Give me one fucking reason why Shinji-kun was a better protagonist than Eren.
Give me one fucking reason why Shinji-kun was a better protagonist than Eren
He's not a shitty ultra man
At least Shinji's VA isn't Kaji Yuki.
At least Shinji did something with one of the girls in Eva unlike Eren.
He has depth.
AoT's waifus were superior though tbf
Mikasa > Rei
Annie > Asuka
Armin > Misato
He's a mess for a god damn reason.
Which is more than I can say for 90% of beta MC harem-shit
>le angry little man
Shinji is 100x times more interesting than Eren. I like Eren but he's a typical shounen protagonist
Shinji almost ended the world to save his waifu. Then he did it again with his husbando.
He's not generic.
>implying Shinji isn't the most generic of the two
Seems rare these days to have a MC with essentially a Napoleon complex, rather than just being beta like Shinji.
Unrelated captcha: Ackman Main
Confirmed Ackerman a best girl
Cause you're asking that question.
I'd rather take a whiny bitch with character than a angsty whiny edgelord with no character.
Hey he did a pretty good johnny in ASB
Whose show suffers more if you replace them with an average MC? It's pretty obvious if you frame the question that way.
Fuck off and never come back derp commander you troglodyte trip-fag.
Better question:
Which show suffers more if you swap Eren and Shinji into each other's show?
>eren is angsty teenager who hates everything and everyone and wants to kill all the titans, a complete monster who killed a man when he was ten and felt absolutely no regret about it, and was this way before the Titans did anything to his family
>shinji is one of the best anime characters of all time
>shinji's reason for why he acts the way he is are perfectly justifable
>shinji still tries to better himself as a person but he fails by the end of it because life fucks him
Shinji is better then every way then Eren.
Both suffer equally
eva is now a regulat action mecha show
All action in Snk disappear and make it incredibly boring
Shinji isn't a single-minded moron.
Because his show isn't shit.
can't, shinji is shit in every single way.
Though AoT doesn't have giant bio-mech fights or a hot blooded red head, so there's that.
All of SnK's action wouldn't disappear, you'd just end up with Mikasa doing all the work. Shinji would be even more of a bitch if he had a protective sister like her.
Literally fucking this.
Eren is so single minded, so shallow, and overall such a weak character.
People bitch that Shinji is a whiny little bitch. He totally is, but at least he feels like a real fucking person. Eren comes in with "I CAN DO WHAT EVER I WANT BECAUSE I'M THE PROTAGONIST! I DON'T NEED DEPTH I NEED COOL POWER AND VENGEFUL MOTIVE!" He's literally Sasuke, and part of the reason SnK is unreadable.
This. Whether you like his personality or not, Shinji was believable and felt like he could be an actual person. Not that a good character has to be realistic, of course, but Eren is very forgettable.
I actually downloaded it to my NAS, but I had to switch to KA because it wouldn't play right for some reason. My laptop's no better without a dedicated graphics card. The streams are lower-quality, but they're actually usable with my hardware.
I dropped the manga a while ago and casually look up whatever is happening at the moment because of the pacing, but when I read Krista's backstory and how her character turned out all I could think was "Man, now I wish she was the protagonist instead of Eren." In hindsight it probably wouldn't work but even Armin is more likeable than Eren and Mikasa.
Literally nothing. Regardless of how good NGE is, Shiinji is still one of the worst protagonists ever created
shinji is elliot rogers and eren just pisses me off
A real person would need more than a night in a hospital bed to be fine after spending a day in the Dirac sea or a month dead. At least a juice box and some quiet in between getting rolled in a car by a WMD and cracking jokes.
Good thing they are cartoon characters then.
Because I can relate to Shinji a lot more.
No, more than that. Asuka comments that he recovered crazy fast when she admits defeat to herself. The most actually detestable thing about Shinji was that piloting didn't bother him as much as he claimed for sympathy and he could have gone on forever as long as he received it.
What the fuck are you even talking about? I thought Dirac was some attack on titan bullshit. If you mean the LCL sea, it's fucking magic or whatever, and so they don't need water.
hes talking about when the angel came and sucked up part of the city, it was the one making the shadows that also took out eva 4
not the LCL sea that they talk about
Same concept. It's fucking magic.
It's funny, whenever I see "LCL" I think, "lifted condensation level", the height at which clouds form.
Not really, all the drama of the episode was his life support running out. Slowly while he watched it tick down, resisting the impulse to use it up struggling uselessly and decrease the chance of a rescue he didn't know was coming and had no reason to believe was possible, the angel poking him in the brain whenever he fell asleep, until he curled up to die. Then he got out and was okay.
Okay, so what's the problem then. According to your version, he was saved before life support ran out. Why would he need extensive healing time?
That is funny.
Have fun torrenting all your shows and waiting for them to download only to discard them later you elitist piece of shit.
i can deal with shinji being a faggot since his life is crap
but eren is one of the worst mc ever created
Stop fucking replying to a literal redditor who barely watches anime
Not extensive care, just maybe more than a nap to forget everything he experienced and then never say a word about it to anybody. And maybe some treatment for hypoxia.
But user, the manga never glorified that side of Eren's mentality and completelty shattered it during the Uprising arc.
You fucking soft herring dysfunctional fag. fuck off back to naivechan
Wow, you seriusly sound like a retarded faggot, is it your first time here?
And you sound like a pessimistic fagtron
A real fag that can't even get into knowing his sources
Just get fucking cancer you worthless subhuman newfag.
Can you please get a tripcode already so that I can block you?
Dont be a tryhard just to "fit", you re just showing what a newfag you are
He's in a non-shit anime
It's not like he chose to be. If it were up to Shinji, he would probably be in a comedy harem anime instead
And you are a retarded samefag that trying to manipulate retards
>inb4 photoshopped and paint skilled
Everyone besides Misato treated him like garbage, and yet he still came back to save them. His character was an exploration of depression and not a teenage fantasy of how badass it would be.
>Everyone besides Misato treated him like garbage
Rei didn't do anything wrong and Asuka was no worse than the average teenage girl.
>His character was an exploration of depression
I never said he was a poorly designed character, I just hate him as a person
>If it were up to Shinji, he would probably be in a comedy harem anime instead
But he doesn't think he deserves it.
Do you know the correct use of that word? Of course not, i never pretended to be a different person, but its ok, dont worry, i know what you want
Jesus, you can't fucking type and you even spouting shit like ''trying hard to fit in''
Done wasting my time with you, ESL underageshit
>deffending an edgelord
Kill yourself
You mad?
You quoted the wrong post?
So your post doesn't make any sense
>tfw use XDCC and literally stream in 720p .mkv files
get out
What's so good about .mkv?
Exactly, you are clueless guzzler
Hellow fellow /r9k/er
It's the standard media file for anime, and it means that I can watch shit without stream quality. When you stream something, you download it to your cache, but there's no way to save it. Downloading it through XDCC means you can watch it while it's downloading, and you have a copy that isn't stored on the RAM.
Have an old screenshot because I frankly cannot be assed to get off my phone.
Jesus Christ, I call one trip-fag a troglodyte and come back hours later to this shit.
Thanks I will.
Is kissanime worth ruining a thread over? Either way I want to fuck kaworu
>dude shinji is such a little bitch i would have totally been a super cool robot fighter when i was 14
Sorry, my mind feels kinda blank.
Everyone wants, user, everyone wants
>waiting for shows to download
>not having your NAS automatically download them as soon as they're uploaded
I liked eren honestly its a shame the writing was bad but i get where his arc was going. his entire objective from the start of the show was to protect his friends from the titans so when one of his friends turns out to be a titan he doesnt know what to do and loses motivation
Fuck you moot, now retards like this posting on my site
>my site
Moot was just a meme. You can't blame memes.
>believing moot was real
Yes, my board. Sup Forums
The ironic thing is. He really wasn't real.
Instead of fucking getting easy donations, he jewd up with his passes with coooool rewards,
removed visible sage,
add shitty fields for the retarded nameshits and trips,
and have a shittaste on anime, and etc.
It's like he wasn't even real. What the fuck
Despite the simple look, Nagisa is /fa/ as fuck.
Why is he so dreamy?
Shinji would have the potential to become a badass in the SnK verse, Eren on the other hand would get fucked in the Eva verse.
>you will never be as charming as Kaworu
Why live? He could make anyone love him.
Because he was polarizing.
That's what any good art does.
Calm down on the drugs user
moot is as real as we want him to be.
It's like a tulpa you can only interact with online and that doesn't really want to talk to you that much.
Don't worry, he's getting there.