Why haven't you made your own manga yet user?
Why haven't you made your own manga yet user?
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I can't draw.
It would be difficult getting another artist to draw the character designs in my head onto paper.
I'm not japanese.
That's cultural appopriation.
A friend of mine has but they are called comics.
I'm not Japanese. Not even asian.
this is my western mango also known as a graphic novel
Why is it so hard for Caucasians to draw proper anime? Pretty much any Asian is a given, but I've also seen brown guys, hispanics, and especially black people draw anime pretty well. But 99% of the time when a white person tries to draw anime, there's always something "off" in their style. They can be amazing fucking artists, but their anime drawings will never look quite right. Sometimes you can't even pinpoint what it is exactly.
Like Mark Crilley.
>But 99% of the time when a white person tries to draw anime, there's always something "off" in their style. They can be amazing fucking artists, but their anime drawings will never look quite right. Sometimes you can't even pinpoint what it is exactly.
I often think the same. Like here's an example. Done by a westerner, it's close, oh lord is it close, but there's just something off. If I had to take a guess it's that it's trying too hard to be overly expressive in an manga-ish style. If there's a root cause it might be lack of subtlety from western artists.
>lack of subtlety
It's because they are aping a style instead of creating their own. These people are always anime/manga fans. You can always tell when someone is trying to emulate another's style unless they (the emulator) is very, very good.
>If there's a root cause it might be lack of subtlety from western artists.
You are fucking retarded.
I'm still getting gud. Give me a year.
>You are fucking retarded.
No u
Well played, user.
I'm curious, for those of you who do try to draw do you guys stalk favorite artists and study their style to emulate or do you guys learn from a different source and try to build from there?
The shading is really detailed. It might look better if it were more simple because you can really feel the shift in style when she gets expressive.
A bit of both. Fundamentals are important, learning from non-h, non-Sup Forums sources are important, but so are emulating the people that you like and inspire you, even if they're not the best artists.
You do both. You study what you want to be able to do and learn from other sources. You basically steal as much information as you can from other sources and improve yourself. It all starts with the fundamentals though.
not weeb
can't draw
You're otaku. Of course you can draw.
Didn't we just have this thread a week ago? Don't make this a common thing, it doesn't belong.
working on writing right now, trying to improve my drawfag skills but that's gonna take a LOOOOOONG time
>implying the nips don't self emulate
I can't draw very well (better than scribbles but not by much).
I'm not Japanese.
I don't speak Japanese.
I don't live in Japan.
can't draw.
>tfw all i ever wanted in life was to be able to put my ideas to paper and give them form
>all my drawings are Chris-chan tier
>I have no confidence in my ability to carry a story.
>It takes me ages to draw anything half decent
>I have zero work ethic and am addicted to masturbation
You can draw well.
You are unique.
You can speak Japanese.
You can live in Japan.
You're me except you draw better.
>tfw 20-30 hours per page
But I have. Me and a friend of mine decided on doing a mini-series as a hobby since we both could draw, albeit he was better than me but I helped draw up the concepts and scenes while he polished and improved them.
We autistically spent at least 3 months trying to build the universe and world. We also considered the possibility of making it a LN and started writing up a few chapters in a novel format. In the end it got scrapped since we seperated internationally. He kept most of the drawings and shit so I don't really have any screenshots to share, but trying write stories is definitely very fun.
Because I can't draw for the sake of my life.
Seriously, my drawings suck, just like my handwriting. I wonder if the two things are related.
I can't draw. My normalfag friend can draw and would probably draw it for me, but my only idea is kind of heavy on loli fanservice and I don't really want to out myself as a pedophile.
I guess since you can't draw you can always make your own light novel
Not really, my casual handwriting is unintelligible to anyone but me, but my drawing is decent.
Why don't you learn how to draw?
Yeah, for whatever reason handwriting isn't as closely related to drawing skills as people might think at first, including myself. No matter how much I improve at drawing and painting, my handwriting remains near unintelligible. I think it's actually gotten worse.
Strive to improve your handwriting them.
To those who keep saying "can't draw", you just making excuse...keep drawing, man.
The drawfags are all shitty at drawing too initially, but they keep drawing all the time until they either satisfied or give up.
Keep drawing.
Is this any good?
Being addicted to this piece of shit website.
Does visual novel count?
It scored mild success
>ywn have your work adapted by your countrymen
I'm not a Jap.
I wish can lower my standard and draw a shitty comic to the finish, I always think too hard and see tons of plot holes and mistakes in my comic that I just give up
Too much work involved.
Would have to dedicate a few years just to get fundamentals before I can even begin to do something with value.
What's the point? I'll die before I can ever put together a whole story. If I were to put in effort for something, I'd just stick to pure writing.
I am
Though my art is a bit lacking and im rushing and sketching pages ahead because I'm excited to get my idea on paper
Takes me like 2-3 hours to draw something i can call myself proud of
>The less time you take to draw = better artist
Hella untrue
There's correlation. Especially in comics, where a rushed page is the alternative to no page.
Most of the artists in the west goes to drawing furry porn
Speak for yourself.
>implying japs don't also do furshit
But I did.
That's true, but when you see someone pull this mad shit
and you're still spending way more time on something that doesn't even look that good then it hurts a bit.
I'll get there one day.
People who "learn" art aren't as good as people who are just naturally artistic.
Learned art is a meme colleges use to make money, and no "techniques" you learn will make your doodles any more impressive than someone else.
Stop posting that because it's already a thing.
it's the inking/shading
for example in the first panel, since the inking and shading is of similar quality for both characters, your eye isn't drawn to either of them and it seems flat
problem with composition in the next one, why is two thirds of the panel so detailed and has such heavy line weight and shading? It's just a bed.
I want my eyes on the girl speaking, not the covers.
The last three panels are good though.
Kubo gave some good advice on this.
If you can't draw, hire someone else to draw
If you can't write, hire someone else to write
Stop posting Keit-ai because it's already an anime.
this is a joke right?
I'm not a robot.
Explain why Keit-ai is a meme
Comic book*
A self-perpetuating cancerbolaids.
anime directors can't draw for shit.
yet, they're making animus.
reminds me of that autistic(litterally) guy who could draw a entire cityscape perfectly after seeing it once
>write a light novel
Theirs so much cultural bullshit that I simply don't understand about japan. Whatever I write will be more like Daybreak at Hyperion than a light novel. Too many cultural conventions in their work that just doesn't make any sense or gets lost in translation like how they talk and automatically know who's talking.
>and no "techniques" you learn will make your doodles any more impressive than someone else.
This is absolutely defeatist retardation. Fuck you, I know for a fact that talent is myth. Two years ago I'd be better off taking a shit on a page than trying to draw, but I told myself to stop being a fag and just fucking draw and now I consider myself to be somewhat decent.
There is nothing more pathetic than watching someone grumble their sour grapes and ignore everything they see and hear. Protip my fucking dude: art colleges have always been a meme. The only people who get anything out of "formal" art education nowadays are the total retards who can't use google or people who can already draw and are just looking for a pie to jam their fingers into.
Quit sucking on your thumb and crying about how you'll never make it because everyone else is soooo talented and just fucking draw you godamn bitch.
>People who "learn" art aren't as good as people who are just naturally artistic
People like you used to make me upset, and then I realized that you live in a world where you genuinely believe that you will never amount to anything, and everyone that's good at something was just born with it.
oh, I'm sorry. I forgot some people don't have jobs.
Let me rephrase that
Let's say you have a cool idea for a manga, but you can't draw worth crap..
If you can't draw work with someone who can draw. Beg, whine, do some favors, whatever..
If you can't write dialogue, do the same.
Work with people who know their shit. Don't insist on doing everything alone
Been there done that bro.
I mean is it a joke that this is a Kubo quote.
What if i draw it in manga style with a Japanese setting?
Are you in japan? Is it going to be published in japanese? In a japanese magazine? Aimed at a japanese audience?
If you answered no to any of these questions, you need to kill yourself right now.
See While the rest of functioning society will move on with their lives, he will continue holed up in his room believing that everything in life is forever out of his grasp. The satisfaction of that knowledge is worth much more than the annoyance that comes with hearing people like him discredit the work we put into our lives to better ourselves.
It could work, why does it have to come from a Japanese?
Why would nips want to buy my shit
It doesn't have to be, but without being japanese the other parts almost certainly won't be the case.
Because manga is simply a term used for any comic that comes out of Japan. Making a comic outside of Japan and calling it anime is like smearing feces on your face and calling yourself black.
Hello again
There is no money in it.
At this rate you would actually lose more money just by doing.
The only thing out of it is fame.
I did not get any fame.
This. Art Schools are more of pyramid schemes than actual schools.
Because if it doesn't, it's just an american (or wherever you're from) comic book
>tfw self taught
>tfw do book covers for a living
>tfw make 75k a year
>tfw no one will ever know my name outside of book publishers and a few crazies
>tfw my life completely blows your post out of the water
They look like this most of the time when non-Asians draw them.
I'm just saying most people that go to art school end up leaving not being much better than they were than they entered. Most people who go to art school just want to improve their skills and while it may be just me being retarded, I honestly believe there won't be thousands of dollars WORTH of improvement. I'm not an artist so I wouldn't know but I've taken plenty of art classes and I've been shitty at art my entire life.
They always have this type of face when they do draw them, from my experience.
Just listen for a minute, I quote this constantly.
Could be worse.
Art is a representation of how much work you put in. You can hit the gym for 8 hours a day every day, but if you just play around with 5 pound weight, you're not going to get buff, no matter how much you pay for a gym membership.
In the same way, no one can physically make your mind pay attention and not just show up and go through the motions. If you're not improving in art, it is 100% because you are not putting in the effort and it will always show. It isn't something you can just go through the motions and get better at, like most things in life.
I wish there were decent guides for drawing anime out there. I can't find any.
>git gud at drawing traditionally
>find artists that you enjoy
>find out what parts of their style you enjoy
>copy them
Try searching in weebspeak. You will still need proper fundamentals, unless you want to make it harder on yourself than necessary.
You guys are right actually. I'd need to get good at drawing all together.
I don't identify as my home country.
You need to learn the rules in order to break them. It's the difference between a purse snatcher and a corporate mogul.
>this is a depiction of a human being
Yeah, what the other user said. When you just try "drawing anime" without knowing how to draw you'll most likely end up as a deviantart reject.
Just keep practicing and don't burn yourself out. Practice with what you like to draw but don't be afraid to move out of your comfort zone.