Fuck Catalonia. Who the fuck cares? We want a JFK investigation sticky god fucking dammit
Fuck Catalonia. Who the fuck cares? We want a JFK investigation sticky god fucking dammit
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its literally nothing dude, welcome to your first FOI release, now fuck off
Fuck you burger you are not even American.
fuck you. its everything
in case you're actually retarded, thats a memo saying some guy said a thing
here's a memo to take and classify for 50years
you're a faggot
now send that to the national archives
Mods, can we get a sticky on this? It is pretty interesting stuff.
Catalonians are fucking faggots anyway
Yes its nothing goy no need to look here
>waaaaaahhhhhhhh I’m a burger so I’m the most important.
>pay attention to meeeeeeeeeeeeeerreeeeeeeeeeeeee
Could you cry more? The world is changing right now, and you’re whining about history.
Take a midol, Susie
you fat americana burger faggots aint relevant,suck my big brown cock you amerishart fat putas!
History is why we are here. We can stop the CIA right fucking now
whoops forgot to turn my meme flag on
You are a Paki
JFK files are a big nothing burger. Shit has been sanitized for decades now.
No it hasn't. It calls out the jew
ayo my eses are colonizing your land cri more
Link me to that file, or the general release, because that's fucking insane if that's real.
Deportation is the only answer for you fagniggers
Page 64
another memo about some nigger saying some shit
tons of people hated Kennedy, was ducos assassinated? no, so this guy who was powerful enough to kill the president but couldn't kill a random teamsters
So that picture has to be one of the things they held back, right? Because that would be hard on national security and shit. I'm shocked they even released what we've heard here.
Was this part of the JFK shit or a separate release?
Turn off your vpn kike
No one gives a shit, elements in the U.S. government would never allow files that compromise them to see the light of day. Especially as it pertains to the assassination of JFK.
It names the jew I guess. Pretty cool imo.
no it doesn't, learn how to fucking read. shit is in quotes, tin foil retards make statements to these agencies all the time
if you literally think a smoking gun about the government is going to be in documents released by the government you're retarded as a fucking nigger
turn on your brain
>everything is a diversion!
except scrubbed FOI pdfs, those have to be legit, right guys?