America isn't yours.
PoC have built this country.
Whites aren't welcome here.
What happens when the US hits below being 50% white?
>believing negroids built anything
We will democratically vote to deport all whites.
Ay nigga u had us pickin cotton and dem china gooks built da raylroad so dat meen murika beelong to us now.
*proceeds to eat cereal out of lip bowl*
"Duhh how many wheelz on a car again?"
A historical look at the real inventor of the car, in his laboratory, calculating his new invention the Model T automobile.
"Ay errybody kno wen dem white racis bring us over to amurika that meen we own dat land now."
*proceeds to smoke tobacco through nasal horn implant.*
>deport all whites to Europe
>remove all non-whites in Europe in exchange
>Europe becomes a utopia
>Niggs want to return but racist whitey won't let him
Sounds like a plan
"Sheeeiiiittttt abraham lincoln was a brutha stay woke my nigga murika is ourz."
>PoC have built this country.
prove it
White Man: "Hey is that nigger baby for sale?"
Nigger Sow: "Uhh, maybe. How much you gon giv me?"
White Man: "I dunno I have like, 50 cents and a gum wrapper."
Nigger Sow: "Sheeiitt make it a dollar and you gots a deal."
~The history channel is proud to present an accurate retelling of the slave trade.~
I know you're baiting but I legitimately want to hear this argument
Everybody know niggers invented everything, just look how smart they are. Their brains are geared towards inventing and pondering the universe, unlike no-melanin-havin honkey ass whitey.
but Europe is also belongs to PoC.
Europe will be our common home, where whites will work hard to apologies for past crimes.
It will be a third world country, ironically black people will be suffering the most without the system protecting them
is he a dear fellow white person?
The protruding jawline was once seen as a sign of extreme intelligence by ancient cultures which is why niggers ran the world for 100,000 years until evil whitey came around and stole it from them. #StayWoke
Now that's what I call obvious bait. Get the american flag at least or use the blm flag you faggot.
Why shouldn't we just get rid of you, if you're just taking everything and enslaving us anyway? Doesn't seem like we have much to lose.
try and take it
Melanin is worth $300/oz. Just imagine how much each black person is worth! You are priceless! #YasQueen #Slay
Fuck off racist.
>protruding jawline was once seen as a sign of extreme intelligence
niggers still have a larger bottom lip than most races, dose that count?
>right wing whites go back to Europe
>bring uncuckededness and thicc american gfs to increase birth rates with them
>Europe and western civilization are saved
>America is recolonized a century later
Make it happen
Why aren't Africans resented for enslaving their own? The slaves brought over to Europe and the US were already slaves in their home countries - all white people did was ship them across the sea, give them better lives, treat them much better than their African slavemasters, and eventually granted them freedom and citizenship in some of the most prosperous nations on Earth.
China is ours too, get ready noodle niggers, after we black America we're coming for you.
>We will democratically vote
Fuck off racist. Europe MUST open borders and take more PoC. Diversity is our strength.
There is a Chechen standing behind you...
You forgot to put on your meme flag
Your curator will have a word with you
When da white man came over to africa he saw the paradise we created and then ruined it!! FUCK WHITEY
Learn your place slave. Kneel before your betters like we taught those Nigger Felon League motherfuckers to do.
Fuck off Mongol
Lol. I'm not hiding. I'm migrant from Nigeria. Enjoying free education, free healthcare and free house in Russia.
>>right wing whites go back to Europe
You don't know what you're asking for nigga.
Is he a (((fellow white guy)))?
>AKA I'm a fat, white, American autist using a proxy
This is where Europe fucked up.
Back in 99, this should have been the policy, those of European descent around the world should've been granted the ability to return to their ancestral homelands.
Just remember honkey.....
we all equal
>he never fucked american tourist girls in summer
You are missing out user. Come here is summer and see for yourself
Хaхaх пeндocня тyпapылaя)) бибкy cocи)) мeня pyccкиe oбyчили cвoeмy ccaнaмy языкy HAХAЛЯBУ хaхaхaх
Пpи вcём пpи этoм БEЛЫE pyccкиe бaбы в oчepeдь вcтaют чтoбы зaпpыгнyть нa мoй чepный 45 cм хyй.
70% of Mexican citizens are white. Hmmm.
Sage goes in all fields
This exists in Italy and I think Germany as well
>comparing a nigger to the noble wolf
Google translate says this:
Hahah pendonnya typapylaya)) bibky coci)) menya pyccki obychili covemy ccanamy language HAHALYABU hahahah
At all times, this BLUE pyccki baba in the future enter to chase off on me the black 45 cm hyy.
Hard to understand you rooskies.
>Look mom, I can use Google translate
Keep going pussy.
Please do. Then we can build another great country and not let you in this time. If POC built America, then why is every country you hail from a complete pile of shit? Logic faggot. Use it.
>Italian asking Croat to come for summer
Stop using proxies Earl.
Isn't that a result of inbreeding? Same shits found in white people.
So I can come back fratello?
The surnames of my family are Troiano, DeJulio, Negri, and Catuara
Fairly confident, I have genetic family in Campania.
Normally it's the opposite, i know. But you should try going with an american girl. The ones that come here in summer are not fat and cute as fuck.
Don't knock it till you try it
Niggers are worth more dead than alive....
Seriously though, this is what the White colonizers saw when they first arrived to Africa.
This is the real shit they had to wade through.
It depends. If I'm not wrong you need some sort of identity document that one of your grandparents were an italian citizen. There was a discussion about it in another thread.
Use the BLM flag when you shitpost like this so I can filter you.
Can it be great grandparents?
3/4 of my grandparents were born here, one came over when she was 9 months old.
If white people were given their own country it would only be a matter of time before we were labeled racist. Then we would be pressured to allow "poc" to come in and repeat the whole process. White, black or whatever if you blame another race for your problems your racist, which is a made up ideology designed to keep you running in circles. The white man only holds you down because you allow it. You perpetuate and give racism power by believing in it. It's not even a catch 22 because you can stop it right now.
I'm from Dubrovnik, I've met literally every nationality on earth.
Apart from actresses the american women are usually obese or niggers.
Sounds like you don't have a good answer.
It's not matter of time.
>Autistic screeching
I'm and taking a guess and saying you are from Ohio or Indiana white boy.
Someone put Henry Clay cigar burning on this ashtray plz. I don't have my usual magic kit just now,
Mmmh I'm not sure. There was a guy that said it only goes up to grand parents. But if you have someone who was born here, even if they moved there very young, you should be able to.
If in doubt you can always ask a consulate
Пoшлa нaхyй пeндocня. Fuck off racist.
This right here is nigger culture.
This is what they believe to be superior. They can't even set shit on fire properly let alone tie knots
Your whole statement is invalid. Triggered by the truth. White people ended slavery we didn't create it. Just proof that your running in and endless circle of victimization.
Thanks for the info, just keep a loose contingency plan going in case it really hits the fan over here.
white people? the jews freely admit they are responsible for 80% of the slave trade. and david duke has the books on his website written by jews about their history. my family helped build the USA and had nothing to do with owning anyone.
100,000 years of the most amazing mud hut innovation. Well done blacks.
I'm in liguria, so on the the western side of Italy and the ones we get are very good looking. Or maybe I was just lucky
Definitely Ohio, you a Cleveland, Cincinnati, or suburban white boy?
He is an American white boy using a proxy. Sage and ignore.
I'm impressed he found the right box to get a proper translation.
Oh plz don't, you'll make me all sad that I'm 100% Anglo Saxon whilst you are living it up being a cabbage nigger
Oh noooooo
sauce on book? Looks like a good read.
>Indiana White Boy
And The Temple of Dumb
By that logic it also belongs to horses and oxen.
>please insert disc 2
I dont care even if they did which they didnt.PoC are born slaves and must serve whites because whites are superior.
Shut the fuck up and go back into your slave hut nigger.
Oh look a hohol on a Russian proxy. I hope you realize you’re just days away from being outed in Congress for your shilling.
After that Putin and Trump will join forces and have you killed. They know who you are.
edit: white people didn't bring them. we have spent TRILLIONS trying to help and are just making a victim class for generations now we have latinos doing the same shit. all engineered by jew lawyers and commie core teachers. know the real enemy.
whites could win a civil war in america simply by not paying taxes
Good hohols are the worst of whites... Sad that Stalin didn't purge them all.
>Look mom, I can use MS Paint
Sad, very sad.
Germany will hit that point before the USA, im sorry to remind you.
You have only a short time (as little as 30 months) until Muslims become the majority in the 20-35 age group.
You think 6 to 8 million isn't that many compared to 80 million but they are all young men and the way their rate of introduction increases you cannot be the majority in this all important (working breeding) age group much longer. (30 months to 10 years, it's unlikely to be either extreme mathematically but somewhere in the middle - politics isn't just maths though ).
Every german I tell this calls me Ahmed and mouths off until I link Wikipedia statistics to prove Germany has twice the number of Muslims the uk has, and all the rest of it.
I'm not doing it every day so go ahead Fritz, do denial. I won't bother correcting you ITT again
it's like blaming your parents for messing you up and you are in your 30s sack up and take some responsibility, show some character and use the gifts given you by the Creator. people have it in them to rise above anything. people who are always the victim need to be left to die. it's a tough world. we've been paying the bills way too long.
What are you trying to slide today, Schlomo?
Bahahahahahahaaahhahahhahaah. If it weren’t for whites, you stupid niggers would still be eating dirt and puttting fucking plates in your lips. And the Mexicans would still be ripping out hearts and throwing them down a pyramid built by their own slaves
we wuz da first record playas
no it's just a different phenotype