Episode 123: The Glorious Machine Dragon
Asuka fights against Yuri by herself. The outcome of the battle between the two, both students of the Academia, will be
More spoilers when?
Episode 123: The Glorious Machine Dragon
Asuka fights against Yuri by herself. The outcome of the battle between the two, both students of the Academia, will be
More spoilers when?
>tfw it's probably not ryo
>tfw it's probably not even Andy Click
>tfw it's Asuka summoning an abomination Cyber Angel Dragon
Let it die.
>The Glorious Machine Dragon
It is Andy Click.
Explain why he only said "Wage shimobe no monster tachi" in episodes 1-2 and in berserk mode.
>hitotsu nii separates from the Yus and becomes a separate entity
>also takes all the dragons and magicians
>Yuya has to make do with just his performapals
>he makes hitotsu nii egao
Is everyone ready for the final duel
Who is Andy Click?
Could you explain why, please?
I have no idea. I must've missed the creation of that meme.
A guy google translated his name and we got "Andy Click, the Gear Reactor Dragon". He also looks like Odd-Eyes and some people think Yuya will become evil and start using Ancient Gears.
Anyone else wish they split the show up more, like with GX's arcs?
I'd rather have it as DMs arcs which build upon each other and tell one overarching story through smaller stories. GXs arcs were just inconsistent and all over the place with little connection to one another.
No. This is the reason why I didn't like GX.
Yuri Vs Asuka huh? Well i've been wanting that to happen since Asuka appeared so i'm happy. I just hope that Yuri kills her cause we need someone to make Academia feel threating
Andy Dick's dealer's nickname. Haha, as if anybody knows who Andy Dick is.
This is what the show needed, but haters are obviously going to hate.
>haters are obviously going to hate.
Well obviously if she gets carded that brings up the question of why even put her in the show in the first place if she's not going to do anything. If she doesn't get carded it makes Yuri look incompetent while also suggesting she might get more screentime later but the room for that is already tight as it is in since we're in the final stretch. The best thing the writers can do now is address all the mysteries.
I'd rather have a small waste of time than Yuri not getting screentime desu
Yuri a best
second best*
I just want to collect more funny faces from this little flower bud.
>Yuri a best
>getting his first real duel in 123 episodes
Ono doesn't seem to think so. I also find it kinda funny how this mirrors Asuka's situation. Her first duel was against fodder but her first real duel will be against Yuri.
Rank your top 5 characters
>Dennis ;-;
And she's gonna die like a bitch, I hope Yuri also kills Kaito and Edo so Arc-V can be finally free of legacy characters.
I'd probably put Yuto in my top 5 if he wasn't stuck in eago boy's body all the time
Yuto's death was a mistake
>Gardner Joe
>Ptsd jr.
>The ever baking baker
>Diabetes shota
>Lickable gemstone
that's it
1. Reiji
2. Sawatari
3. Shun
4. Dennis
5. Yugo
Everyone else sucks, especially Yuya. He used to be good but he changed for the worst.
>Gardner Joe
Really? He hasn't changed that much.
He's as annoying as before.
What would Kaz version of ZEXAL have been if he had more say in how the show went down? I for one would have loved more Anna since he seemed to favor her a lot.
>yfw they kill off Reiji
>yfw they kill of Shun
>yfw when they kill of Sawatari
>yfw the final duel is Kaito vs Leo
>Bee Force
>Removed Topsies
I have no face since it's harder and harder to care about Arc-V's cast and anything 'dramatic' that happens to them
He's changed a lot. He used to be frail and cry a lot but he had lots of heart and watching him try to reconcile his dad's shitty advice with his reality was compelling. Now he's just a shell of his former self. All he cares about is EGAOing people left and right because he loves imposing his will on other people. No one has even called him out on his shit that he's basically the same as Leo and he's indoctrinating people into his shitty EGAO cult.
You have good taste and a good mustache, good sir.
>still no bee force
Konami is a bunch of tops confirmed
Even back when he had 'lots of heart', it's not like he established any solid heartfelt empathy for the commons and their struggle. Since he was locked up in a hotel worrying about why no one and Jack didn't like his entame, instead.
It's ironic how the supposedly most sensitive protag whose schtick is bridging people together has the most shallow relationships with other main cast characters.
A reminder that Yuya has 15 cards in his extra deck.
>yfw he has a bunch of blank cards he intends to use asspull whenever he needs to
Yeah his character's execution fell apart after Standard. He definitely developed but I wasn't very pleased with the direction they took his character. I don't like how they sidelined the idea Yusho's bad advice having a huge impact on him. They opted for a Yuma-esque development where he was hyperactive and didn't understand his situation and treated his Entame as a tool. Then he eventually learned how to embrace it properly and put his priorities in order, just to later use it to redeem people as EGAO Jesus. I'm just wondering how they'll manage to show his dynamic with Yusho now when they haven't bothered mentioning that stuff in a long time.
Yusho's advice was never portrayed as bad in the actual show, that's just fans' wishful thinking that they wouldn't take Yuya's character on the most mundane and straightforward path possible.
So the nips are saying the "Machine Dragon" is probably related to Ancient Gears, as in Yuri might be running them, in order to promote the Ancient Gear deck which comes out a week after this episode. We all know Konami doesn't care about the anime so it's more likely this than Asuka getting a DRAGON out of nowhere.
>yuri using gears
I love Ancient Gears, but please no. We need some goddamn Predator Plants that aren't terrible.
>Yusho's advice was never portrayed as bad in the actual show
Well yeah, I was hoping the show would address the irony in how bad suppressing your emotions actually is. But Yuya would struggle with that because it's his most precious papa's advice. I mean they kinda showed it but then it disappeared soon enough. His characterization so far feels really inconsistent with his early portrayal in Standard and it just feels like a let down they're making him an EGAO hero of sorts and constantly pushing this simple theme of EGAO into our throats. But then again, I need to remind myself this is a kid's card game commercial.
That's why I find the manga way better.
He is my spiritual manlet.
Yeah, that's what I said last thread.
Egao annoys me not for being a moral message in a kids' show, but for being used as a cheap pass to resolve conflicts without the writers having to give a shit. Whatever version of 'friendship is power' or 'never give up' in previous Yugioh series pretty much never extended out of flavoring the dialogue.
Makes sense. Dennis ran them against Shun so Yuri might do the same
>that list
I like you.
So her second duel is her last, that's disappointing.
Guys, remember when Yuzu used to duel, Noburo wasn't a jobber, Sawatari was a friendly rival instead of comic relief and the plot seemed exciting? It seems so long ago.
>moral message in a kids' show
It is a moral message though. Violence and hatred is wrong and we all should smile and help one another. Having fun brings us together. It's pretty simple to understand.
Do you even perspective?
also, its ok to adopt random shotas
Not him, but they could have gotten that across better than just having the protagonist beat someone while doing fancy show, and immediately having people join him.
>It is a moral message though.
I never said it wasn't, do you know how to read? It being a cheesy moral message isn't what bothers me about egao. It's how the writers USE it.
Oh I misread it as "not being a moral message." Yeah well no helping that when they've lost focus on most major aspects of this show.
If only it wasn't done so poorly, they could have:
>Have Yuya beat X number of Academia students, but not card them.
>Those students, along with Edo, start fostering small seeds of rebellion since most kids there are just terrified, they only wanted to be great duelists and have fun, but now they're scared for their lives, and in a struggle they don't really care about
>They join Yuya not just because they enjoy his duels, they join to back to the time they weren't in constant danger, with the rebellion fraction revealing themselves just as Yuya arrives at Academia
Let's brainstorm for a bit. We've got about 25/26 episodes left (maybe a bit less) after these next two spoilers we're waiting on. Let's assume those two spoiler episodes aren't looking to be plot heavy. How do we answer the rest of the looming mysteries and make this story a bit more coherent in those remaining episodes WHILE meeting Konami's demands to shill and resolving character arcs in a satisfying way?
Protip: We don't.
They don't care about resolving character arcs in a satisfying way. They're carding the characters that aren't central to the plot so that they can focus on the mains. The legacy characters are all going to go down in succession. Asuka was absolutely pointless if she loses to Yuri but if she beats Yuri he's even more of a joke. This duel is a lose lose.
No point honestly. The staff have gone in a direction most of us never expected. It's useless trying to speculate what will happen when most things won't go the way we want it too. Best thing is to hope they don't drop too many plot points.
>duels can only have two outcomes
Unresolved duels are bad too. Especially between two characters who are severely lacking in screentime.
>This duel is a lose lose.
It's a win in the doujin department if the duel is executed right.
It's all worth it if the Predator Plants are good
he is so homo
There can be other outcomes. But basically, no matter the outcome, the duel can still be good if it is well executed. You need to stop seeing things in black or white.
>Unresolved duels are bad too
Not necessarily true if the characters have a change of perspective/resolve throughout the duel which is the whole point of having the duel in the first place. Of course, to your point having two characters that haven't been built up well doesn't do well in that kind of situation.
Can we all agree Yuri vs Asuka is better than the BB shit?
No. BB has had some nice moments so far. This duel could be really lackluster for all we know.
Kaz actually made Yuma look like a 10/10 chilled bro
It involves characters we actually care about and has clear stakes
Plus possible DRAGONS funtimes
Are you ready for your repentence? stay tuned for around 11am to late pm times for the full spoilers to come out.
What if Yuri loses?
>Akaba... something, I can't remember his name
>That purple-ish Yu
Of course. Everything he touches is gold.
>Losing to rituals
If that happens, Genes will have tier 0 support printed for them. I'm other words, not happening.
dat Kaito...
What if no result?
Everyone in this thread cards themselves
He's 18 yet looks around 14.