How can somebody be this fucking retarded
it's a commonplace cuck tactic in the American right the American right they trace their ancestry to degenerate jacobin traitors and revolutionaries and just dismiss monarchism traditionalism and British Tory's as something that didn't happen and view the left as le more government and the right as le less government and just want to return to a time when liberalism worked for them like the 1970's
He's a perfect counter-example to the stereotype of Indians being smart.
Poo have taken top spot in american tech industry fuck american technology companies for hiring them over white americans
Oh sweetie, you’ll always be mommy’s liddle racist.
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
Why do rural and suburbab retards earn more than city folk though?
Honest question, Croat
Mr. DR3 himself. This is his market, telling wistful boomer cucks they can be edgy again, especially from a BASED brown man.
Sure, but D'Souza ain't in tech. When you meet Pajeet or Chong in the humanities, you know something went wrong.
D'Souza is a turd.
He's openly praised the fact that his ancestral homeland, India, was colonized and that his grandfather was converted to Christianity at the end of a rapier.
What a cuck.
Mainstream conservatism is for suckers!!!
I'd go with monarchists, high church whigs, and low church small r republicans. Today cuckservatives are high-church whigs who pander to and dominate any sense of small r republicanism.
When will you idiots kill yourselves already?
Months of shilling and MSM boosting and Spencer's channel is still lower than 10 year old girls' make up channels.
Let people with actual functioning brains win the culture war.
Now thats what I call a character assassination!
This, desu I love it, its a self parody at this point
he is a career victim just of old media instead of out of patreon or some shit
>nazis were WAY more systematic and hierarchical than antifa, therefore antifa are not fascistic in their behavior towards their opposition :^)))
Nazis advocate a doctrine of racial supremacy.
Antifa does not advocate a doctrine of racial supremacy.
This is not hard to understand.
>Nazis fight and believe things
>Antifa fight and believe things
Nazis = Antifa how is this hard to understand?
>When will you idiots kill yourselves already?
>if you think he's retarded that must mean youre a nazi
>Let people with actual functioning brains win the culture war.
>y-your the real racist
>fucking based indian fighting in the culture war
yeah i dont think we're fighting the same culture war
I'm under the impression that Dinesh tried to argue that Antifa are not fascists. That antifa are not nazis is too self-explanatory and obvious.
And the funny shit is, the only people who get mad at the comparison are the racists who don't want to be associated with democrats.
>I'm under the impression that Dinesh tried to argue that Antifa are not fascists.
"Do you not see..." This is a rhetorical statement in English indicating that the speaker expects the listener to agree with the proposition, not to negate it.
Someone need to put that Loo in his fucking place.
socially nazis and antifa couldnt be further away. they're the absolute polar opposites. economically nazi are to their right. Its not because you have some level of ''fascist behavior'' that youre the same, stupid brainlet
Ah well I misread it.
God I fucking hate indians
I'm not saying their the same.
Absolutely this. The American Right is inherently fucked from the beginning. They sit and whinge about trivial matters like muh taxes while the Left controls the culture and sets the political narrative.
You are the fucking dead brain retard OP. Anifa uses VIOLENCE to push a POLITICAL AGENDA. There is nothing RIGHT WING about that. Using the power of an overbearing smothering state to force its idealogical will through violence and suppression of civil rights is leftist, and is facsist.
The entire point for German people to vote for and support the National Socialist Worker's Party was because Hitler's party said they would protect Germans from Antifa/KPD.
That's what D'Suesse should be talking about: that if Antifa/Bolshevic/commie-jews weren't killing people and calling everyone a "facist', that people would not have been supporting Hitler in the first place.
The fucking dingbat losers in this thread who think facism is on the right side of the political spectrum have no ability whatsoever to think critically for themselves. They define:facism in google and think they’re fucking experts. Muh facism=nationalism as if nationalisn makes facism what it is. VIOLENCE and utter DISREGARD FOR THE INDIVIDUAL makes facism, facism.
He needs to Goa back.
Hitler Youth were well dressed and well behaved.
Antifa were anti-society Jews who wanted to be able to shit in public while the government paid for it and be dirty commies.
thjat cunt shaun im not black dumb shit .. I hate him and would go to jail if I could punch him once.
antifa are facists though so FU antifa
but antifa ARE nazis.. we punch nazis so we punch antifa
>How can somebody be this fucking retarded
Well, he has a point. For example some graak Nationalsoocialist (NaZi) groups are completely antifascist (antifa).
One of the reasons is the pic rel: Brazilian Fascists)
> "Fascism seriously damages Health" article written by Greek Nazis (greek lang):
It is true that natsoc has more in common with communism than it does with liberalism. Liberalism is basically as far left as you can go. Socialism is centrist and natsoc is right wing. That is why former communist areas are better off than western liberal areas. Because liberalism is more left wing than Soviet socialism in a real sense of the word.
nice flag
>obama, while a communist, is actually a NAZI
>the modern left are all NAZIS
>the modern right (except for my libertarian cuckold fantasies) are all NAZIS
>please join my enlightened centrist harem and buy my 25 books in which i repeat till your dick falls off that nazis and commies are the same.
yup that sum up dinesh pretty well
I think the best part of this cult of his is that he abuses people's completely retarded conception of fascism as "violence against people you don't like", a liberal fucking invention if I ever saw one, like this embarrassing nord So here's dinesh 25 books in green text
>political violence (non-freedom) and coercion are fascist
>commies and fascists were both fascists
it reminds me of the 'statist' charge other libertarians always throw around to jerk each other off over their horsehoe theory enlightenment. Please join us! We're the center and we're moderate and peaceful and we love everyone!
Reminder that even Hitler himself used anti-racists to his advantage by portraying the US as violent klansmen and you are just shooting yourselves in the foot and scaring away potential voters.
We're currently embroiled in World War 6 or some such thing. Its a war against bullying and sexism, that the ''West'' is waging against Islamosexist Bullies. The ''West'' was founded by Al Goldstein, a gentleman who was a great Conservative, along with Leon Trotsky, Long Dong Silver, and Harvey Milk. Liberals on the other hand are people who are inspired by Mohammad, Adolf Hitler, Ty Cobb, and the giant lizard from 'The Beast From 20,000 Fathoms''. Germans are the biggest Liberals of all, as demonstrated by Martin Heidegger and his Liberal Relativism. I know all of this because I regularly read Conservative bloggers with names like Duke Whaleshark and Max Violence - these are the nom de guerres of Jewish Men-Of-The-West who wage war with weapons mightier than the sword.
no, antifa were across the street at the KPD HQ
He can't cry though. To produce tears you need a soul and gingers don't have one.
The nazis literally destroyed the original Antifa, but I guess this brown faggot doesn't know that.
Antifa advocates a doctrine of all races being superior morally and intellectually to whites.
Implying it isn't true.
Antifa are the communist version of the Brown Short S.A.
>Nazis advocate a doctrine of racial supremacy.
No they didn't.
Ah, the daily cut-and-paste Sharia Blue / Media Mutters post. Collect your shekels, Brock-kike.
this is appropriation of Sup Forums culture, this is an outrage
Show your flag leaf