If Catalan independence is bad, then how come every liberal newspaper is against it?

Liberal newspapers are already starting to whine about Catalan secession because "muh catalonia should pay their fair share of taxes".

Honestly, that tells me all I need to know about which side conservatives should be on on this issue.

Cry even more you fucking cuckalonian faggot.

>then how come every liberal newspaper is against it?
Because Spain is a puppet state of the NWO, and Catalonia breaks Spain, breaks the EU, and breaks the NWO.

>normie American opinions of geopolitics matter
Top kek

Oh for fucks sake did Russia cause 9/11 too?!

Last time i checkd almost everyone was against it except commies

>how come every liberal newspaper is against it?

the independence is good, but it's being led by commie faggots who are just going to crash the nation

Lmao now imagine the same shit and imagine what would Liberals write if Catalonians were Muslims like in Kosovo.

Yeah, a small in-debt shithole is going to break the EU. My ass.
Only way for the EU to collapse is if either France or the Netherlands get out.

Kikes like Soros hate both the far-left and the far-right
It's why he donated to Killary but not Bernie
Far-left and far-right are anti-establishment

>law and order
>illegal vote
Reddit is down the hall and to the left.

It's an example of the richest part of a nation refusing to subsidize the rest and realizing they're receiving no representation in government.

Should be pretty obvious.

Russia supports Catalonja. This is only thing you need to know.

Maybe 98% of them shouldn't have voted to join Spain in 1975

Because it's always about the money, user.

I'm sorry that Catalonia is taking away your gibs.

US/Catalonia/Russia alliance when?

to be honest nobody really knows what a seperate catalonia would mean.

on one hand it looks like an organic break and on the other hand breaking off is probobly not a good idea as it looks like there is nothing to gain really.

When it comes to geopolitics, all major western news are the same, doesn't matter liberal or not.

Haven't been here for some months. Commies are Russians today?

Link to official source without "special interpretation" of the western media?

It's not bad and more independence movements are coming to more countries

we independent now

And this is supposed to be bad how? How come nobody ever says anything of the Americans or chinks support something?

This. Memelonia is fucked.

They aren't going to break the EU. They are pro-EU

>Tell me what to think guys
>Forming my own conclusions is too complicated

i can feed you about the CUP and how fucking leftist they are, but then you couldn't ever complain again about other people following the rule of the majority without being a hypocrite so better go out there and read fucker.

Because liberals crave centralized authority. It's the only way they can exist.

You should always support independence movements even if it's just for the potential happenings.


Russia is our friend, faggot

Heads Catalonia, Tails California.

bc most politicians are jewihs puppets,
media are jewish puppets
and shitty people on pol follows,
becoming jewsih puppets.

Will there be survivors, though?

>Russia is our friend, faggot
Who are "we?"
There are no friends in politics, only interests that align for a moment as brief as a tear.

because liberals are retarded and (((they))) told them to come out against it so they are

yeah. if Jews are against, and Russia for, then Sup Forums has to be for

>a libertarian

True nationalists side with a strong state. Spain's state is among the least cucked in Europe. Catalonia is a Sodom of degenaracy and multiculturalism, it doesn't deserve independence

Will Putin send some equipments to Catalonia?

Catalonia it is

Liberals are only happy when they break away from human descriptors like hetero or male. If catalonia broke away saying it's because Spain didn't recognize catalonias feminine penis then liberals would be on board.

That just makes me believe there was no alternative, 98% of people can't agree on anything. Which is funny because I see Spaniards criticizing this referendum for being fake because 90%+ voted for independence.

Independent Quebec when?


>Catalan's secessionist groups just jumped into the abysm
>the abysm

Actually I quite like it, it should be a word

Exactly. It's like Sup Forums has suddenly become pro-jew, pro-spic, and pro-EU. And anti-happening. Sup Forums is either losing their mind or getting infiltrated by jews.

Because Catalonia breaking off will kill and destroy the EU. The liberal fake news media outlets are simply shilling for their globalist EU masters to prevent it from breaking up

So by sticking up for Catalonia we can help bring down the EU

Weirdest event I've ever seen. The shilling makes me so confused. Two year ago every single person would have been for independence.

I would love to see catalonian independence but we are living in strange times

Definitely not losing our minds... IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN

>"I'll believe in X because muh russia believes in it"

You're retarded, you need to see things on a case by case basis
Catalonia = filled with cucks, muzzies and lefties. they have good reason to be crushed by the spanish state
Confederate States: hypothetically a bunch of pro-freedom whites, in this case, support independence

Catalonia "independence" is literally Putin cucking he West again.

They've already proven election meddling. You know, just like that time Russia stopped the US from electing a sane person by stroking off the fears and insecurities of embittered white men.

They can't keep getting away with this.

And we won't keep taking it just because fat frog worshipping Skinheads say we should.

Try again, Sup Forumsacks can see between us two
Fuck off

The funniest part is that Commiefornia wanted to secede after Trump's victory.

>Wealthiest region of Spain
>Fair share

Sounds like disproportionately more to shittier regions.

you do realize that when some really bad shit happens, nobody wins, everybody lose, right ?

I love how the only ones opposing independence in this thread are all french. They must be really threatened by the possibility of losing their EU gibs.