Sup Forums doesn’t like the video game about killing nazis because they’re a bunch of wannabe Nazi autist. nothing more call yourselves American patriots yet are Nazi and russian sympathizer.
Sup Forums doesn’t like the video game about killing nazis because they’re a bunch of wannabe Nazi autist...
damn you found me out
I mean I don't give a fuck personally
Why would I waste my money and time killing some fucking humans on earth, when I can absolutely RIP and TEAR Demons on mars?
Playing Wolfenstein is to vidya what porn is to sex. You're letting depraved Jewish fantasies live in your head.
You should buy this game because then you can refund it and leave a negative review, thereby hurting the commies who made this trash financially.
lol, stop trying to create drama. nobody here cares.
>You're letting depraved Jewish fantasies live in your head.
the jews were the ones who killed the least amount of nazis ffs even italians killed more
>kike shillery thread #40214
>replies still guaranteed
The jew loves you best, Sup Forums, because Sup Forums is best goyim. Even shit threads on Sup Forums will just die without a single reply, but not here.
Everyone was mad about the fact that the game was really pro-communism
Says the (((Commie)))
Fuck no, wolfenstien was a awesome series
Untill they went political
>mfw looking forward to slaugther nazis
>mfw they shoe in a bunch of sjwism and anti white propaganda
>tfw i dont have a face
America didn't join the war to fight the Nazis but Japan. Churchill just made his friend Roosevelt join the war because they were fuck buddies. Aside from that the American public didn't give a flying fuck about the Nazis, actually I think quite a large number of them (including most soldiers) held similiar views to those they were fighting.
The American public today has just been brainwashed into thinking that they were fighting against the Nazis like some heroes out of the goodness in their hearts. In truth the Americans held very similiar views.
Damn, it’s too bad straight white guys are underrepresented in every other video game. Also how dare they put in anti white propaganda in a game about killing white people
Sup Forums, and also normals don't wanna buy this shit because it is SJW garbage of the highest order. It doesn't resonate with anybody but nogs, and there aren't enough nogs on earth to make this piece of bog-roll sell.
(((They))) actually killed JFK. We have proof now.
Not enough white men as lead protagonists in video games huh
I ain’t reading that shit nigga
Mah Shekels just don't connect with anybody as Der Heroen, not even other jews, it's just that non-believable.
"Come n get me you white assed Nazi pig dogs!!"
or whatever...
niggers can't read, it's not that they won't
Ever watch a nignog let's play?
They usually rage quit during the tutorial because nothing on the screen makes any sense to them beyond hit button X to make character do Y to accomplish money objective Z.
Another step to brainwash the plebs to go full white genocide and if they do it will play out differently.
There is no commie Russia.Russia is on our side.
There is no unified US.Amerikaners are on our side.
You are on your own with your brown masses.And you will be massacred with them.
Source or gtfo
>playing the electric Jew
We fought less than half of one war against the nazis because they were allied with our true for, the FUCKING NIPS.
Then we spent the next half century fighting communism.
Culturally, the silent generation and the nazis were nearly indestinguishable.
That being said, I don't aprove of the authoritarianism the nazi regieme employed on its own citizens. White nationalism should be maintained among individuals
BJ was always white until they made him a kike to avoid having to tackle any actually complicated issues in their game, and just say "fuck whitey" over and over
I bought AC: We Wuz Kangs Edition instead.
I miss when the game was about killing something resembling actual Nazis, not cartoonishly evil "Nazis". Were regular Nazis not a good enough target?
Care to explain?
Come on Vlad you can do better than that
>Nazi and russian sympathizer
how can they sympatize both russians and nazis at the same time?
They are basterdizing history. Even if it wasn't political and they say "its all just made up" these games gave ignorant children a skewed perception of actual history. It's a crime against integrity. Either cover history accurately (meaning at the fucking least keep to you original bullshit story) or write your own fucking story with original content! instead of just some cheap and easy "punch all the Nazis!" Simulator. The sad truth is they are still just piggy backing on Nazi astetics because they know how cool it is.
>60 dollars
>4 hours of standard fps no 9000
>2.5 hours of cutscene
>self taught Marxist intellectual
>strong pregnant womyn who don't need no man
>final boss is a qte
Propaganda used to be free you know
> nazis win the war
> upset because it skews perception of history lol ok