Where do you start with gundam?
I've heard some people say 0083 is a good starting point because it has some of the best that gundam has to offer, and its short, so if you don't like it you won't like the rest.
Where do you start with gundam?
I've heard some people say 0083 is a good starting point because it has some of the best that gundam has to offer, and its short, so if you don't like it you won't like the rest.
Other urls found in this thread:
War in the Pocket
Start with the original 1979 show.
You're welcome.
The beginning
I've seen this shit before, but it's still pretty vague.
Basically start off with 0079 (the original TV series) if you want to get into UC or watch the movie trilogy adaptation and go from there.
Watch any of the Alternate Universe series in any order as you like since they're all non-related.
Don't watch Gundam SEED Destiny. It's shit.
How the fuck is it vague? Start at the top left, go left to right.
Thanks mane, how was iron blooded orphans?
doesn't tell you what trash you don't need to watch, what isn't canon or if non canon arcs even exist
I got halfway into the first season before I backlogged it. It's alright so far. I'll probably watch more. Also it's AU so you can jump right in.
Frequently Asked Questions are written on the right.
That's what sites like MAL/Anidb are for, this just presents the order to watch everything if you want to watch EVERYTHING. Besides you won't hit anything that's worth skipping for over a hundred episodes anyway.
>Basically start off with 0079 (the original TV series)
I couldn't get past Matilda-san dying.
>doesn't tell you what trash you don't need to watch
The series has varying seasons that may appeal to different tastes, but the agreed worst entries are SEED Destiny and Build fighters Try,
however even Destiny is still enjoyable (the first Arcs are pretty good actually,some say the show didn't get too bad until episode 34, but I think the first 13 episodes were Solid and they're worth their own watch since they tie into an amazing side-story OVA called STARGAZER.
The original release is the only proper way to experience the shitstorm and how Fukada got his reputation, but the dub is pretty good as well.
>what isn't canon
nothing, everything is canon
I've been slowly reading CDA. ふりがな is my Greatest Ally.
The only answer you need.
You are an idiot, it doesn't matter by what show or even episode you should start.
Please note that not everyone has the same taste.
Those who recommend 0083 or war in pocket, are people who like to have a realistic war setup/storyline.
If you like super robot show, Gundam Wing, Gundam Unicorn or even Gundam Seed is better.
If you like a typical anime-like storyline, starting from Gundam Original onwards is recommended.
If you are an emo-teenager, Gundam 00 may be a good choice.
If you watch WIP or SM first are you going to encounter references to the franchise you wont understand?
Is the best objective way to enjoy said series by watching them chronologically?
It's rough, but keep going.
What's wrong with Build Fighters Try? Genuinely curious because I backlogged it.
a fair point, but it is a minimal effect.
The duration of watching Gundam original is too long, unbearable, not worth it, if it is not your cup of tea.
It's got pretty good production values, but the story and characters were just not given any attention.
It's basically a cash in on the success of the previous season
For UC yeah. AU is different.
For kids, to sell the plastic kits.
It is a competition for children like pokemon, to modify the gundam toy.
But SEED and SEED Destiny are the most teen drama bullshit out of all of them.
00 just starts off as post 9/11 esque, goes Zeta super robot in the second season, then turns into Independence Day in the movie.
SEED is just a teen drama soap opera version of Early UC.
>reading CDA
At least read something better.
You start from the beginning, you little shit.
Fuck everyone who asks this question about any series.
It's pretty bad, but 14 year old Haman was worth picking it up for.
I've never understood why people make this kind of thread in the first place.
Any time I want to jump into something I never ask; I just search for the very beginning of said something and start from there (usually the very first released material).
> worth picking it up for
You'll change your tune when you read the last 2 or so volumes.
Some people aka normalfags use this as an opportunity to socialise. Sure, they could just use google like some autist, but they value socialising more so they just ask others instead of doing their own research.
Some people are also idiots. I've seen people start threads like these saying that they're confused by the conflicting information they found. And somehow they expect the answers from Sup Forums to be any better.
>you'll change your tune
Honestly, it's so bad it's good at this point. I doubt anything can make derail this trainwreck any harder senpai.
watched Wing when I was a kid, then watched the first half of IBO but then dropped it, shitty mc and shitty premise.
then tried watching older gundams, but the art and mc are shit too. and the robots were fucking shitty.
It's a big series with a lot of shows, he just wanted to know what to avoid but I guess he needed to be spoonfed even after seeing the guide that has the pros and cons of all the shows.
>and the robots were fucking shitty.
I can see your issues with the MC and premise even if I don't agree myself but the robots? Your taste is objectively SHIT
Those guides are even worse. Other people are deciding for you. Why are you allowing that?
Guides should be limited to
>List of all the material by release order
>Release date
And that's it.
>10+ volumes of Haman being a brat
> the so-called Deleted Affair is barely relevant
>1 volume left
>still a brat but really need to wrap up all the plot to lead to Zeta
>something something about finding out that Char has been shagging another woman all along
>Char's girlfriend is pregnant
>some obligatory drama leading to Haman being jealous and in one spur of a moment, watched the gf gets gunned down instead of trying to save her
>Char is sad
>start of Haman's darkness
>To be Continued in Zeta Gundam
There isn't even a train to wreck nor a track to derail.
you like the original gundam? looks like crap. even if you don't count the QUALITY.
>Other people are deciding for you
That's exactly what retards like OP want though. And even then, turns out the guide isn't even spoonfeeding enough for him.
Stick to AZ faggot.
I watched the original Gundam for the first time a couple weeks ago; I think it was amazing, even with the dated animation.
>Other people are deciding for you. Why are you allowing that?
What exactly is wrong with that? I don't listen to people saying stuff is shit before watching because I have free time but a lot of people don't have that blessing, they don't want to watch a 60 episode show they know beforehand is shit.
Recommendation/request threads belong on the appropriate board, Lurk for 2 years before posting.
I'm not too fond of the Gundam's design in 0079 but the rest is great, Zeon suits especially.
>08th no where to be found
What a shitty list.
>am i fitting in yet guys?????
>What exactly is wrong with that?
No human being in this earth has the same taste as you. As cliched as it sounds, you're unique and everyone is different from you.
What if that _______ you avoided because everyone said it was "so-so" or bad was exactly what you wanted? You're depriving yourself of something fun because the internet said so.
Have you seen Sup Forums? People can't even agree on anything and you expect them to tell you which is shit and which isn't? The closest consensus you can get is Seed Destiny and Age being considered the worst and Try close enough to join that rank.
In fact, there's been plenty of people like OP coming back in a few months' time to make a thread ranting about how Sup Forums said is good but he doesn't like it and is pissed off at Sup Forums for making him waste his time.
Why? Because as it turns out, only you can determine what you think it's good. Because taste differ. Starting threads like these are thus futile to begin with.
Gundam Seed Destiny may be the shittiest Gundam show but I think we can all agree Lunamaria is one of the cutest girls from the franchise
>people still posting the inferior versions
>No human being in this earth has the same taste as you. As cliched as it sounds, you're unique and everyone is different from you.
I know this but you can still respect a reviewer's opinion on things without agreeing with everything they're saying.
>What if that _______ you avoided because everyone said it was "so-so" or bad was exactly what you wanted? You're depriving yourself of something fun because the internet said so.
That's why I watched ZZ and found it way better than Char's Counterattack which everyone says is good, the guide was spot on with the cons.
Human parasites. Reviews and critics should disappear from earth.
I know full well how Sup Forums is with hating and loving certain shows, I loved G-Reco even though people absolutely hate it here and on /m/.
G-Reco is one of those shows people hate without saying why though, the older Gundam shows have been out for so long that the fans have pretty much pointed out all the flaws of each of the shows, I definitely disagree with not watching something because someone said it was shit. You should listen to a rational person's thoughts on it before deciding to drop it if you don't have enough free time to just take the plunge.
A lot of the hate Destiny gets is probably because there were so many potentially good things they could've done but the worst option was chosen pretty much every single time.
Did you just review critics and reviewers by calling them human parasites?
It wasn't a review; I was establishing an objective fact.
Scroll down you idiot. It's there.
>and on /m/
u w8 m8. /m/ is probably one of the few places that actually like G-reco.
>rational person's thoughts
Where the fuck do you think this place is?
She looked cute but I barely remember anything about her.
Unlike OP I've watched some Gundam, mostly Zeta, 08th, and G
08th is my favorite because of the real boots on the ground military vibe. What other Gundam series feel like that?
Posting sexiest Mobile Suit.
>u w8 m8. /m/ is probably one of the few places that actually like G-reco.
We must go there at different times then because whenever I see a thread it's always a huge shitshow.
>Where the fuck do you think this place is?
You've got me there, /m/ is a bit more rational though because of how slow paced and how oriented to older anime it is. It filters out a lot of dregs.
He's right though. Anime reviewers and critics are shit. At least live action movie reviewers have some background in films so they actually know to consider technical stand point plus demographics of the show.
Then there are retards like ANN reviewers who get paid to write drivel and often revel in their ignorance of not just anime, but every fucking thing.
Destiny had its moments. It flipfopped between both good and dumb and was genuinely enjoyable.
But when the series truly went to shit was in episode 38 when Kira got the Strike Freedom.
It literally all went downhill from there.
0079 is like 50% of all Gundam you will ever learn about, the rest is just extra
Sounds like you don't even browse /m/ much and only looked at the threads after g-reco has finished airing. And it's common for threads to turn to shit long after a show has ended since the people who cared have already talked about what they can so only shitposters are left.
Lurk more. The more you posts, the more it sounds like you're new.
Anyone have pics of when it was knock over?
Fucking this. My jaw hit the fucking floor at the sheer level of stupidity from that retarded SJW who reviewed the episode of Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works where Shirou fought Archer.
I'd go through my history and link threads where it's a shitpost fest of people calling it shit but you seem like you've already made your mind up that I'm a newfag shitter because you haven't seen something that's pretty darn common.
Start from the beginning dude. The cool thing about long running franchises like Gundam is that you get to see how they evolved and how each show references those that came before it, plus you get to see your favorite characters develop over long periods of time. You also get to appreciate the good and the bad in each show and form your own opinion about what makes Gundam good/bad. It's a fantastic experience overall. I marathoned all Gundam shows 3 years ago and I'm thinking of going over them again just to see all the shit I've missed (Tomino's Gundams especially have so much lore and interesting shit hidden behind seemingly inane conversations it's unreal).
War in the pocket
8th MS team
The rest of the OVAS afterwards
Meanwhile, I could do the same and point you to the airing threads to prove you wrong.
>that's pretty darn common.
I never said shitposting doesn't happen, nor that it isn't common. The original post was me saying that /m/ is one of the few places where g-reco is liked. Of course shitposting is common, it's fucking Sup Forums. But even with the shitsposting, /m/ still has way more posts discussing and liking g-reco than Sup Forums.
So no, I've made up my mind that you're new because again, your posts speak for themselves. Either that or you somehow that when I said /m/ like g-reco means there is no shitposting at all. It doesn't work like that.