tfw Kill la Kill saved anime from moeshit
Tfw Kill la Kill saved anime from moeshit
Why is moe still alive?
But Kill la kill was moeshit. Nobody actually likes kill la kill's action people only like the waifus. The action was pretty awful honestly.
>kill la kill saved anime from moe
>by being normie/10
Sure thing user, I bet you like Naruto also.
KLK is moeshit.
But Matoi was moe.
It sure did, OP.
TTGL did that faglord
I honestly liked the action way more than the waifus
name 1 (one) girl worth wifing in kill la kill, i dare you. They were all SHIT
Ryuuko, Mako, Satsuki, and Nonon are all wife material.
Nonon is slutfu material.
A bit true but they are cute. I will say Mako is the closest, though.
>tfw Ryuuko got the best ending
Mako is literally anime Jar-Jar binks. If you like her you really need to rethink your life.
It's something else
>tfw can't listen to Rap is a Man's Soul without thinking of pic related
But she's not a hidden life fibre sith.
There was next to no fanservice at all, literally who would watch that for the girls? I mean they were a really nice touch, but come on now.
Is the teacher the father?
>no fan service
the two main girls are practically naked 100% of the time
I am
how do you guys cope with the fact that imaishi and nakashima are now too old to distill their manly spirits into anime and all of their works from now on will only get worse?
Yeah but it's only sexual like maybe 5% of the time. The only people who say KLK is a super fanservicey anime are usually Redditors and newfags. If an anime doesn't even get me hard once, then that means it's not heavy on fanservice, and believe me I am attracted to some of the girls in it.
>shit la shit
>saving anything
wrong image
But moeshit is still here
But user, you are moeshit.