Which girl is the all time queen of bantz?
Monster Musume
Other urls found in this thread:
What do you think is your waifu's favorite human movie?
Best Beef
Rocky probably,
Watched Disney's Tarzan recently and i'd think she'd enjoy that a lot too.
Why are threads being made almost an hour in advance? It's always started by a mobile poster too.
Thumbs up.
Poisoned Suu
There's a clear version of that pic.
I know this is easy mode, but, Doppel's favorite movie is John Carpenter's "The Thing."
Take your pick:
>Lazy phone poster is too dumb to search for a thread, so they make one, and wonder why nobody shows up
>Phone poster is so conceited that they think their witty threads should always be first
>Repeated honest mistakes
>The we're having fun excuse.
They can't contain their autism.
This has been going on for a while now. A new thread is made when the other hits bump limit.
Image.jpg followed by some shit is the norm.
Surprised it hasn't caused any deleted threads.
I prefer the gif version of the pic.
It's intentional. Almost every recent thread has been started by image.jpg
Way better than that other shit at least.
So #2, combined with some idiotic need for "n-n-need to make a new thread at bump limit!" Probably from another board with a lot of generals that make a new thread as soon as they get image/bump limit.
I pick B, what do I get?
It's been a long time since I had to wait at least an hour for a new thread to pop up.
Why are cow-girls always the best girls in their respective series?
Tio is secretly a rapist though.
It's time!
Will the young harpy fare better than her mommy? Or will the monoeye go take aim and bag the big one? It's Papi vs Manako!
1/2 hour!
Cathyl proves that statement wrong.
because of their horns
Korean scans came out and there were a couple faggots "Not interested" guess they're here for the bantz, best girl shit posts, Zombina dumps,green posters and all around faggotry and some people will unironically say this is not a general.
and this shit.
Are you seriously upset that people don't care about gook scans of a chapter we already know about? They even asked nicely to put a name on, but the dumper was full of salt that people weren't giving them attention.
Sup Forums, how do we fix Cathyl?
serious answers only
By removing people who shitpost about 'fixing' one girl or another.
You don't. It's too broken.
Replace her with a dairy breed centaur. No bad attitude and we still get lewd milking scenes.
git rid of Kaede and that'd go a long way
All that solves is the cheating.
Now instead of a cheating whore that lets strangers fondle her, she's just a whore that let's strangers fondle her.
why not more pan fauns and satyrs
By putting her in a sundress.
They would be inferior to the dairy breed.
Who Welsh up in here!
>In a sundress
Have her get porked by a group of P'orcs. Maybe she'll realize how awful she is.
Replace her with a male
All the girls need to be drawn in sundresses it's the best outfit.
user don't mention monsterboys. You'll awaken the sleeping fujoshi.
It would if everyone looked for it and reported it before the old thread archives, and then ignored it.
This is all your fault.
but Zombina already here.
Are fujo interested in baras?
Not him, but I'm only interested in kimchi for image harvesting. Still annoyed about the overburned Tio chapter.
Oh you silly boys.
Give her more lithium.
Delete this.
I'd probably still watch it.
Regular milkings.
Oil rub downs.
Eel massages.
>all that fluff
Oh my.........
Twilight or something like that if she sticks with the edgy middle schooler persona.
>tfw gonna start saving shitpost tier images as image.jpg and starting threads because I know it triggers you guys now
A Trump supporting snek is best waifu.
make her wagyu?
This kills the birb
Trump would deport this.
>Shitpost tier images
user if you wanted to make Cathyl and Faun threads every day for the next few weeks you could just be a bit more blunt about it.
absolutely my man
Miia is a legal exchange student. She doesn't apply as an illegal immigrant.
Suu is unfortunately an illegal immigrant, so yes, Trump would support deporting her. You can fix that though, just make her apply for a legal residency by marrying her. Get her that green card, or whatever the MonMusu equivalent will end up being.
Papi survives to fly another day!
>that's my post
thank you based Boss
Thats some fucked up shit. Glad Zombina cannot into horse.
Says who? She's a zombie. All she needs is a decapitated horse.
Couples counseling. Make a fortune of of inter-species mix ups.
>marrying Suu
This is how you go to jail user.
Thats not True Pickles.
TF left us there is only Tanktop now.
Nice gainz pupper lover
>tfw I will never be Merinos canonical lover
Ok did anyone save that shitpost from a few days ago with all the rhymes about dying with monster girls?
>rhymes about dying with monster girls?
>Reminder Ms. Smith is Best Girl.
Depending on how old it is, it might still be in the archive
Now she is.
I got you famm i added one for Luz because I'm a butthurt Luzfag who was mad she was forgotten
Fuck the snake
Your life is at stake
Fuck the bird
It will be your last word
Fuck the horse
Intercourse was the wrong course
Fuck the slime
That's the end of your time
Fuck the fish
Miss your last dish
Fuck the spider
Your grave won't be wider
Fuck the head
Wind up dead
Fuck the monoeye
You will die
Fuck the undead
You aren't right in the head
Fuck the ogre
It will be all over
Fuck the shapeshifter
Get in the ground swifter
Fuck the newt
Your death is absolute
Fuck the devil
Your casket won't be level
Fuck the plant
Your life will be scant
Fuck the kobold
Get your Canadian citizenship application off hold
Fuck the oni
Enjoy your funeral ceremony
Fuck the lizard
Atleast you didn't die a wizard
Fuck the yuki ona
You will be an organ donah
Fuck the cow
You are dead now
Fuck the sheep
Never make another peep
Fuck the barometz
Then you will have regrets
Fuck the kitsune
In the ground you will lay
Fuck the bee
You will never be free
Fuck the mushroom
Meet your doom
Fuck the bat
Your family will ask, where is user at?
Smith is fine.
>He wouldn't support his waifu after she found her true calling in life
That's a paddlin', user.
>Fuck the sheep
>Never make another peep
only because i'll have my face buried in her neck wool
> Reminder Suezo is best girl.
Oh god damn she's better in the anime? Truely a best.
>Oh god damn she's better in the anime?
Oh yes.
That new girl Paula is based on her. Nice.
This is true, I would have no reason to make another peep
As a matter of fact I would be fucking her so hard she would bleat.
>user I can't take it anymore!
>I'm gonna
You're not trying hard enough
8 oz. jars of Lanolin run about 6 bucks, anons.
>ywn bully the Dullahan with outward affection
So did those I Heart Monster Girl books ever get a translated upload?
Not bad but I think simple a simple stuttering "baaaa" would be cuter.