What does Sup Forums think of Oskar Dirlewanger?

What does Sup Forums think of Oskar Dirlewanger?

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But in seriousness, he was probably the worst war criminal of the war. The kind of degenerate that hitler probably should have exterminated right along with the rest.

>tfw you'll never serve in his squad

Big head.

>he was probably the worst war criminal of the war

You mean on the Nazi side?


Best commander ever.Knows how to deal with commies,jews and degenerate elements.10 time more bad ass than pinochet.

Wow, when you bomb a country that is asking for peace day and night for 6 years you only makes the people there more angry and violent! Absurd! Whou would have thought???

He is the hikky avenger.

He is a meme in ylilauta's hikikomori board

>tfw hikky avenger didn't achieve the international success it was supposed to
I lost a lot of money on that bet. Tons of menes produced that nobody wants...


Death was too easy. Should have been crucified.

What does it mean?

So should all the jews

total degenerate


>spread wet newspapers on my neighbors windshield during winter
>talk about menes to normies so they become uncomfortable
>mail potato flour to celebrities with a note that say "enjoy your anthrax"
>inject glue into car and apartment locks to revenge normal fags

Here's my favourite.
>put diarreah-piss mix in ice cube form
>ice cube form in freezer
>you have handy ''hatesoupcubes'' that you can deploy anywhere

It means fins are the best at memes
I don't know why though


He's gotta be up there even if you include everyone else. Dude was fucking depraved.

Says who?


Who knows if he was a sadist pedophile

Sounds a lot like lampshades and human soap and rollercoasters

Filthy degenerate that everybody in the SS hated and wanted gone.

It is true Dirlewanger never died in prison?

I heard he ended up fighting guerrillas in Vietnam for the USA army

He was a butcher and that’s a quality I value and respect. My dream has always been to murder as much as I can before I die

All you fucking retards question the gas chambers and rollercoasters but you believe this guy was a depraved sadist, and the info is from the same places.

>What does Sup Forums think of Oskar Dirlewanger?
Brutally murdered many tens of thousands of Polish women and children trying to fulfill Hitlers desire to depopulate the whole of Poland.

Funny how that isn't in any of our history books.

Crazy fucking sadists have always existed where wars are fought. Masturbating machines and roller coasters are unbelievable because they're unheard of. Dirlewanger was most likely a very terrible man.

According to who?

I'm not saying he was or wasn't, I just find it odd people accept the narrative on this guy unquestioned

He had commanded many units and was an important officer, seems like a likely target for propaganda. Many of his units were involved in counter-insurgency operations, so he probably committed atrocities, but who knows about the more fantastic tales around him.

>Cries about nazis being punched and would literally shit himself crying if he had to spend so much as a nanosecond on the eastern front.

He was a degenerate and a psychopath that led a band of criminal scum

>Who knows if he was a sadist pedophile
He literally served time in prison for it, user.

He was verifiably a cruel sadist. Even if you're suspicious of Soviet accounts you can look at his prison records and accounts from other members of the Nazi party.

Kind of based desu

I don't like the guy.