Got kicked out of class today

I'm tired of this shit. I was absolutely smeared and humiliated as a neo Nazi racist piece of shit because I had a different opinion than what the dogmatic simplified easy for idiots to understand version of our history textbook said. I talked about the conditions of 1920's Berlin and how in fact the Jews did introduce gay literature and theatres and how they controlled the media and all that shit. I wasn't being racist!! Now the college is considering banning me from campus because of i have a different opinion than popular history and I've been receiving texts from people I don't know as a white surpremisists, racist cunt. I'm literally shaking right now.

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that'll teach you to reveal your power level

The funny thing is that this is how you create Nazis. The more you suppress someone's opinion, the more they will be willing to defend it. I'm not a racist. I'm not a neo Nazi but God damn I'm sure starting to feel like stomping some heads in.

Can't you sue for that shit? I know this story is made up but I'm pretty sure there are actually laws, at least for state schools, regarding censorship and banning someone based on their creed


maybe you shouldnt have been retarded

>Talking about the jews openly like that
You brought this upon yourself

File a lawsuit.

>literally shaking
Yeah man, make sure there is no residual oil in your Mages before you load them up.
Also, you'll find that you'll get adrenaline before you go out and start gunning down commies.

Good luck and try to get a high score.

77 is still the number to beat!

it just shows you how little you understand about the nature of power. if you were born 150 years ago in tsarist russia you would know better than to run around blabbing about monarchical tyranny, and when they decided to hang you there wouldn't be a mongolian noodle board for you to whine to.

facts are racist bigot, #impeach

I really don't want to get the law involved and I understand freedom of speech and what not. I'm honestly just thinking about moving back to Colorado. California is too much for me.

Or he's just LARPing

Wtf phone.
*fully automatic bump stock modified assault clips

Actually cousins fucking cousins is how you create Nazis and white supremacists. That's why they come from white trash rural.shitholes.

First sex change operation was undergone in Berlin during the Weimar republic. Drugs, homosexual , child and regular prostitution was huge too due to the hyperinflation of the Deutsche Mark . Attracted a global clienete to take advantage of the foreign exchange rate which quickly turned Berlin to the most degenerate place in the world.

They cant bar you from campus dude. You were exercising free speech. I'd sue.




>I'm not a racist
At least be honest to yourself. You are racist and you are right to be

Did the same in class I got a 10 and was recomended as a future class Obergruppenführer by our teacher

Right and look what happened to the tsar. People who weren't even commie believers joined up with the commies to drag his ass off the throne

Don't ridicule people for revealing their power level. This is what people will ultimately have to do if we actually want things to change. The trick is to choose the right time and place, etc.

What are you expecting? You were thinking you were living in the country of the free? That is simply an illusion.

Racist and white supremacist are terms that have been used so much by the medoa they've became almost ambiguous. They don't have any clear meaning, because any opinion that counters the left is "racist". So in other words, fuck off shill.

Revealing your power level in many cases is like sticking your hand in a fish tank full of piranhas. We ridicule because they're fucking idiots who are socially retarded.

>judging what consenting adults do
now who’s the Nazi you racist

I'm not going to sue. Because you are right. They can't and I will go back to the campus tomorrow with my head held high. Fucking mother fuckers trying to smear me because I have a different opinion than them.

Also syphilis. They had loads and loads of syphilis. Hitler had an entire section of Mein Kampf devoted to getting rid of the syphilis epidemic, which was caused by all the rampant degeneracy.

I know this sounds shitty but while you are in school, you need to sort of shut up and censor yourself. You are paying for an expensive piece of paper and the libtards who work there have WAY too much power and can decide that you will not get that paper if they don't like it, and there isn't shit that you can do about it. Keep your mouth shut and beliefs to yourself until you graduate.

It is unfortunate that it has to be this way but it is the colleges/universities that are intolerant, not us. School is no longer a place for intelligent and constructive debate. So if you want to get that piece of paper, please the retards who will give it to you.

>being this much of a faggot
Its just a way to make fun of retards like you.

The Tsars ruled for hundreds of us at s before being overthrown by a giv lasting 85 years and now Russia is ruled by a Tsar.
These has never been not will there ever be a white ethno state or a state built on white supremacy

>They can't and I will go back to the campus tomorrow with my head held high.
Find a good attorney if they kick you off again.

found your problem

> Cletus done for mad
Shouldn't you hicks be nodding off from your first heroin dose by now?

That is an irefutable fact, your campus can interpret it as they please.

Op fucked up because he got emotional. Here's how you all can do better. First, keep your fucking cool, and realize a closed forum IS NOT THE PLACE TO NAME THE JEW!

You can do any of your argument without mentioning the j-team. You just include that "and the same people are doing the same shit here today and guess what the backlash is going to be(again)." Anyone interested enough to consider your argument will come to that conclusion on their own.

Always use stand in words for kikes, and always play THEM as extremists. THEY'RE the ones ""disuniting"" us, etc.

>from Colorado
Just shoot the place up then. It's basically your states official passtime

I want to believe this is real

You're right. But then again, what did i expect living in California? I have such a hard time keeping to myself especially with all the libtards everywhere it makes me want to scream.

I don't get how this happens.
I talk to people about my conservative views all the time.
They even admit the shit I say makes sense.
You guys who have this happen to you need to learn some social calibration and sensitivity.

Gas it up.
Burn it down.

Flag of south Veitnam? That's what it looks like

If it is a public school, mention that you are speaking to a lawyer about the school violating the first amendment. That will be the end of it. If they ask you to sign something, don't. Say you have to have your lawyer look at anything before you sign it.

good advice

Bro I live in SoCal if you so far mention Trump people chimp out.

>I was absolutely smeared and humiliated as a neo Nazi racist piece
>I'm not a racist. I'm not a neo Nazi

You are piece of shit,but have nothing to do with National Socialism

Eat shit you cucked faggot leaf. This is the U.S.A. and we can March down the street in full Nazi regalia and the government can't do a damn thing about it. We aren't a bunch of cucked pseudo European faggots like your people.

Hahahahaha nigger

>conditions in 20's Berlin
Yeah, Berlin was all Germany, and it was totally all caused by Jews, not by various social changes, massive bloody war and economic crisis that followed it. Furthermore, fringe groups were all Berlin.
You'll suffer, because you're dumb and uneducated, and you probably try hard to keep it that way.

Your first mistake was going to a university. They're nothing more than indoctrination camps run by (((them))). Trade schools are much better, and since the careers you usually train for there involve hands-on actual work, commies avoid them like Satan and holy water

Fake and gay

Its honestly the sad truth.

>I'm not a racist
then you deserve much worse

It's called tolerance and self control my boy. I dont get totally roasted till the afternoon.

Welcome to the real deal user. No more pussyfooting in their Institutions where they are performing their long march, straight into the gulags.
Those places are not for you. Your place is by my side, shield lifted as high as you can and proper arms raised aloft to praise the phoenix of the West rising from the ashes we will help them create.

Here's how I approach it with Liberal friends, and maybe it'll be of some help.
I remind them of facts they can't deny.
I mean who can deny that the family unit is good?
Gender roles are the shit.
Children having contact with stay at home mothers are good.
Children who grow up with fathers are bound to turn out shit.
Now at this point one of these people are going to freak out cause they grew up in a single mother household.
Remind them that averages have no bearing on the individual and you're merely concerned about a problem that needs fixing.

>muh opinion
Your opinion isn't worth shit, did you back those claims up with actual evidence?

Leave immediately user, wtf are you even doing in that cultural marxist breeding abbatoir.

Ouch, California. That is the most intolerant PC SJW place you can be.

I know you are free to do those things, I wish we had something like your 1st amendment up here in Canada. You are also right that the govt can't do a damn thing. BUT it doesn't change the fact that the schools are private organizations who can deny your fancy piece of paper for any reason.

Welcome to Sup Forums, enjoy your stay and please find a system of positive actions and habits to help with your incurable and severe autism.

>I'm literally shaking right now.
Ahhh you almost had me.


Hahahah why do you retards sound so cringy and pathetic?
It's like you think The Lord of the Rings is real life.

Holy shit, welcome to Sup Forums, Catalonia Flag

Ya but mostly it is young kids who do it way too early. Thus fucking all their social networking and sexual opportunities up = no powerful white people with normal social skills and a group of close-knit friends to redpill AND no white children.

Just autists shitposting until NWO "theory" manifests outside the windows, shuttered.

This along with general PC and CM culture, attitudes and brainwashing is my main reason for having chosen a side so strongly. Otherwise I would be a Based Centrist.

Lmao user you really verily have no idea how bad things really are.

>I'm literally shaking right now.
Keep it together, Gen Z.
The West can't afford another wave of millennial faggotry.

>substitutes elites for Jews
>controversy averted

God the things I would do this woman...

>sexual opportunity.
Nope. Women like "bad guys".

We need to meme racist to mean essentially racialist, and for it to have an ethnopluralist connotation

typical jew comment

>who was Magnus Hirschfeld
>who were the bolsheviks
>what was the revolution of 1918 and ((((who))) were behind it
>who owned the outlets of debauchery and degeneracy

Shoot up your school. If they want a Nazi then give them one.

I said that the stay at home mom role is not an oppressive "gender stereotype" and is crucial to the family unit. You know what they said?
>actually stay at home mom's are more likely to be depressed and have a feeling of isolation. Women aren't meant to stay at home all day cooking and cleaning they are useful members of the workforce.

Lol perhaps I don't. I don't live in an extremely liberal country.
But I've talked to patriarchy-believing feminists online and even they can admit some of this shit makes sense.

Telling the truth isn't easy, if it was, everyone would do it.

Don't do it.

jews (askenazis) aren't a race

its a bunch of east europeans that fucked their own siblings and told each other they were gods people

While you are right, this sounds so fucking wrong.
30 years ago, my country was a literal communist shithole. And yet in the late 00s I was able to discuss everything freely in the university, even when my opinion wasn't exactly mainstream. Nobody pulled any punches and some of the discussions kept people thinking way after we left the classroom. People would carry on talking about some of this shit in the pubs over beer.

Commies in America basically put their higher education in the toilet and flushed the water. It's downright depressing if you think about it. And it's not like they're going to stop at humanities, from what I've read they're infiltrating STEM courses and hi-tech companies like Google right now.

Burgers, get your shit together, make your universities great again.

Of course im not going to. If I wanted to kill people because they thought differently than me i would be no better than them. I know they would if they got the chance.

Alright, they are a little more far-gone than the folks I speak to.
With that said, how can they think mothers being close to their kids could possibly be a bad thing?
Unless it's some crazy abusive bitch, but in typical families, there's a strong dad who will sort that out.

im proud of you son
i've done some risky shit myself (talking about the JQ and ww2 history revision) but i've never been kicked out

>you can talk about risky natsoc shit in sweden without getting bashed
>in america you get kicked out emmideatly
makes me think

What were thinking! Commiefornia out cucks even Toronto!!

Embrace the dark side

>who was Magnus Hirschfeld
A fringe faggot, who started his ''work'' in late 19th century.
You mean the guys supported by Imperial Germany, with instructions to fornicate unrest in order to kick Russia out of the war?
>revolution of 1918
Revolution that was crushed ASAP by right-wing paramilitaries, sponsored by a SOCIALIST (SPD) government?
>owned the outlets of debauchery and degeneracy
Many Germans for that matter.
You don't get it, all that shit had roots in pre-war period, and the cataclysmic event that was WW1 and economic troubles, the shock of defeat, general social change in the entire West, political instability of the nascent German republic, technological progress, all that stuff played a part, it wasn't a singular group that created those movements. World doesn't work like that.
And for that matter, you do understand that actual communists (KPD) were rather socially conservative in Germany, and had massive protests against abortion rights?
Story is a lot more complex than what [[[stormniggers]]] want to present.

Aren't almost all South African whites redpilled from birth?

Oh for sure.

These are mostly foreigners that I chat to.
I live near a wildlife preservation and we get volunteers from other countries all the time.
I meet them in bars and often we talk about politics after a while.

good documentary on the topic

found the jew or goy who doesn't know history

Why didn't you pull a pistol and handle your business, pussy?

I'm going to say maybe 3 out of 10 girls here have dyed hair and the classic short feminist hair cut with the fakenprescription glasses. Ask the males here at feminine beta boys. I don't know how it's even possible to red pill anyone anymore.

You're catching them outside of their herd. They are not obligated to practice groupthink when they are away from the herd. They have no fear of being ostracized.

>Licking boot this hard


Still waiting to get approved for a conceal and carry. Been about 2 months now.

You know you do have a really good point there that I didn't think about.
If I was surrounded by liberal friends it might be much harder to talk about these things.

well, you could ask them why they think felinity (such as child rearing) are bad? ask them why they hate women?


tell them to stop repeating conspiracy theories, then tell them studies actually show women who have kids and spend time with them are literally less depressed than working women with no kids.

Use the world literally too.

Then prepare for stage 3 chimp out

What they said is literally just wrong. Housewives are the happiest female occupation According to surveys. Also depression has risen steadily since the sexual revolution, and spinster suicide is at an all time high.
