No one has given a fuck about his opinion since 2011/2012.

This guys a commie. Advocating for one world governemt

I don't trust Russell Brand as far as I could throw him.He'sd a dodgy bastard,the kids book he wrote is called The Pied Piper of Hamlet,that shows he's leading the kids down a dark hole of lies.I wonder what happened in LA when he was married to Katy Perry,my guess is they've got dirt on him, probably some under age sex tape.Even that time him and Jonathan Ross abused Manuel from Fawlty Towers,that was when the BBC started cracking down on free speech.Russell Brand is an evil shill

>.I wonder what happened in LA when he was married to Katy Perry

I wonder the same, he was in movies, hosting MTV, having deals, married to Katy what went wrong? He must have piss off somebody more powerful them him

Agree. He can be funny, often erudite but is very close minded with politics.

There is no question at all that brand is a flaming degenerate with hundreds of perverted skeletons in his closet, and katy perry is an airhead child who has been raised and destroyed in the world of hollywood evil. These people (brand especially, katy is a victim) are the demons of our time, and communist activism comes as natural as breathing to them.

I'm surprised so many conservatives like him. He is as liberal as can be. But I guess he's got so much charisma that he makes people forget about politics, which is rare.

I don't think any conservative "likes him."

Might stay here and become an Austrian if that means Russell Brand thinks I'm a Nazi.

He's also obsessed with the number 33,he says it's because that's when Jesus died,I say it's because he's an insider.He also is a member of the Graucho club in London, that is a degenerate peado,drug infested hell. He's a Fabian socialist.Why does he get so promoted spouting his Marxist dogma.He looks like Rasputin, because he is the modern Rasputin,probably into black magic occultism.


His earliest TV stuff is hilarious. It's called Ponderland and on YouTube. Since then he went downhill.


100% on the occultism, probably with some disgustingly sex rituals
>"it's like, so mind-expanding and real, you know m8"
no wonder he got to bag poor katy

This. He's a (((?))) shill.


Now this is vintage Russell Brand:

who knew snark ,mockery and condescension are the only things commies recognize as humor? who knew?

Child lover.
He needs to hang.

Why do this people see Hitler in every nationalist party? Are they aware nationalism existed before him too?

It's just him kicking some poor peasants around and laughing in their faces, all under the pretext of liberal "humor". He doesn't believe in anything political, he just believes in the hate and disgust he feels, so we get snark and communism.