Why are the girls in azuma kiyohiko's works all so sexual? It's like he isn't trying but the girls just come out so erotic .
>he isn't trying
He wrote hentai stuff you know.
>he isn't trying
Guess i'm a baka then, well props to him he knows what is hot.
Osaka a cute!
Even if it's not accidental, it's still nice how it's a bit subtle. There's no scene that stops everything to scream at you "THIS IS THE FANSERVICE SCENE - IT'S TIME TO FAP". Sure, there are beach episodes and the odd boob gag, but it feels a lot more organically integrated than a lot of other series I've seen.
Why is Ayumu the most sexually-minded Azumanga?
>asks Kaorin if she's gay
>only one to point out that no one has a boyfriend
>stops Chiyo from interrupting Nyamo's drunken sex talk
>has a boob size scale for her classmates
More like it feels like it's about real girls doing things real people do.
That's why Azumanga Daioh is so good, it feels very authentic
Hyouka is also really good at this, in a different way
They're never really like BOOBIES but they're doing shit like BAM, EXPOSED NAPE OF THE NECK, MOTHERFUCKER all the time
>Why are the girls in azuma kiyohiko's works all so sexual
this sentence is dangerous
Those hips are incredible.
I think we're all just waiting for *that* to happen, in the back of our heads.
How can I get hips line that?
female puberty, genes and a fit life
I would like to insert my penis into Nyamo's anus
Sakaki a best.
Damn, she is thick. I could inseminate her in seconds.
>Why are the girls in azuma kiyohiko's works all so sexual?
They are nubile young women at the peak of their fertility.
And one girl from those works was identical to Tomo. I never found the work, sadly.
Most of KyoAni's post-Haruhi works sort of go like this, the major exception being Amagi (which was more conventionally fanservicey).
The official art is way different though. Compare even the most blatant fanservice of K-On! (which, again, pretty mild) to the official art.
ui a thicc
Ui is pure.
Ui is a mega slut for other girls
I really want a side series with these threes. I love them so much.
I will fight to the death to protect Ui's purity!
Wait, I just got here. Is this a K-On! thread now?
It's becoming one, but I only brought it up in the context of mild fanservice (Azumanga, KyoAni) vs. blatant fanservice.
Feel free to discuss Ui Hirasawa's thighs.
As long as we're on the subject, who names their kids Yui and Ui? That's like naming them Anna and Ann. Is it a Japanese thing that my tiny western mind can't hope to comprehend?
>tfw you have both
Honestly I don't see what's so bad about either, unless you think humans are supposed to be tools.
No shit Sherlock
If you have ADHD you have ADD
They're shit for functioning in the modern world but they become superpowers when you're working on your own projects and not expected to adhere to someone else's structure.
user search into your heart you know it's true.
She munched more carpets in a year than a merchant will sell in his lifetime.
Why do you think she slips so much ? She's wetter than the niagara falls at the mere presence of a cunt in a 5 miles radius. She picks up female pheromones like a nigger would with fried chicken.
You gotta embrace that side of her.
I want to fuck Yukari in the missionary position and cum inside her.
ADD and ADHD are a meme invented by doctors who think it's easier to tell parents their kids have brain problems rather than point out their poor upbringing and lack of discipline
Were these pre- or post-Azumanga Daioh?
>that totally-not-yukari
Agreed. It's why I think Azumanga is the only good slice of life there is.
Yukari is the only sexy character on the show.
Her and the short haired sports one
Better copy for you.
Yes, KyoAni official promo art is shamelessly lewd.
I'll be the first to call out bullshit """""""illnesses""""""" when I see them but, as someone who works in elementary schools, no. Some of these little fuckers are fucking brain damaged.
>as someone who works in elementary schools
>on Sup Forums
You're a pedo, aren't you?
I also work in grade schools, but no. There have been one or two six graders who looked older then they were who I found super hot, but otherwise elementary schoolers do nothing for me outside of loli manga and I wouldn't think of touching them. Even when they do cartwheels or joke about me going on hot sexy dates.
Nah, weeb, ALT, 3DPD, etc.
Yeah, me too. There are some girls who are going to be smoking when they're older but, as they are, they're either too insufferable or too goddamned sweet to think of anything else.
Loli manga, of which I have three tabs of it open, are a completely different thing from real life.
Amagi and Phantom World were all up in your face with their fanservice.
Look at the years.
Yui is the only girl for her
Azuma is the rare artist who can accentuate exactly what makes a man go crazy over a girl. I don't know if he's even conscious of it or not. I can't even think of another artist off hand who can manage to make such average and plain girls look so damn alluring.
He is the acolyte of dick
>2000 + a decade + 6
Yet Osaka is still better than any other anime girls.
Osaka is my spirit animal
I'm pretty sure it's just something newfags do to get babby's first wall of replies, and most of them aren't aware that this and "that" share the same author so I would think we're safe for the most part.
I'd be surprised if you didn't, quicksilver.
Jun has the fattest ass, we all know.
Holy shit this. Even the ones that aren't bombshells like Sakaki or Yomi are arttractive and desirable.
Its been 16 years of Tomo making me crazy.
this reminds me of that sakaki zone flash. never not be mad that it was anal only.
I know man, I know. For reason unknown to humanity too many awesome zone flashes are anal only.
Sakaki is the hottest girl in Azumanga Daioh
tanlines girl was hotter
years later and i still wouldn't replace her
Excellent taste. But are you into necrophilia or something with the first cop on the left?
I'm sorry your spirits animal is retarded user.
>Azumanga Diaoh was 17 years ago
it aged like fucking fine wine holy shit
It's worse in real life
Their parents must really like Aria
Time to finally pick it up I guess
No true scotsm/a/n rates Azumanga below 7/10
>There's anons on Sup Forums who born after Azumanga
>Azumanga and LS get lumped up with Ghibli's movies and called old shit
not like this
It didn't deserve this, same with Pani-poni Dash
I'd eat her ass desu