Is there even an unfunnier anime in existence than this one? I laughed more during Evangelion than this. It beats the same dead horse for every single 'joke'.
And the art style too. Just look at it. It's south park tier, but for anime.
Is there even an unfunnier anime in existence than this one? I laughed more during Evangelion than this. It beats the same dead horse for every single 'joke'.
And the art style too. Just look at it. It's south park tier, but for anime.
>Is there even an unfunnier anime in existence than this one?
mob psyco. Also even worse art style
stop shitting up the board
I don't know what I really gained by asking that question. I'm not going to watch any answer given to it.
And at least South Park is funny, so it gets a pass for lazy animation.
One puncherino is just funny concepts and poor execution.
Like the mosquito episode. It was a little amusing at first how he couldn't kill a bug, but half hour of that was boring.
Except that Mob Psycho doesn't try to be that comedic, whereas OPM uses the same lame gag throughout the series and expects us to find it funny.
Yes its your favourite comedy anime.
You dont even watch the episode you dipshit.
No, I watched it. That was the one where he got his little helper monkey guy.
Because its made based on secondary crappy redraw by talentless hack on cocaine that always tries to be edgy.
Original webcomic is the way it should have been adapted,
i like the animation and I think the show is really funny :^)
No you dont
Mecha anime is best source of unintentional laugh, though. Not fair.
I agree, is the kill la kill of anime
>South park tier
>For anime
Think that'd be more like P&S
And then you should know the mosquito gag doesnt even last more than 5 minute and the rest is action heavy oriented.
I hate you.
i like the animation
You just have shit comedy taste user its okay ONE greatness certainly not for everyone.
Yeah, the misquito gag was the highlight, and it was bsrely smirk worthy. Internal smirk I guess. Everything else was worse. Should parodies really have long drawn out action sequences that take five minutes when the end result is always the same?
Do you even comprehend the episode?Why the fuck you mixing saitama mosquito gag with genos battle against mosquito queen?
Reminder that contrarianism is an intellectually invalid mode of thought.
Don't you think those two things might be related anyway? Not that I was 'mixing them', but they are all from one episode. Can I only review episodes in 5 minute chunks?
This is why you will never succeed in life. You fail to find reason why an idea can be so successful.
I'll have you know that I will fail at life for a completely different reason.
>It's south park tier, but for anime
The animation isn't.
Punchyman's face is literally hard to look at. It's like a five year old drew him.
It's all just a parody of general shounen, and ONE going for a big fucking doodle and practicing his drawing when some cunts wanted to animate it and publish it with him cause people like it
You killjoy.
Wolf tier bait. Send a C class to deal with it.
I'm getting mixed signals.
Will he safe anime ?
P&S' humour is closer to South Park, instead of its art style. That's why it is actually funny.
>probably watched it on Toonami
Fuck off.
Kill yourself
This is point where i can't take any shitposting about OPM seriously.
Frig off.
Honestly the most boring parody of shounen there ever was.
Medaka box is more funnier than this.
Legit fun as well with its side characters.
Bo-BoBo was a better parody; this is just "powerful, but he DIDN'T work for it" and that's the whole joke.
You're baiting way too hard, no one's gonna bite.
"I hate what is popular"
user 938459383
Shit taste, shit humor, end thyself
don't watch it then
You're almost right.
It would have been funny if it lasted 2 episodes/chapters.
After the beginning, it's a full pile of shit
a joke character doesn't mean that the show itself is a joke
One-Punch Man is the worst anime made in the last 5 years. It's unfunny garbage made for contrarians who turn their noses up at all of the mindless shounen anime out there, yet happily shovel this shit up.
>is the worst anime made in the last 5 years
You're really pushing it
OK, I'll take that back. It's tied with Mob Psycho for being the worst Anime made in the last 5 years.
>Watching and liking Evangelion
That's when you know when a person is a plebeian that enjoys entry level anime.
Trying way too hard
>I'm gonna bash on a popular manga/anime to show how much of a special snowflake I am.
>I expose my ideas like a 12 years old.
Here's your (you).
Kill La Kill, Mob Psycho 100 & One-Punch Man are all equally shit-tier anime IMO.
Now, Psycho Pass? That series will still be talked about 10 years from now.
You must not watch a lot of anime if those actually register as your worst in the last 5 years.
Medaka Box was good in Manga form, but the Anime was meh because it didn't adapt the best arcs.
Medaka was a good anime at first, but didn't know where it wanted to go and took a big shit near the end.
Yeah, like the anime was content with dicking around with earlier parts of the story when it didn't know what it wanted to be and stopped just before the part where most readers picked it up (The Minus Arc).
While I can understand people not liking OPM, anyone who is saying that it is the worst anime is either trolling, or has not watched much anime.
why not
I have been trying to understand the "Nichijou is unfunny" meme for years, with no success.
Not finding opm funny
Not enjoying mob
Enjoy your depressed, whiny lives
>Grocery Store Sales
>One punch
(it usually takes more than one punch to beat people, so it's mega humorous to have someone beat someone with one punch every time and not boring at all to see the same exact fight in every episode lmao)