Give Quebec flag

If Catalonia gets its flag we get ours too.

We're constantly confused for leaves when we're radically different (Hate muslims and cultural marxism too)

Other urls found in this thread:


Fine, but I want a Vancouver Island flag

You frogs did give us the only man who could have saved the country...

Remember to vote CAQ next year, unless they cuck out.

Je pense que c'est en effet le temps qu'on ait notre drapeau. J'ai moi même du intervenir dans plusieurs thread de leaf bashing pour exclure le glorieux quebec des discussions.

based quebec

Poutine, warm 50 and laughably-accented French do not a culture make.

anglo leafs are truly subhuman, they are whiny and demand everyone to speak english when canada was originally french and quebec has the biggest economy in the country.

>why stop there?
Being passive-agressive cheap Americans who are too retarded to fight for freedom do not a nation make.

Their economy is dependent on government subsidies that wouldn't be possible if not for equalization payments.


Grow a pair of testicles and declare independence like the catalonians did.
Until then you're just another part of canada.

What's Canadian culture? is it Eating putting and pretending you invented it or acting more liberal than Americans?

France was the first leftist country.

Trudeau is French.

>equalization payments.
Every thread the anglo comes back with his lie. Every thread he gets BTFO on Federal taxation policy. Every thread he comes back and pretend it didn't happen.

The eternal leaf.

>begging for shit instead of taking it

This is why we're a province.

Conrad Black, one of the few Canadian media figures to predict Trump's victory, likes Quebec's economically.
>While Quebec becomes an economic leader, most of English Canada is waddling through the wet cement of applied social democratic truisms


Here ya go.

You posted this pic last thread. Another Josh posted it in another one. Every time we explain it to you but every time you pretend nothing happened the next day.

Equalization payments are what we get back from the programs we pay for but don't participate in because we have provincial equivalents. Since the Federal government is too autistic to grant us a different taxation policy we have to balance it manually every years.
Where you rely on Ottawa for your handouts, we get them from Quebec. But we also pay Federal tax as much as you do. Get it kike?

Get it?

Did you mean pudding? Just resign yourself to the fact that you sound like the cast of "Hee-Haw" to the French-speaking world. Keep your head down and wait for that next check.

This is my first time posting in this type of thread you schizophrenic cunt.
Also you talking about social programs is hilarious considering you use those same "unfair" payments to give out social services that would have bankrupted any other nation. You also use those payments to subsidies natural resources so you can charge below market value for them, and your "free" daycare has ballooned in costs and I end up footing the bill because I have to share a country with you fags.
I also support Quebec independence mind you, because you fuckers are basically the California of Canada, except you contribute nothing and we would be much better off without you.

I meant the bastardization you made of our national meal.

And get this. You're so culturally bankrupt that you took a quebecois fast food meme and started upholding it as a staple of Canadian identity.
You have no patriotism of your own, and whenever outside of Quebec threads every leaf on Sup Forums is embarrassingly self hating.

True, ending equalization would be great because we would see how Canada is fucking useless.
Alberta, complain loudly and never do anything.
Enjoy your sharia laws.

>"unfair" payments to give out social services that would have bankrupted any other nation.
That's fucking rich coming from either a bankrupted Albertan or an Ontarian welfare paki.

>You also use those payments to subsidies natural resources so you can charge below market value for them
So you mean we actually do what's economically sound instead of selling mining land to chinks?

>I end up footing the bill
You don't.

> I have to share a country with you fags
It's ironic because it's the exact lies that you're spewing that convinced just enough Quebecois to vote no.

You're so fucking retarded its unbelievable. Not only did you fail to address any criticism in my post and instead just used strawmen and baseless assertions, but you honestly think that subsidizing resources and developing a monoculture to undercut competition is a long term viable plan. Ask Venezuela how that worked out for them.
Typical monkey. Your only argument is "muh heritage", just like the niggers who brag about Black Egyptians and other such nonsense.

So you're superior to all of the other races, yet can't manage to speak your chosen language in a way that won't cause its true speakers to laugh in your face. You win.

T Jew pulls out big analytical words to avoid argument
Kys d&c shit

Fuck off mate, he ain't French

That said he's the perfect example of why we shouldn't have left Quebec

I work for the Francophonie organization and my Quebecois counterparts are so fucking based, I love them

To all my Quebec-anons, just want to say that I feel so sad France turned on you, no sure if you could ever be a part of France again but I sure wish you independence and prosperity.
See ya @ the next summit

first time yet it's the exact same picture every time, juden

Oh look, the monkey is trying to say something. How cute.

We are proud of you son.

>the tell
Not even denying it.

"Vive le Québec libre"


Both of his parents have French ancestry though, so he's not French by nationality.

you don't know french

>people actually buy the quebec meme

Pretty much everyone in the country loves Quebec and its architecture, minus their hockey team.

>Not only did you fail to address any criticism
How is your criticism valid when you're guilty of the same shit? At least we only waste millions on corruption. Not Billions like Wynne and her Hydro fiasco.
And let's not even talk about Alberta. Complete failed province every time the oil rates take a plunge.

>subsidizing resources
Ask Norwegians why they're so rich today. This should be common sense but I guess anglos can only reason 'empirically' or whatever buzzword you use to justify not being able to theorize anything on your own.

>developing a monoculture
Ah yes. That oppressive monolithic white quebecois culture. We should be multicultural like you guys. The anglo outs himself once more.

>We're constantly confused [...] when we're radically different
Same. Give them flag.

>developing a monoculture
>Ah yes. That oppressive monolithic white quebecois culture. We should be multicultural like you guys.
is this bait


>Mfw Sup Forums is my reality-determining compass

In the same breath he complained about us honoring our heritage. If he meant the agricultural practice I don't see how we're anymore guilty of crop hyperfocus than the rest of the continent.

>wants his own flag
>isn't an independent country
Not how it works, dumb frog.

st. pierre and miquelon has one

They're a semi-autonomous entity of France.

No it's not fucking anglo canadian

Here's the one you meant to post...

It's a self-governing overseas collectivity of France. You'd think a fucking dumb frog would know that. I lived right next to it.

By the way, I'm Acadian.

As much as I like Quebec, if we give them a flag, then other provinces will want one too, then American states (don't get me started on Texas) will, and it'll quickly become a fuckfest.
If Quebec leaves Canada, then yes. But you're just a province, unfortunately.

You have already like 4 amrican related flags

>hate marxism
You have us both Trudeaus and actively work to undermine any concept of collective nationhood you frenchy socialist cunts.

This country would be better if you left.

thats Vancouver you idiot

French back to France, indigenous rights now!

here is new nonconfusing quebec flag for you to be different from rest of canadia.

>Pretty much everyone in the country loves Quebec
How deluded are you? I always hear people make fun of you guys and your bullshit hippy "free love" shit.

>Hate muslims and cultural marxism too

Oh fuck off. You guys are all far-left loonies who only want independence because you want to become a socialist state.

You faggots voted for Big Justin

Lol no. Everyone in Nova Scotia hates the french

are we not semi-autonomous? a lot of stuff the federal government handles in other provinces, we handle provincially

Shut up you fucking Pepsi

Economically yes, but socially cultural marxism only exists in anglo colleges and we hate muslims more than the average canadian.

You're not St. Pierre.

For a province that hates Muslims you sure have a lot of them and welcome them with open arms.

We should also have England, Scotland, NI and Wales flags. As well as a Monarchism meme flag.

How is it our fault Ottawa forces immigration on us? We try to make the best of it and take people who are more likely to integrate and not change the language of the province to Mandarin or Hindi.

Anglos are superior smelly kraut rape baby

Maybe you should have won the Seven Years War.

No, dumb poutinefucker

His father is cuban and he was raised by a canadian federalist, nothing French in him. Little French about normal quebecers either, we haven't been French since 1608.


>How is it our fault Ottawa forces immigration on us?
Always a scapegoat. Must be advantageous to have an eternal boogeyman. If you want your own sovereignty, you should have fought for it a little harder during the war, and you should have voted for your own independence the last two times we gave you the chance.

The reality is Quebecois as a whole enjoy being Canadian. Sad, but true. I for one welcome an independent Quebec, it will sever the Maritimes from the rest of you.

St. Pierre has a flag here?

Yes, and I'm pretty sure there is only one Sup Forumslack on the entire island.


Not a scapegoat if it's true, also your goalpost moving doesn't change what I said. Ottawa is in charge of immigration, if you see muslims in Quebec blame those responsible.

Here's your (You) for thinking provinces don't have a say in regards to immigration. Ottawa can't tell immigrants where to live.

We don't have the right to refuse entry to foreigners or approve or forbid immigration, Ottawa does, they have control over immigration policy. Also I never said we don't have any say but the control we have is minimal and we ultimately have to consult Ottawa which means they are responsible for the shit you see.

Probably the only Sup Forums user from there, too.

Kind of weird, as my aunt and her family lives there

>We don't have the right to refuse entry to foreigners or approve or forbid immigration, Ottawa does
It's almost like you're a Canadian province. My point still stands, Ottawa does not tell immigrants where they can live.

ya but you faggots love communism

Why are you complaining?
You anglos created the propaganda to convince them to stay.

How is that of any relevance? Quebec can't tell people where to go either so your "argument" is still invalid. In the end the presence of immigrants in Quebec is caused by Ottawa.

>needing to convince someone to stay in the land they grew up and lived on

>Quebec can't tell people where to go either so your "argument" is still invalid.
That has nothing to do with what we're talking about. You're subject to federal law because you're a Canadian province.

It's really that simple.

>In the end the presence of immigrants in Quebec is caused by Ottawa.

How many times do I have to say it? Quebec is a province in Canada.

>a nation defined by land and not by the people

How Canadian.

I didn't say that, retard.

So you're admitting that we're under Canadian immigration law and your whining of us loving muslims is in fact Ottawa fault.

Quebec will never gain independence. Their last chance was when they narrowly voted against it in the 90s, now the province is so filled with other ethnicities that the majority would never be in favor of independence.

It's a shame, mostly because I'd like to see Quebec have its own national hockey team.

See, this is how dumb you are. I give the Quebecois a compliment by saying despite losing New France, they persevered and stayed in the land they bled for.

>So you're admitting that we're under Canadian immigration law
Admitting something isn't the same as saying something.

>your whining of us loving muslims is in fact Ottawa fault
Didn't say you loved them, I said you accept them.

You gotta wait until all the retarded boomer Quebecers die off if you want independence. They will just run you back into the ground. Younger Gens are much more based and not of the victim complex mindset

I mean you can dislike burgers for being burgers but there is nothing more despicable than an anglo-canadian, literally counterfeit americans without any of their perks.
Just notice how they LARP as americans, see Rebel Media and Southern.

Another lie from the anglo.
Trudeau is 3/4 anglo, the 1/4 french in him is his attractiveness.

That would only be worthwhile if they implemented rules on who can join which team. Right now the NHL isn't a contest of which city has the best players, it's just which team has the bigger wallet to buy foreign players.

How are we accepting them if you said we're a Canadian province under federal law, we're not the ones accepting or refusing them.

I'm not talking about the NHL, but international hockey.

BC needs its own flag

Basically give every province its own flag except Ontario gets to keep the leaf and then 100% of leaf posts will be shitposts. All the other provinces besides Ontario make good posts

Yeah but it's essentially the same when any foreigner can have the citizenship.

>How are we accepting them
Because you're accepting them into your lands.

You could declare yourselves an independent state illegally, but you don't. You could have voted to become independent, you didn't. Under different circumstances you could have successfully defended New France, you didn't.

That's the way of the world.

Heh, i heard on the news Quebec wants to be like French fags and be all progressive and embrace Muslims, don't kid yourself that it's any different or that you'll ever be free with the gibs you get


L'empire renaîtra des cendres de ses ennemis.

Every place in the EU gets its own country

What in the fuck am I reading?