Here Lies user
May his dick rest in peace
>Yo, Jun!
>I want you to meet my girlfriend, Misuzu.
>shifting focus from cute shota-tomboy adventure to worst girl: origins
I want my comfy arc back
>Misuzu's first words to Jun are insults
She's perfect already
>the fuck are you talking about.
The page in question starts with Tomo pestering Jun about his dating Misuzu, with the implication that she had been doing it for a while.
>Reminder that loli Carol is probably alone with no one to play with
Look at him.
She could've had him.
But she was a bitch even back then.
It's all your fault, Misuzu-chan.
So she was always a little cunt. Not surprised.
Her crush. The girly sempai.
Whoops, didn't finish.
>but I haven't heard compelling evidence on another theory.
The compelling evidence should be towards him being fully aware that her reaction showed that she liked him, and his reaction was trying to shut her down. Is that so out there? There's no other way you COULD see it without some major mental gymnastics.
Tomo: Hey Jun! Is it alright if this one comes along today? She's my old friend Misuzu! Be nice to her, OK?
Jun(thought bubble): She looks like a doll...
Misuzu: You're Jun-Ichirou?
Jun: Y-yeah...
Misuzu: You moved from Tokyo right?
Misuzu: And yet you've got such a hillbilly face
Tomo: She's fun, huh? She'll pick a fight with anybody!
Jun: That's not fun at all!
What is the deal with this series? Why does it come a page at a time?
That just enforces the idea that he should be forcing the point down, though.
Its a webcomic
Misuzu always being a cunt confirmed.
Not like Fumita ever implied otherwise.
oh, wouldn't have guessed from the art
Considering that he had been very tolerant before that, no, it's the opposite. Why would he suddenly react violently when he hadn't previously over something far more accusatory?
What the hell would Tomo even bring Misuzu along for? Did she drag her along to all her physical activity stuff to?
Looks like they had no issues.
It was only after her reaction that he got reiterated with force, something he hadn't done after dealing with some much more pointed questions. Why would he do that if he wasn't aware that Tomo liked him?
fucking this
I'm sick of this cunt
Jun did a lot of blushing as a kid
>not wanting loli misuzu to sit on your face
Why was Misuzu such a frumpy-looking shroom?
>You will never be casually insulted by loli Misuzu.
Remember that it precedes this, which is still up in the air. My first thought was that it was dependent on this.
>it precedes this
this precedes it* obviously
Loli Misuzu a cute.
Me on the right
>worst girl: origins
>My first thought was that it was dependent on this.
Look. Jun's getting upset at Tomo's reaction (quite obviously being happy that Jun said that there's no one he likes). It was not the question he had an issue with, but her reaction. He didn't get upset when he first answered the question. He didn't get upset after Tomo asked him if he still likes Misuzu, which she apparently did a great many times. So how the fuck is his reaction dependent on that? How does that even apply in that situation?
You two need to post the page you're arguing over. I don't remember her reaction at all.
>How does that even apply in that situation?
I don't know, that's what I'm saying. It could or it could not. The proximity is suspicious as hell, and your theory doesn't explain that part of the situation.
I bet you anything Fumita will throw in loli Carol somewhere in the next chapters as a "coincidental" meeting that nobody remembers.
>your theory doesn't explain that part of the situation.
It doesn't need to. That is independent of this. Your theory doesn't explain why he only got upset at her reaction. And if you're going to argue that his stance suddenly changing that much is not because of her reaction, there's something wrong with you.
Now, could something else that might have happened be associated with the situation? Perhaps. Would that have caused his sudden heel turn? Probably not.
There's evidence pointing towards one thing, and no evidence pointing towards another. Not even logic connecting it. Yet you still think that the argument based on the evidence is wrong. Why?
I want to ______ loli Misuzu.
butt slap
>It doesn't need to.
I think it does, since the page gives another out for the latter page.
His reaction is definitely weird. I haven't been trying to pitch a specific second theory, just the idea that there could be another theory. I'm not convinced of yours.
Dumb frogposter.
>His reaction is definitely weird.
How? Tell me how it is weird. Tell me how it is not clearly and succinctly explained by the theory that he knows full well why Tomo's reaction is the way he is. How does that seem illogical to you?
>since the page gives another out for the latter page.
Does it need to relate directly to that page? If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck, and unless you have specific evidence proving otherwise, everyone is going to call it a duck.
>way he is
*way it is
So I an completely retarded and don't get why Jun dated her in the first place.
What I'm saying is that you're seeing a duck and calling it one before you hear it say anything. My specific evidence is that our understanding of Jun's romantic thoughts are very fuzzy.
This is my main issue.
Jun wanted to date a girl.
who taught her to have a tongue that poisonous
You must be new here.
>Want to go out?
>Eh, sure, whatever.
>realized tomo was a girl
>used misuzu as a means to forget about girl tomo
>realized dating her isn't what he expected
>realises hanging out with tomo is far more fun
>breaks up
>decides to try and cope with tomo being a girl
>queue misunderstandings and shenanigans
I think Jun just doesn't comprehend Tomo's feelings, not to mention she doesn't do a great job of getting them across since they've been doing the same thing they always have since childhood.
You must be new here.
>You must be new here.
You must be new here.
you must be new here
What are you guys talking about? His reaction is just the result of being self-conscious. Remember the bubble background always comes with challenging moments for him. He has a secret he doesn't want her to know. That is allll.
>>You must be new here.
>You must be new here.
You must be new here.
You are all massive newfags.
>Tomo brings the physical torture
>Misuzu brings the constant mental abuse
I'm surprised Jun hasn't snapped yet. He's put up with abuse for years.
Her mother
Hello newfriend, welcome to our daily Tomo-chan threads, you're gonna hate it here.
Insert words here
to lewd her.
Now we're talking
So basically mini misuzu was blunt as carol but with a poker face.
I've been here since the beginning. Hated every second of it.
Insert bigger words here
Nah. He's may not be capable of doling out the bantz but he can certainly bully with the best of 'em
Y-You too user.
Dumb frogposter.
Why is it always the cold, bitchy ice queen that I fall for in these things?
>Misuzu implied he has done worse
I wonder what he did to her.
>Not using the larger one
C'mon user...
I see you already got the spirit, keep it up.
Here's you >(you)
bigger words you say?
my bad.
Just get in the fucking car and don't ask any questions user.
I never got what that meant. Is it a "just married" thing?
Are... are you serious?
>Just get in the fucking car and don't ask any questions user.
>What I'm saying is that you're seeing a duck and calling it one before you hear it say anything.
There is no other reasonable explanation for this, as you should know, as you've pointedly ignored responding to my question. I'm seeing a duck, looking at how it fits in with Jun's previous behaviour, realizing it's duck-like behaviour, and putting the pieces together. You're trying to reach for something when it's not even hinted at being related.
>My specific evidence is that our understanding of Jun's romantic thoughts are very fuzzy.
I disagree with that. I think we have a pretty good understanding of Jun's thoughts. That page is one of the pages which reveals those thoughts. Pic related would be another. He's clearly holding back. He doesn't want to be in a relationship. We don't know for certain his motivations for that, but we do know it exists.
>This is my main issue.
And that question is not wholly unrelated to the above one, but based on the mostly self-contained nature of that panel, I don't think it is needed to explain his behaviour inside of it. Why would you need it? It's an open and shut case.
>childhood friend
But it's their childhood RIGHT NOW
>implying he hasn't snapped