Buyfag thread

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Love everything about the way this looks. Apr release is going to be a long wait

That looks really nice
If it wasn't for the nameplate and leg warmers

Figurine when?


Would you buy a lewd loli?

>been waiting forever for a good Umi scale
>it's better than I could have ever hoped for

I told myself no more preorders after 2016 finishes, but fuck it my birthday's in April so why not

That buttplug seems too low to be in her butt.

It will be delayed

i dont buy slutty figures

what makes you say that

Glad she made it to ya safe and sound! Sorry about the Doritos box. It was the only box I could find on short notice.
Thanks again!

>1 vote for Other

What could it possibly be? Thievery?

Has anyone here ever stolen a figure?

actually yes, I stole my very first figure from a ghetto thrift store I used to work at.

>people still using strawpoll

>no space left for my new figures so I left my unopened figure boxes in a corner of my room for a while
>fucking silverfish crawled into the boxes, shit a bunch and died in there
>they got to it before I even fucking opened it
>I got ntred by a bunch of fucking bugs

Interested in this figure, found it for preorder for $267USD but it seems like a bit much

poorfag, i live in a studio, does my plastic butts being relatively close to my kitchen matter at all?

Cute. Very cute.

>0 votes for NEETbux

This kills the meme.

Over a long period of time they might start to smell.

No, it's fine considering her pose. I would know.

>it will have panties


>no exposed pussy
why buy

all i want is Fumika figure
thats all

Do it man!


>Original character
Fuck I wanted to have a bat to her.
Definitely preordering though.

If the detail is on the same level as Nozomi, this scale will be a must have

hopefully they include a swappable pussy body otherwise im not buying it either

That is way too much. Did the price go up already?

Didn't see it for preorder on other sites.

I got preordered one on playasia and they stopped taking orders after that

Well that's what the illustration's like. I like them wearing lingerie, but I guess I would've preferred something open like the bra. Still though, figure pussies can sometimes look really bad.

Yea it was too much actually, it was $189.99USD ($267NZD)

Did they ruin the figure?

>did silverfish ruin the figure
I'm guessing you don't know what they are

You gotta get revenge on those bugs, man

Doesn't look like it. I don't think silverfish can do any significant damage to plastic butts.

I've been playing a lot of EDF lately.Is this them getting revenge on me?


I need more Gusari doujin.
Why can't all doujin be this pure?

I'd normally call you a fag but that's some pretty nice art.

are you a true fag or just fujo?

All those covers look so pretty.

I would buy a lewd shota.

All of the stories are about the couple post graduation and how their lives and relationships are shaping up after they begin to pursue their careers. The lewdest it gets is hand-holding, kissing and shirtless cuddling.

I'm a guy; glad that I'm buying this online and not in person. I'd probably die from the embarrassment.

literal faggot please go

>not the only kiwi in here

They're only being faithful to the source though.

I looked it up and they look scary

Heaps of us, dude

Post the shirtless cuddling user.

Was it a Sakura figure?

Anyone got more details on the Kana Hanazawa figure?

Damn you user. I can't get into idol series in the least and you just cost me my April buyfagging budget.

>seiyuu figure

At least it isn't the Daigo figure.

I would buy if it was an onahole of her.


She would probably be cute as a nendoroid.

Her hat comes off!

There are new pics on amiami website and she looks better than the previous prototype too.

literally prize fig tier

15 cm, it's one of these outfits. I think the lower left matches that promo image? But apparently she had input on making it.

Anyway don't bother getting your hopes up. It requires you to get the Kana Hanazawa Visa card and use it for 30k yen within the time frame. That enters you into the raffle for the figure which is limited to 15 winners.

What's wrong with her mouth?

Her tongue is pale because she's anaemic

Picture of the Visa card, apparently that has some other goods for enrolling.



I'd have said the same, but Maki is coming out on time.




I agree. The nameplate looks out of place there. Other than that she's almost perfect from the knees up.


I don't think it is a big problem, that is not nameplate, it is a handfan and removable






Confirmation on it being removable? If so I might throw down a preorder.

Recently bought a few Frame Arms kits. I think I'll look at getting into Frame Arms Girls too, these are nice.

Why is UC allowed to exist?

>my bank gives me 3 dollars of daily interest a day
>about 100 dollars a month

well thats almost enough for a free figure each month.

Somebody has to keep our hopes and dreams in line.
And then there's Union Creative, who are there to push our hopes and dreams into the dirt where they belong. But this dirt has been irradiated.

Do you guys use E-readers for your novels?

>>my bank gives me 3 dollars of daily interest a day
name your bank user
i'm switching right now

>those thick thighs

I know it's a Parfom, but damn son.

I don't even like Seijou but Gusari's stuff is indeed pretty great.

The new Amiami postcard is really cute

post it

It's probably already been posted it's the summer one I just haven't got anything in a while

>just ordered the Shirley fig a few nights ago

Oh boy.

So I used tenso's consolidation service for the first and last time after the fucking idiot who packaged my stuff decided that throwing a bunch of doujinshi in an envelope without any further protection is a good idea. Well no, it's fucking not.
I'll likely have to switch to a different forwarder at this rate - can anyone recommend a particular one that employs people who actually know how to package stuff? And is there a chance to get tenso to give me a partial refund or something if I send them a very angry email (though I'll likely do this anyway)?

My August order is taking longer than normal to get here and I'm worried they gave me the new card. It's awkward asking anons for the cards I missed.

Feels good drinking out of a pochako mug

How much is your principle?

>having 40k+ in savings
that's money you could be spending on figures

what the hell happened to the rest of her body?

I usually use jpn depot.
I don't think they repack normally, but you can tell them to repack everything for I think 500 yen?
They're really cheap otherwise, forwarding itself is only 200 yen, consolidating as well.