Is this the best anime ever made, or the worst anime ever made?
Master of Martial Hearts
This may be the only contender for both of those titles.
fuck this awful piece of shit
I regret having seeded it for a month after the post that made it blow up.
The best
Regret it why? Why did you seed it in the first place?
It's the worst anime ever made until the last episode, at which point it becomes the greatest thing ever drawn by human hands.
Best "so bad its good" anime since electromagnetic girlfriend.
Denpa onna is actually good.
Episode 5 propels the series into greatness, but episodes 4 and 3 have their own noticeable amount of fucked up stuff that feels out of place in what was previously just panty fighting
Best wiki summary ever made.
You have to admit it's pretty compelling.
I want to know, were they planning on ending it the way they did or did they get to the last episode and say fuck it?
From what I have heard it is somehow both.
Is he at least somewhat correct or is it just complete overembellishment like the MD Geist post?
it's a pretty incredible ending, you have to sit through 4 episodes to get to it though
The ending is like 3 M Night Shyamalans got together in a locked room and tried to out-TWEEST each other until they all starved to death.
Okay, now I have to see it. Wouldn't happen to have a torrent link, would you? I'll let you sniff my wife's butt if you hook me up.
Both at the same time
Are you an idiot?
Honestly I just wanted to keep the conversation going. But seriously though, you can't say you wouldn't totally sniff Chino's butt.
>whoring your waifu out to others
Is it time for a witch hunt already? Oh boy I love me some witch hunts
I mean the conversation can keep going by discussing the show, if anyone's actually seen it.
Who was the best girl and why was it miko?
Don't call her a whore, she's not Sharo.
Well clearly I haven't since that was the whole point, which is why I resorted to lolibutt. I'll bump it again though in case someone who has seen the show wanted to chime in.
>we will never have an anime like this again
Not even Cross Ange can top the fuckery this show possessed.
It's always an odd thing when you are about to start watching something and decide to check Sup Forums and a thread about it just pops up
It's your duty to make a thread after you watch it
Is being forced to eat a loaded diaper involved?
No, worse.
That post failed to mention whether to watch it subbed or dubbed.
But if you really can't stand any eigo in your animu, then at least watch it with the English script's subs.
The dub is super cringey.
Man, I watched the grand marathon that was set up by some user. The entire chat went crazy for half an hour after the last episode ended. We just couldn't handle it. What the fuck happened?
You know all the happiness you've ever felt in your entire life?
Well that was all a lie, it's all an elaborate plot by literally all of your friends to get revenge on your family for the sins of your parents, who it turns out were ALSO the parents of your friends (through rape). In the end your mother goes mental and murders all of your friends, who try to shoot you, which you survive and go on to murder their parents as well, validating their initial distrust and murderous intent towards you?
I think that's what the fuck happened.
It's a show about literal cucks.
Get back to your containment board, cuck.
You can follow him there.
Sup Forums falling for Funimation marketing as usual.
The best.
That's not Keit-ai.
How is it good marketing when the vast majority of people here are going to pirate?
Very nice.
Neither, its just really bad with a funny ending.
Publicity for their property?
I have tried quite a few times to download this and I think I've not succeeded. Is it really that bad?
What a fucking mess that anime was.
You watch the dub. Not because it's particularly good, but because it exists.
it's a perfect example of something worth watching at 1.5 speed. That was torture enough.
I watched it at 2X speed.
>there are plebs who didn't stream the dub for MoMH
I can't believe I have to share this board with these people.
I remember watching it with you anime when someone streamed it a few years ago. I had some screen caps on my old laptop of the chat but that laptop is broken. I think watching and reading the chat for the last episode was the hardest I've ever laughed in my life.
>few years ago
It's already been two years since the MoMH stream, fucking hell.
How do you fuck up downloading a torrent?
What if I feel tricked because the only torrent was on Sukebei then?
The one there has the dub.
What would be the best show to watch with Sup Forums on a stream? Is it MoMH?
That, or Boku no Pico
I wonder what other anime is "so bad it's good".
Why not both?
It needed all those early episodes to make the last one shine like the diamond it is.
BnP with the homothread
BnP is a really fun show.
code geass
samurai flamenco
kill le kill
Any trainwreck
>code geass
>samurai flamenco
>kill le kill
I wonder if he's being genuine or if he's just being bullshit. Because as much as I'm not a giant fan of them, they are good anime.
I am never sure if people are serious when they talk about Master of Martial Hearts, but I think it deserve some respect. The last episode is actually well done, and not a single a thing feels like an asspull or random. Yes, it is weird and surprising, but it's execute in a way that is actually works.
It's perfectly serious, it's an excellent show.
>Samurai Flamenco
Its pretty fucking bad m8, but it is very entertaining
I liked it so much I bought a dvd of it.
>only one
I'm not sure if YOU'RE serious because none of the final episode actually makes sense given you read the subs or listen to what they're saying.
That's not justice.
I could barely get through the first episode. I don't know how you people could have marathoned it all the way through.
Let's say that the final episode is very rewarding and makes those 4 boring episodes worth sitting through.
>Anime Classics
Watching it with Sup Forums is a lot better than watching it alone.
Any seasoned anime veteran knows MoMH is the deconstruction of the deconstruction genre.
I honestly found it entertaining from start to finish.
Many alcoholic beverages were drunk while the ride was going on.
This. How can and others say the other episodes were boring when the chemical formulas and 1v1ing a van happened in those episodes? Or DISGUSTING FREAK
I want to watch this shit but cant find it anywhere.
What do.
Use Google or rub those brain cells together.
Don't listen to this user. You'll start a fire and you'll lose your only two cells.
I have to admit... The only reason why I picked it up was because it looked like that one famous h-artist did the character designs.
But now, I cant get the brainfuck out of my head. Send help.
Oh, user. You didn't expect to DOWNLOAD such a masterpiece, did you?
>one famous h-artist did the character designs.
That's because he did.
and he did my hentai waifu.
thanks alot, you shitty masterpiece. thanks for ruining it.
Buy the DVDs faggot
meh, I guess I gotta spend my money at least one time on an anime classic.
Your hentai waifu is from this series, right?
>not knowing what people usually mean when say say 'hentai waifu'
There is only one.
What miserable taste.
shut up.
your waifu is worse.
Well if we have the same hentai waifu then yours is equally as bad.