One page thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Is that fucking Stanley Kubrick and Hitler?
There's also a page with Jesus, Mary, and the pug from Men in Black
picked the fuck up
Even the ending of Gantz was better than Bleach.
Alice no Takarabo is so full of shit. But then again, one should not take the musings of a smut monger seriously.
I think this was the thread you were looking for
I think it was too
>two weeks adrift in the sea
Why couldn't the TV show be this cool? Evertime I seem a manga page from Gantz, it looks so fucking cool and interesting. I always thought it was shit before because of the crappy anime
I... Need a source on this.
Its alright, its too deep for most people.
How sweet.
where from?"
Posting Gantz in OPT is cheating imo
Fucking search it.
Did or else I wouldn't be asking.
Do a reverse image search. See what shows up? Nothing.
How can you be so fucking new.
>not blocking out the site name too
Way to fucking go you spoonfeeding piece of shit.
Go cry me a river you fucking faggot.
best girl for being the best dumpster ;)
haha get fucked
>being this assblasted because he didn't get any (You)s
Holy shit you really are autistic user.
Still crying?
>damage control this heavy from the spoonfeeding autist
Thanks user, I really needed this laugh.
This is going to end badly, huh?
No, no I thank (You), user!
That's not what they actually wrote.
Can't find it. Any hints?
Anytime anybody says "can you recommend a series that seems like it's going to be good but then turns into a giant pile of shit", I say "sure I can - Gantz!"
And the art looked decent.
I'm well aware.
Times like this I'm reminded why I generally avoid one page threads.
Good, cause I wasn't, and I was severely disappointed in what I found.
What manga is this from
Yes. They will cause the 3rd impact.
One of ShindoL's work
Like most of his works, it starts off hot, then descends into self-parody levels of ridiculous depravity that is way too absurd to fap to.
well, i'm 15 chapters in at this point, with a total of about 400. Where does it go downhill?
Thank you
After the Osaka mission
Homunculus turned to shit so fast.
You mean during the Osaka mission.
>he's a marvelcuck too
this is hilarious
Keep going man, I can't stop laughing!
>he thinks that's me
>he still thinks he's correct
I was done with you, now I just pity you at this point user.
I don't pity you, man. I told you, you're bringing me a lot of joy right now.
both of you shut up and post black and white Chinese cartoons
There's no translation for this unfortunately.
Shoujo Kishidan x Knight Tale
/u/ needs to go harder
circle jerking each other for (you)s. Surely you could find better prey than each other.
That's right, user. Here's a page from a manga I started reading just now.
>implying the other guy isnt OP baiting me to bump his thread
Close but no cigar, my only job here is to make sure you don't get away with your fuck-ups like the newfag you are.
How so you plan to sop me?
>How so you plan to sop me?
Well, for starters I don't know how to "sop" someone. But putting you into an autistic fit seems to have worked just fine.
I well alive and kicking my friend. No autists here, apart from you.