Is Sup Forums siding with Iran?
Is Sup Forums siding with Iran?
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Sup Forums stands with Israel.
if it ain't white, it ain't right
but Iran is alright
Yes, we must secure the existence of pure persian waifus
I am on my own side, everyone else can fuck off.
it doesn't matter who /pol sides with
Look here, another diaspora who deluded himself into thinking majority of iranians are not conservative muslims.
regime survives for a reason.
flag checks out
>muh based Israel
Fuck off 56%
nose envy
You sure have me riled up!
Give the nukes to the Aryans
I went to university with many Iranians. Most were assholes. A few were very good people.
I hope Israel doesn't kill them, and that they sort out their own problems.
In general yes.
I am happy with that, we shouldn't be randomly hating things because Israel told us to.
This Sup Forumstard is.
By the by, excellent synopsis of US meddling in Iran since Mossadegh by Dr Steve Pieczenik. For those who do not know
Have a great weekend, my Persian friends. Dreaming and praying for your freedom here!
If our shitty nations dislike Iran, they must be doing something good. I support them out of spite more than because they're them but still, a support is a support
I taught physics for a time...
She looks like the Iranian girl who never showed up until the last day and said she'd do anything for a passing grade.
So, I showed her the sylibus, and the minimum required to get a passing grade.
"No, you don't understand, I'll do anything!" she said.
I absolutely could not believe such a babe would do the anything with a 5 like me. So, I sent her to the professor.
Professor laughed at me.
no, they have the second highest number of ladyboys after Thailand. Kill your fucking self
Yeah no. If I had two nukes I would Nuke Israel twice. Once, immediately, then 10 years later after they spent all that time rebuilding.
oh look, yet another treasonous liberal
Pro-Iran threads are an Israeli psyop and Sup Forums is too retarded to see it.
>Is Sup Forums siding with Iran?
Yes. Pussy pics prove cultural worth. Until more hot Jewesses are posted we must side with Iran, even tho it's run by old mullahs (and we'd fuck them, too).
Do Persian girls like white guys?
Dude you should have analised that persian butt.
I like their women
millenials/liberals are true Anti Western CANCER. I hope you all get conscripted to die in the middle east, you are truly a cancerous generation. Z will take your place
> If you don't accept one form of Islam, youre a jew
I see you muhammad, shaking that ass
Who talked about Islam? We talked about Iran being #1 enemy of Israel
tell me more about muhammad the pedophile flying to the moon on a winged horse, you fucking caveman
But user, it's about geopolitics not religion
If there was a fund I could donate to that would buy bullets for the IDF to use on muslims, I'd donate 10 dollars a week. I hope they start a Foundation. If I could be guarenteed they'd spend it on white phosphorous, I'd spend 20
T. Maori
> Iran isnt Islamic
Just fucking kill yourself muhammad, and your entire family
>not motivated by relegion
Stop trying to cover for your fellow caliphite france.
Woody Allen pls go
> Iran lawmakers passed a measure — in a bill aimed at protecting the rights of children, no less — that allows for men to marry their adopted daughters, so long as the girls are at least 13 years old.
Sup Forums is a realist, non-interventionist board. Therefore we want a stable if cool diplomatic relationship with Iran.
That's actually a very good idea.
>the jews don't understand
1. Iran isn't a calliphate, nor is trying to establish one
2. We don't give a fuck, Iranians stay in their lands, as long as they stay in their country and BTFO Israel we're good
i fully support everything the jews hate - north korea, syria and iran.
please end israel
Listen here you dumb shit, New Zealand is in a military alliance with the USA, called ANZUS. The US is in a military alliance with Israel. If we are going to BTFO anyone its your pedo friends.
Now pay your respects to based Haji Hunter Willie Apiata, may he lead us to victory over the godless
i have a friend who is kurdish and he looks like jesus so i think they are maybe the good ones
> Canada supports a nation of transgenders
hmmm, make me fink
T. dogshit millennial
The commie Kurds get the rake, same as the leafs.
>but Iran is alright
nvm, I just learned that child marriage is legal is Iran.
Against Israel? Let's go I-ran! Clap clap clapclap clap Nuke the Jew-ews!
>burning USA flag
oh yeah dem jews, remember, mom and dad are probably in on it, muhammad. Better get em first. Fifth column
Look here, another moron spewing uninformed half truths and treating them as gospel.
Try going there yourself for once. Don't worry, you won't die.
If they were all the conservative muslims you paint them out to be, they would have voted en masse for Rohani's ultra conservative opponent during last year's election.
They have proper healthcare as well as opposed to the States.
Only places I've been where all the women wore a chaador was Qom (which might as well be the Vatican's equivalent of shia islam) and backwater villages.
The Iranian population has an average age of 38 or something. Islam isn't a pivotal aspect of their daily lives. As tourism and the economy keeps growing, the sway of islam will lessen.
You're grossly oversimplifying the reason as to why the regime is still in place but i cant be fucked to write an essay here.
I need to move to Iran...
i hear they have skiing all year round
Iranians are beautiful people with a beautiful country, Israelis can get gassed /thread
Using pedos as memes is a thing now?
Shias are alright as far as dune coons go. They chimp out far less than their Sunni counterparts and seem more open to being part of the modern world.
I never get tired of these sand nigger threads.
>hey guys, don't we just love based islam because it's the eternal enemy of the jew
I can't wait to hear how one particular brand of toxic Semitism is better than another brand.
Persia has never invaded europe. It didn't even invade Rome during the times of Justinian and the Sassanids. Europeans have time and time again invaded persians.
Now we are supposed to hate them? They should be hating us, not the other way around.
They also protected Christians from Lebanon and are fighting ISIS
Burger Kwan retard detected
also JIDF attacks every single pro-palestine and pro-iran thread.
so a lot of people hate you israel and we see through your bullshit lies and propaganda
And being a conservative nation is bad because....?
I know if you "Don't wuv G-D's chosen people, you must be a moozlim goyim" argument ...only retards fall for it
Oh, okay faggot.
They're not ethnically semitic, only culturally semitic.
Really cut down my point there.
Not even Shia is allot differnet, stop reaching you made your self look stupid KYS
Oh, nice of you to hide your location with BLM flag. But I suggest you to keep on visiting
Rohani is not some secularist liberal, do not portay him as such. It is as if saying some soviets support democracy and freedom because they prefer Trotksy over Stalin.
Majority of the population was religious and conservative, majority of the population is still religious and conservative. Not you but many Diaspora have confirmation bias with regards to a country that they (usually) never visited and that their parents escaped few decades ago.
and you sir If you think Rohanis election is a sign of liberal reform than you are truly delusional. He is a conservative, he is just not as much of a nut job conservative as the others, thats it, just as conservatives here labeled obama a commie, because he had a few tad socialistic reforms.
regime is in place because the "liberal" you spout is still quite conservative and religious.
Again you diaspora fags are delusional
the true liberal seculars maybe, just maybe are 15%, probably even less.
Don't expect to settle back to secular iran anytime soon.
Natural for you to think so. I always get hostile reactions when I say this but conservative muslims and conservative christians have far more things in common whan you would think.
>Is Sup Forums siding with Iran?
>siding with muslims
Your side should be the preservation and revitalization of Western society and culture alone.
Because if the muslims horde in your land ever takes up arms against you and the native population Iran will undoubtedly side with the goat fuckers just as they did in Yugoslavia and just as they are doing with Myanmar
Christians don't make a fundamental distinction between believes and non-believers then place themselves above them unquestionably.
>this particular brand of semitic religion isn't as toxic as the others
Okay faggot.
Yeah no. If I had two nukes I would Nuke Israel twice. Once, immediately, then 50 years later after the mutants spent all that time rebuilding.
Who gives a shit what you would do? lol
>Not even Shia is allot different
The split between Shia and Sunni is literally just which one of Muhammad's spawn is the true their to their death cult
>CIA agent
>Must be true
If I side with Iran, will you shitskins stay in your own country?
KEK. you are triggering JIDF my friend
# free palestine
# open borders for israel
>What if scenario
>you must agree with kikes now
With Persians, sure
With Arab hand-me-downs, no
Israel has a big beautiful wall
Iranians are rarely migrating to the West
Let me sum up a 1400 year old Shiism with a pic of some article about a Shia cleric in Iraq
>is Sup Forums siding with aryans?
What question is that?
>Iranians are rarely migrating to the West
That's bullshit. This thread is full of Iranians that are living in the west. If you all go back to Iran and promise not to make nukes then I will gladly support Iran over (((Israel))).
>Let me sum up a 1400 year old Shiism with a pic of some article about a Shia cleric in Iraq
This, typical kike tricks
>you must agree with kikes now
says fucking who you whataboutism nigger?
You naive dumbfucks think the world is a duality between international kikery and everyone else. When in reality there are multiple vultures looking to tear western civilization apart during its weakest moment. Iran is literally an Islamic theocracy, and just like every other mudshit wants to see the evil West burn to the ground.
meanwhile the Hezbollah loses men protecting Christian minorities in Syria and protects Christians in Lebanon from hostile foreign interests.
How do I get a Persian wife
Not inbred britbongs.
>never attacks the west
>wants to tear western civilization apart
Go back to reading kikebart and jacking off milo retard
Tell us good things about Shiaism.
Hard Mode: Don't mention the US or Israel.
They only need nukes in order to glass Israel and jewSA so no harm done.
>Tell us more about the solution to a problem
>Don't talk about the problem
Eat a dick
Pretty sure Shia Islam predated both states so come on, let's hear about it.
The tread is bout Iran retard
This is clearly a poor victim of the BMC(big Muslim cock) His mother or sister or wife is fucking a Muslim bull
What's good about Iranian society and culture? I'm being genuinely receptive to positive traits. Enlighten me.
>never attacks the west
>literally supported muslim invaders in the Balkans
>supporting the muslim take over pf Lebanon
>calling for jihad against the Buddhists in Maynamar for kicking out their muslims invaders
Nah you're right, Iran totally doesn't want to spread their 16th century cult around the world, they would never try to subversively attack the West like all these other areas, they are too BASED. BASED muslims fighting kikes on my behalf
There's nothing wrong with the Iranian people.
The middle eastern regimes that control their people are the issue.
They are isolationists that don't bother anyone.
Most Iranian women shave their arms and even their fingers, bleach their skin and paint their nails.
This woman is European, not Persian.
Didn't US support Muslims invaders in The Balkans you faggot?
Same for Myanmar
Also there was no "Muslims take over of Lebanon"
you are a retard