Aren't the statistics about single mothers almost inevitably horribly fucked up by the amount of nonwhites and especially blacks?
White people with single mothers probably don't do that badly.
Even then, don't genetics likely matter more than anything?
An extremely genetically high IQ and gifted individual raised by a single mother will likely turn out better than most people raised with a traditional intact family.
Is single motherhood actually that bad?
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t. raised by single mom
Yes it is very bad to be raised by a single mother.
>child has to be dropped off at daycare/looked after by creepy people bc mom is the only breadwinner
Constant risk for being molested
>mother is single which means she's constantly searching for a male to fill the father role as her first actual priority
Bringing strange men will guarantee a molester or two
i mean those facts are enough but there is also the negligent parent, the resentment of the child, the potential abandonment, and etc
A child needs two humans to raise it, preferably a male and female if not, then at least one person masculine and one feminine so the child can be raised with qualities of both.
I need to empty my testicles if you know what I mean.
Are you trying to suggest that having two parents isn't strictly better than having one? Because that's retarded, OP.
Well, statistically speaking a child is better off with NO parents (adopted or fostered) than with single mother. So I guess it's a hard yes on OP question.
To be honest it doesn't matter how intelligent they are.
Emotionally there are a lot of things missing there. The mother in all cases will likely always harbour hatred towards men and apathy towards her child for making her undesirable.
I'm a fat, 22 year old virgin that's university educated, I would never even attempt to even go close to a single mother.
You would have to be even more depraved and desperate than me, or even more of an idiot to get trapped into that scenario. The first thing she'd do is trap you into the relationship.
Single mothers will never have a strong male rolemodel for their child, although that's not too different from modern society, mothers tend to be poor and have princess mentalities.
You'd need to have a child that's fine with being abandoned, poor, neglected and is strong enough to look past those things and still come out okay. Slim chance.
They're a drain on the system and will (statistically speaking) raise shitty children. Yeah, they're a problem.
No, being raised by my mom I was sabotaged at every turn. She never bothered to teach me anything because she knew nothing. And things she did know like the importance of dressing yourself didn't translate to me since she viewed me as an emotional pet and not a man who wanted to attract women and befriend men.
And that's the core of the problem. She never considered or bothered to think about my needs as a guy. That I wanted to fuck girls. She'd actively sabotage me, not allowing me to invite girls. That I wanted a steady girlfriend, again every girl I dated she'd act weird around. Friends were never allowed to come over, that would make a mess.
Women don't get these things and the little they do get never transfers to another person because they are inherently sophlistic. Especially single women, that's why they are SINGLE.
So no OP, everything I became was made 3x more difficult for me because I had to fend, learn and think for myself. It cost me 2-3 years of my life catching up and most guys never make it out of that drain. It left me with a psychopath personality and an IDGAF attitude but meanwhile every woman that reminds me of my mom instantly turns me off. Which is why I have no steady girlfriends.
Single mothers are scum on earth. Obviously it depends from person to person but the cause is the same.
Children are better off when their father is living with them under the same roof
I was raised by a single mother and it FUCKED ME UP
It was pretty good for me.
Thats only because my mom is one the top 1% of females on the curve and was able to fill the father and disciplinarian role.
but you aare gay or still a virgin right?
My grandmother was a single mother, not by choice though. Her husband fled the GDR in a cloak and dagger operation leaving her all alone with the small kids. Years later she also managed to flee with the kids but she didn't meet her husband again until decades later. So she was all on her own. She tried her best for the kids, to raise them, feed them, being a good role model. Butshe never had the time to actually do so. Since my grandmother had to work all day, my mother and her brother were alone all day and had to raise themselves. Needless to say that they turned out kind of non-independent, my mother never learned to cook, how to deal with taxes, some very basic things of life etc. Even if the single motherhood didn't take place by choice and the single mother tries her best, there is always something lacking and the child will end up with some deficits. One person can never do the job of two.
That depends, are we talking single mother sheboons or single mother whites?
Single mother whites, maybe Asians.
IMO people confuse cause and effect regarding single motherhood, single motherhood is generally something done by low-quality people and therefore it produces low-quality people.
Statistics like are EXTREMELY skewed by nonwhites being overrepresented proportionally among single mothers most likely.
single motherhood is a disaster if i was raised by my mom (my parents are divorced) i would have to fucking shoot myself because i wouldnt contribute anything to society. i would be some leftist fagg
Basically kids need a dad or father figure, ideally all the way, but more than ever through adolescence.
A boy particularly needs a role model because he is learnng to be a man.
Unless the father is abusive, ideally, even in a divorced family a boy would live with his father at this point.
Single mothers who are in touch with this need can fill it tolerably well with grandfathers and uncles.
My girlfriend is a single mother and she looks kinda like that. what am I getting into
Single motherhood for whites is generally bad. Single motherhood for sheboons is probably better for the kids.
Even excluding asians, hispanics and blacks, single mother households still produce far more dysfunctional children. It's not just a minority problem.
yes, it is that bad, mainly because single mothers have similar degenerate personalities
This is odd to me: a lot of people that I know who raised themselves are incredibly competent and independent.
I had two parents, but my mom had a series of nervous breakdowns and other problems, so I basically raised my sisters... but I cooked and cleaned and all of it.
I got with a single mum when her kid was about 3 years old.I thought he was ok and played pretend dad.Now the kid is 23 and is utterly useless.I hate him and wish he'd move out,but the mum is emotionally tied to this asshole.My life is so fucked,don't do what I did,and get with a single mum no matter how good looking they are,or how dirty in bed.
Rampant single motherhood is one of the major reasons Western blacks have such a terrible culture and high crime rates.
Dumbest fucking thread at the moment, and I'm terrifies OP is serious.
Men should be financially penalized for dating single mothers (exept widows).
Single motherhood is the reason niggers are so fucked up.
These hoes need to be left alone to their demise.
getting BAITED
As a white child of above average iq with white divorced parents I can't imagine how much shittier it would have been being raised by just my mother. The only reason I am semi functioning is because I have a good father.
Literally this.
faggot raised by a "single mom" here.
What it comes down to is that mom had to have boyfriends constantly, most of which came from different types of upbringing, and thus had a different way of handling me.
One of them physically attacked and threatened me.
A lot of the men were a subject to her frustration and anger with life as long as they were around, and if not I was their replacement. This solidified my feelings of inferiority towards females. I do not like men, or manly behaviour as I think they are often too macho or dominant. The result is that I have no clue how to behave as a man towards a woman, and I haven't had sex in years. Before that, for over a decade.
Because of the financially and emotionally instable center of the family I have grown accustomed to having to deal with a higher level of stress than most kids. You could say that is a good thing, but higher stress, means higher cortisol levels, which makes it harder to experience emotions in a way that is helpful in steering your actions in everyday life.
I have done childpsychology studies, and have spent the last 15 years of my life overthinking every aspect of what went wrong and what I can statistically do to make my children's lives better.
This means:
no racemixing
I'll be moving to a place with nice quiet people before I have kids
I'll be looking for a wife who's less likely to cheat, of which I have several personality traits listed as redflags
Emotionally unstable or vague women get the boot
Women who have a hard time communicating about their needs, or refuse to otherwise take responsibility as 50% of what makes a relationship work can fuck off.
I'll work hard studying programming from now on, since I believe that in the future this will be a nice skill I can pass off to my child.
I'm still working on restoring my faith in females enough so that I can date one normally. Hopefully that'll be enough to set a good example for my child.
If I ever have one, that is.
Kids just need a good parental figure. When I worked as a substitute teacher, there was a shocking amount of kids coming up to me wishing I was their father because they only had a mom. It's kinda depressing
Is fucking girls before their first menstrual cycle that bad? Nah, not really. They will actually bond better and not become single mothers that way.
All I read was 'high IQ'.
Did you know that older men give birth to higher IQ children? If you take care of your body, nutrition, and your sperm matures, that makes sense.
Old men should be fucking 7 year olds, Praise Mohammed.
Yes, it's that bad.
Several kids in my class back at primary schools grew up with single moms.
They're all incarcerated or otherwise fucked.
Wow did you fuck any and inseminate wisdom the traditional way?
No, but there are some (very few) good ones.
>I'll be looking for a wife who's less likely to cheat
i wish good luck to you,you will need it.
>White people with single mothers probably don't do that badly.
That seriously depends on the mother.
My mother spent only 2 days in the hospital for me and each of my brothers, and was back to work in the same week. She'd just bring the baby and leave him in the filing closet.
She wasn't very present since she had to work all the time and was somewhat lax on punishments, which might be why my middle brother turned out into a complete ass, but my youngest brother is a good guy and works hard.
She's still working when she's 67. Not a very typical boomer single mom.
Single parents, especially single mothers with sons, are cursed. They virtually always fail to raise a balanced person and most of the time the kid will not be able to overcome the emotional damage and lack of structure.
Kids raised by single moms always have the same issues, whites maybe less so than others but they are still very present.
Also daughters raised by single moms have fucked up priorities in life and are overly sexual to the point of being nympho's.
t. Made the mistake twice
OP, I want you to imagine a world where your average black person was respectable. Like, call him a nigger when you don't own him and he'll still shine your shoes respectable, then he takes his seat in the back of the church because you both gotta look your Sunday best.
That was the black community in America before the welfare state incentivized single motherhood. Decline of the white household is only a generation behind.