Reminder the USA is a paper tiger

The usa is a declining power it is currently 20 trillion dollars in debt .
20 million government workers twice as many people who work in manufacturing , farming , combined .
everything americans buy is made outside of the country they have their billionaire job creators to thank for that .
the USA is a crippled hog waiting to fall down to stupid to realize that the wolves are already watching it .

by the way your ny billionaire neo-con puppet won't save you.

Other urls found in this thread:

t. - we keep milk in bags

This is why Hillary got BTFO.

milk bags are great they are the pride of ontario buddy .

it just makes sence

grandpa why didn't you stop our heavy industry from being shipped over seas ?

t-he emails ......t-he 4.........d.........c-hess........................

>moving to a services-based economy in an era of data having concrete monetary value is a bad thing
>abandoning hard manufacturing for commercial machine learning solutions and remote services right as cryptocurrency is becoming a viable method of payment signals national decline

This is the problem with communists - they're all bitterness and resentment and envy. No vision, no foresight, no ambition, no capacity for planning.

But sure, go ahead and keep thinking that the States are toothless.

What on earth? She was pro nafta, amnesty and TPP. Fucking leafs.

>boomers ruined it for our generation
>based gen z will save us
will millenials ever take responsibility for anything?

>outsource manufacturing
>no threat of outsourcing services

wtf are you talking about south Vietnam ?

>hiroshimoot recognized the sovereignty


turamb 2021 !
you fucking retarded ?

this. the us only 'strength' is the military. (and nations are turning to russia for diplomatic solutions)

the us continues to wage endless wars in the middle east and refused to listen to reason or the american people. jewmerica will die 10-20 years from now.


Jesus christ, what a laugh you gave me. Are you even trying, shill? I know you mapleniggers get paid by the (you) so have some charity.

Nice try chang, but China has been the paper tiger for the past few decades

also continue to
OBEY your kike masters and believe everything trump tells you.

>paper tiger
>has nuclear weapons

if we go down, your coming with us

cause that makes sence

? the same way the USSR took everyone down with them ?

try again kid

yes I am a government shill on a korean trap cartoon image board . why are you 16 year olds so stupid ?

>tfw OP is correct and all Americans will do is name call like dumb niggers instead of proving the Canadian wrong.

I wonder what the exit strategy is for the USAs ruling class .

eventually the mouth breathing goofs that still trumps dick will wake up to the fact the billionaires never planned on trickling down any jobs to them.

It's like a frozen wasteland of bullshit. Every time.

Wow! Thanks for the red circle and arrow. I wouldn't have been able to notice.

None of what you point out actually matters.
We can actually back it up with our military and nukes. Anyone trying to get ahead will be taken down with us.
One thing our “greatest ally” taught us, you don’t have to be stronger than everybody, just strong enough to take them down with you and no one will want to call your bluff.

Probably because Ontario has nothing else to take pride in.

thats basically the thread so far god I wish there were more reasonable people south of the border

Russians aren't white they are Asians. When whites get angry they burn everything to the ground. EVERYTHING.

to be fair the (((elite))) had money during the great depression. either (((they))) are planning civil war to solve the debt issue or they will just crash the economy i dont know what the plan is

Yeah no wonder Ontario is filled with all kinds of degenerate faggots and trannies. All that soft plastic leaching estrogens into your milk

>milk bags are great
>still need to use a jug
you people are a special kind of retarded

America's into imperialism and capitalism is inherently flawed imho.

I think if a country is really great, and communism and socialism are really flawed, wouldn't that great country make communism/socialism better? It makes everything better. :'(

communists cant be reasoned with leafboy. leave the USA alone.

0.5 yuan have been deposited to your account

a lot of people are dumb can't see past (((america)))/israel first. trump filled his cabinet with goldman sachs, bombed syria, and continues to threaten iran with war.

What? I thought Ontario has a pride parade every other weekend

and who has been redpilling gen z?

i would wager it is the few woke millennials who have been redpilling the shit out of gen x and z.

The US debt is not evidence of decline.
In fact the sensible course of action would be to take on ore debt to improve infrastructure, stimulate the economy and reduce unemployment.

Fabrication (the activity that manufacturing is traditionally assumed to be) is now a low value process. Remember, Foxconn builds Apple's products now, but a lot more of their price goes to Apple than to Foxconn.

I'm no more a fan of Trump than you are, but I recognise that at least he's not a neocon, and he doesn't seem to follow their agenda.

they are being redpilled by seeing millenials cut their dinks off and worshiping niggers

kek, redpills all the same

when is "anal wart" pride parade? last year was week after "gaping wound where my penis used to be" pride parade.

Would you have pride in your country from that? Fuck no all you'd have is a dick in you.

> take on ore debt to improve infrastructure, stimulate the economy and reduce unemployment

so if you maxed out your credit card your solution is to just get another one? the debt will come due eventually

You will be annexed achmed

>It's like a frozen wasteland of bullshit. Every time.
what part is bs exactly ?
keep in mind just cause you don't like something doesn't mean its wrong

ill wait

Lest anyone think I'm advocating metal backed currency, I should point out that I meant to say "more debt" not "ore debt".

isa ibn Mariam will kill al masih adajjal , hence the true state of baitumaqdis shall be formed under truth and righteous rule .

Get in here.

Why don't these jugs have clips? I'd imagine the milk bags would fall out quite often if you don't take care.



>20 million government workers twice as many people who work in manufacturing , farming , combined
Can I get some sauce OP

cheap as fuck land / houses , 250 000 undeveloped lakes , endless wilderness to explore , free maple syrup .

>20 trillion dollars in debt

The government can make it 200 trillion and it still wouldn't matter. USD is the world reserve currency, so the entire world is interested in keeping America alive and well, because if they don't everything collapses and i mean EVERYTHING, not just the US. No one really wants that.

>the wolves are already watching it

lol, the wolves would die with the "hog" and they know it very well. So they don't attack, they make sure the "hog" (a bad comparison, an eagle or a lion is way more suitable to the US) is alive and well.

right wing retards btfo

everyone is paper tiger nowadays, so what?

well thats not gona happen

probably includes all local, state and federal govt


>America's into imperialism and capitalism is inherently flawed

it is now it wasn't 100 years ago when you guys actually built in the usa and had strict protectionism . unfortunately everything has been offshored the time has passed to save it . when the term rust belt came into use it should of sent up a red flag to everyone that something had to be done asap that was 40 years ago .

>using woke and red-pilled unironically

I have to justify how unbelievably stupid your statements are somehow, so I will call a shill a shill. Neo-con. My fucking god you are an idiot.


No, because I'm not a country.

But if I knew that I would never retire and would always be creditworthy, I certainly would, particularly if there were lots of stuff I needed and didn't have.

And though individual loans/bonds will come due eventually, they can always be replaced by more.

The case for more debt is stronger when the private sector is weak (as it currently is) because government spending enables more people to be hired (growing the economy and strengthening the private sector) instead of competing against the private sector pushing up wages.

In the boom times it's sensible for the government to run surpluses to control inflation (whether it has quadrillions of debt or none at all). But as long as it doesn't borrow in a foreign currency, the amount of debt it has is of practically no consequence.

we're all still waiting to see your collage of all the BTFO trump voters you were making before the election

>imblyink we are a direct democracy

If she won why is she signing books in a Costco while Trump lives in the White House?



Chinas military is generic just like all the shit they make


>everything is made outside the country
The US is one of the LEAST dependent on trade proportionally. Canadian intellectuals are retarded, the US is still economically salvageable, it's a matter of will not ability.

finally someone reasonable I am not saying trump is a neo-con I am saying he is under their control he is a puppet .
in 2000 the US ran a surplus the 20 trillion debt only took 17 years to accumulate
think though Foxconn is only one compeney of tens of thousands that by law should be based in the USA

Reserve currency status is a meme. It was important once, but the markets are far more sophisticated now. If the US dollar lost its reserve currency status tomorrow, it would devalue slightly but it would still be business as usual.

Good one leaf

>20 million government workers twice as many people who work in manufacturing , farming , combined .
sounds like very advanced economy

Nice try, shill

You would think that but the bag fits into it so snuggly it creates a suction effect . you would have to turn it upside down and shake it for it to come out.

here u go

and how exactly do you think Canada will fare in the global economy without our scraps?

you should be more worried than we are my nig

It's mostly true, in the long run we're fucked but you'll fall with us leaf.

>debt doesn't mean a thing when you're the world bank (essentially)
>US is not declining in power
>manufacturing and farming jobs are being taken over by automation
>crying about how many people work in the government while living "the premier example of how socialism works in the first world" is hypocrisy
>Trump is not a neo-con
wait around if you want

That was happening a long fucking time before Trump.

Have you any evidence Trump's a puppet? To me it looks like the exact opposite: he's a loose cannon!

Under what legal basis should Foxconn (a Taiwanese company) be based in the USA?

China is fighting an economic, informational, psychological and assymetric war. The age of conventional warfare between two major nations is long over.

Our nation will split apart into civil war as Russia, China, S.A., Israel, and the rest of the vulterous nations have planned, and China will take prominence. Your cavalier arrogance and dismissive attitude of what precarious situation we are in is the exact reason we even got to this point in the first place.

no, no, no
don't be obtuse, m8
I want to see your collage of screen caps of the right wing retards who got BTFO in the 2016 election
I look forward to your non-response.

It's not so much how much is made outside in terms of products/services, but how much control/ownership you have inside to decide. Of course it also matters if those who make decisions want to keep the American dream, whatever that might be. What is it that a typical capitalists wants to reach in life? It's not healthy society, it's not healthy nature, it's not healthy food, it's sticking your dick inside an ass of a prostitute and if that's the goal then you really don't need USA.

right here m9

>This is why Hillary got BTFO.
Hillary wasn't even eligible to take the oath of office, a one candidate election is never a good thing, Trump needs to arrest those media goons for breaking the equal time clause

>ignoring the question is the genius of Obama leaf
no wonder brainlets worship you
does it pay well to drive the short bus, guy?

i wish i was being paid to red-pill normies, my friend. you're lying to yourself if you really believe trump will build a wall or stop immigration

how much did they spend in iraq, holy shit, i don't think we can afford to free anymore people.

you don't throw out the container holding the bag.

As goes the US, so goes Canada.

Funny how all of this shit seemed to get worse under Bush ans Obama and has started to get better under Trump.

It's almost as if...

The US President has been purposely crippling the country to make it easier for the deep state to take over.

Really makes you think..

you asked for the collage I've been working on. You got it.

20 trillion dollars in our economy, that is minuscule.

He already has, user. Lowest numbers of people crossing over the border since the late 60s. Also, wasn't the funding of the wall just passed yesterday??

According to a Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report published in October 2007, the U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan could cost taxpayers a total of $2.4 trillion by 2017 when counting the huge interest costs because combat is being financed with borrowed money.

as for afghanistan

According to a Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report published in October 2007, the U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan could cost taxpayers a total of $2.4 trillion by 2017 when counting the huge interest costs because combat is being financed with borrowed money.

and the wars continue and the military industrial complex and the banks continue to grow

>2000 the US ran a surplus the 20 trillion debt only took 17 years to accumulate
tfw not know the difference btw debt and defecit

Its happening