I love the President!
I love the President!
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Tome a shit.
Why does she look so much like OPM ?
Everyone in the show looks like Saitama.
I want to see how Murata would redraw her
Why does your mom looks like a bitch?
He already did. It's horrible.
I-is this a full doujin?
Tome a cute! CUTE!
Pretty much Fubuki with a different haircut. Not total shit, but loses the original appeal.
Although it is only a quick sketch.
It's a three image set. First image is her undressing, third image is her having sex with the other club members. eromaid3.doorblog.jp
No idea who the artist is though because the image doesn't bring anything up on Saucenao or IQDB, meaning it came from someone's Twitter/Tumblr or something.
>that final image
needs more lewd
How is it that even drawings in such a horrible art style can get me erect?
I haven't been able to stop laughing at this since seeing it on /vp/
Will she ever meet an ayylmao?
>muh murata ruin ewverything.
Fuck this garbage.
Does the leader of the Psycho Helmet cult count?
She doesnt look like fubuki at all she still got that slanted eyes right.
Something like this, I guess.
I don't think a possessed plant is the same thing as an alien.
Who might his VA be? Will Bones dissapoint us all and give him brown hair? Will we see his fight with Ritsu, or will it be off screen?
Ah I see. Thought it was something specific. I'll start working on it/potentially finish it tomorrow evening.
Thanks user.
what if they give him a super deep voice
I'm looking forward to it
and I hope you have fun working on it
To maximize fujobucks:
>orange hair
>smug fuccboi VA
>on-screen fight with several lewd-looking shots and lots of panting
I think pink hair and calling him Saiki would be better.
forgot the
>long, soulful looks at Ritsu while blushing
i hope they shou the fight
I've got Mob's out of breath panting from when he's struggling to play soccer looped so I can imagine lewd things while I fap.
how so
in a gif or something?
cause you should post it
We all do.
I will later when I'm not on mobile.
thanks senpai
>orange hair
is that still even a thing these days
As much as I love Murata he does make all his girls look super hot, which doesn't really work for someone like Tome who I think should just look average. That's why her attempts to look cute was funny and endearing.
It would be Murata female sameface but with eyelashes
>you will never go to the beach with reigen
Dropped something
Murata is shit. Deal with it.
I will plunge into that.
Ishiguro best grill.
I read the manga and the end of the this arc in the anime is anti climactic.
No fights, no nothing. If I want to watch talk no jutsu, I'd rather watch Naruto.
Fuck it's Wednesday, literally the only thing I can do is make stupid lists of things that are going to happen next Mobday and make assumptions about where the episodes could end or think about what panel I want to see animated the most
>caring about the battles
You should join claw, user.
Fuck off from every Mob thread. These threads are for comfy and Murata is a great artist. It's enough you idiots ruined OPM threads for us.
That's what you get for being a Murata pleb.
If I had psychic powers they would probably look like this
Murata has nothing to do with Mob apart from a few arts he did as a fan of ONE's work.
Since you took the time to move here from the other thread, here's your (You); enjoy it shitposter-kun, I know it's the only drug keeping you alive.
muh dick
Who designed Claw's pyjamas? Was it an unanimous decision? Someone has to take responsibility for this
Don't forget the whole pushing him against the wall and talking very close to him. That's how you get a second season.
>catch up with the manga
>notice the broccoli in the opening
I love how what makes Mob, the MC, admirable and inspirational are not his psychic powers, but his effort to get fit when he's so physically weak.
My ovaries are ready for next week
Nicer clothes cost more money and the boss probably needs to keep an eye on his finances.
It's paying off too.
Did Mob ever forgive Shou?
He does but not during this saga.
Would broccoli simple blow the fuck out of the boss
No, its still dimple after all.
wtf I hate this anime now.
>I don't agree with his opinions therefore he's a shitposter
Ebin. Murata is a fucking hack. He should suck ONE's dick every morning for keeping him relevant to the industry instead of fading into obscurity.
Boss would destroy it, since it's made of his excess energy, it's still only a portion of his powerlevel.
>He should suck ONE's dick every morning
How do you know he doesn't?
dont do that, user. IMO, the scar arc is the best, and mob has never been that great afterward
How strong is the boss exactly? Is he at Bang/Garou level? During the fight he looked like he was holding back a fuck ton
>you will never have a taste this shit
Vaccine man tier.
I would join my member into her club if you know what I mean.
after scar arc, the only acceptable one is megumi arc.
the world domination is just another glorious shounen manga, just like OPM when the whole point of manga is about a dude finish in one hit. mob is about a powerful hero restricts his power and try to be normal. world domination arc is quite fun to see plenty of mob's emotion, but dimiss the whole point of reigen 100% by having mob straight forward 1v1 with the main boss, which has the same effect as saitama can not finish an enemy in one hit. The whole broccoli arc so far has been really tedious so if nothing fun going to happen, i think i am gonna drop this
This looks less like her than Murata's version
> he still doesn't know Saitama can finish anyone in one punch.
does anyone else think if we got to see ekubos human form pre death hed look like a japanese danny devito
user, do you even know simile?
I can't unsee it
If Shou knocks Ritsu over and sits on his chest, we'll also get a movie.
What color would you pick for Shou's eyes?
It should be something bright since his eyes aren't filled in like black or brown eyes are.
Amber, to go with his hair.
If his hair is orange, green eyes would be best, but if they fuck it up and make it brown, I want them to go all out and make his eyes piss yellow.
Scar and Claw are the worst arcs in the manga because of their reliance on shounen structure
I'm not sure if it's because I lost interest in seasonal anime or because this is just too good that others pale in comparison, this is the only show I'm watching this season.
With so much expectation to boot, next episode fucking when?
Not soon enough user
Security guard Dimple a cute.
What a dumb reasoning. As if there was anything inherently bad in an action-heavy arc: neither 7th Branch nor Claw Boss are flawless, but dismissing them based on their premise as opposed to how they were done and what they contained is shallow at best.
I don't think he ever learned that Shou was the one who did that.
That's more Mezato than Tome.
The claw arc completely subverts the tropes though by solving the arc not through action but common sense. Just defeating them would've done jack shit to their perception of the world. And what the fuck is with this bipolar argumentations?
>Arc is bad because it subverts shounen tropes, not enough shounen
>Arc is bad because it uses shounen tropes
I keep thinking that, but I don't want it to end yet.
I can already feel the emptiness when it's over and we either wait for an indefinite amount of time for a 2nd season announcement, or we get an announcement and we wait nonetheless.
>wait for an indefinite amount of time for a 2nd season announcement
You'll give me nightmares user
-Urban legends was miles better as it was much more thematically engaging (for us readers) and challenging (for Mob);
-Mogami arc was on another level and would've perfect had Mogami himself been a little more memorable and his parallels/relationship with Mob more compelling;
-Reigen arc was flawless;
-I guess this one is more of a personal opinion here since this one gets a lot of hate but I thought the Claw Boss arc was very good (the final showdown itself was totally worth it). It just fell short of being great because its strengths (i.e. the characters involved, and more specifically the Suzukis) remained really underexploited. But even that could be fixed with a bit of rewriting if an adaptation of this arc ever happens;
-Broccoli's got potential, but it's too early to say anything about it yet.
Stop giving their website more views.
You're talking to shitposter-kun, user.