
Assman got shot though the heart.

There is a double chapter release.

Other urls found in this thread:




truly best girl


don't think any girl can compete for best girl right now besides her but I really do like all the girls

>When the chapter title gives it to you straight.


A cute!!! What a professional, lasted until she reached home.

Sarah was such a qt in these two new chapters. Her reaction to being princess carried was too much for me.

Fucking rekt

When he ecru ally becomes head of the mafia who does he marry and what do his mistresses do?

So pure.

>Luna Rossa


Be still, my heart.

why does the author do this, why tease us knowing assassin won't win

The assassin is blonde, though. She'll win.

So, the MC's crime is polygamy?

makes me wish i was a criminal too, but i'm a good boy


At least be glad the other girls are good too.


I wanttophat girl to win simply because she's the most honest and forthright but she won't because MC will never date a criminal. Assassin doesn't wants to assassinate so she has a chance. Stalker only stalks him and he can see the positive side of that so she has a chance.

I don't think rapist really gets to look down on someone for being a pervert, on account of the fact that she's a rapist.

She will make him unleash his inner Criminale and he will join her to be master thief's

Except stalker.

Except rapist, you meant.

She hasn't rape anyone.


Absolutely cute

Will we get Stalker vs Assassin?

On screen/at the school

That`s some shit taste.

How can you like stalker?
She has a flower peddle 24/7 on her head do you know how much rotting flower is in her hair?

Very possible reality.

Ass > Thief > Bomb > Fire > Stalker >>>>> poop >> Rapist

Problem with stalker is that unlike tophat and assassin she's not doing anything that would make MC like her and just assumes he's hers by default.

It'd be better if she forsake violence and try to be more appealing than her rivals in love


>the other girls are good too
Not le ebin maymay Arsene Lupin the third attention whore thief. Stalker is pretty meh herself too.
A shame the other actually good girls aren't even in the polygon.

>It'd be better if she forsake violence
Isn't that what she's been doing the entire time?

She got all the spotlights since the beginning too, but with the way it's set up (BFF wants the MC's D, sworn to support her since chap 2 or something) either she won't win or the mango will end without anything resolved.
In the meantime let's savor this stupid cute assassin idol thing while we still can.

This is an ice cold killer

She's stopped shy of going full knife murderer except when MC was kidnapped but she's never tried to seduce/charm him other than hiding the extent of her crazy in front of him which isn't enough to compete

Cute girl who can sing and bake


cute girl who's very forward and has confessed to you and taken your first kiss


cute(?) girl who's a bro at best

Tiger-kun is cute can bake too

That's likely to backfire just as much given how paranoid the MC is.

What is the principal thinking?

Nurturing new criminal mastermind.

She's seeing how the criminal within MC is awakening

>beta moeblob idolfag
>annoying unfunny little shit
>bland perverted mushroom subhuman
Meanwhile the bipolar bomber-arsonist twins remain irrelevant and will certainly stay irrelevant

you're very wise, user. never get your hopes up about side characters ever having a shot

thief is a big stinking shit

The only shit here is your taste .

Thief is great

Thief is the worst character in the manga.

especially in school uniform

Assassin > Lupin > Arsonist > Stalker > Bomber >>>> Principal >>>> shit >>>> Rapist

Replace stalker with rapist and everything is perfect.

It'll make an interesting story since she and Hinako are best friends.

The phantom thief doesn't need to be there.

Did anyone manage to get chapter 22 (raw) before it became unavailable? The official site releases the latest chapters for free, and 23 is out right now. I'm wondering about what exactly happened in 22. Hinako called Tamito a special person to her and he seems to be slowly realizing things.

These romantic developments happening rapidly only makes me think this is gonna get axes quickly.

Sorry, dont follow raw at all so cant help .

>and just assumes he's hers by default

She assumes the worst all the time.

thief is there to insure they don't decide to leave him be/not pursue him to preserve their friendship because neither of them can bear to see him with someone else

Like a paranoid girlfriend assuming her man is cheating on her rather than like a girl who thinks she faces stiff competition in her race to win a mans heart

Assassin can't win because if she wins, she can't be an idol.

she can be Tami's personal idol

It's been progressing quite steadily. The only rapid thing here is how fast thief lust for her possibly related dormant super criminal because she is a turbo whore who needs attention more than oxygen.

You can access all chapters using the mobile phone app.

Breeding the next gen super criminal idol assassin hybrid.

Why are there suddenly two or three thieffags in this thread? About at least 3 weeks in after her introduction most of the reactions here were on how fucking annoying and ebin she and her gags were respectively

Opinions change over time

I always liked her

The cutest
I hope she wins, honestly.

I always liked her since the start tough.
( (You) by the way)

Off the mark by 2 continents. In fact there are far more thief haters than thieffags in these threads for your information.

Please, don't used retarded Sup Forumsv/pol/whatever-speak

Cucked Cucked Cucked Cucked Cucked Cucked Cucked Cucked Cucked Cucked Cucked Cucked Cucked Cucked Cucked Cucked Cucked Cucked

your a cuck.

Fuck girls with tiny hats are stupid.


>Average Sup Forums discussion

And there are still people complaining about lack of spoonfeeding or general elitism on Sup Forums when this is what happens if you don't enforce some rules.

Some spoonfeeding is not bad. Depends if the series is in an unknown limbo, the name was not stated anywhere and saucenao does shit . Ever since google 's image research turned to shit it has been almost impossible finding name of few works.

It's proof that she likes him. If he approached her non-pervertedly they'd be together in like two weeks

>ver since google 's image research turned to shit it has been almost impossible finding name of few works
This place has been enforcing anti-spoonfeeding long before google image can do reverse image search.
For obscure series it was quite usual for posters to post image with viable cues (file name, title page, page with manga's name) back then though

He's not a thief though he's a [Kingpin] or something similar probably.

Also they might be cousins

What are you guys talking about? It's so obvious Luna will win.

>Luna Rossa
I don't get it

Red Moon aka flushed face .

>Red Moon
I thought it was about menstrual period but oh well

Not again.....
i don't want to be hurt again

The manga is pushing Assassin the hardest so I think either Assassin or harem end.

>mfw I realized Thief is the new Marika

Dont lose hope! You might be the next Y-san !

Sarah a cute and I hope she wins

She's the only one with a reason to like him.

I want more of the lier dude

>The whole premise of the story is that criminals are drawn towards the MC
>complain that criminal girls are unreasonably drawn towards the MC

Precisely - thief "likes" him as an effect of his curse.

Stalker "likes" him because she stalker.

Assass likes him because of how the two interact with each other.

I neither see any complaint in nor seeing how what you said contradicted that. Sarah is the only girl besides Tora-kun if you are into that kind of girl who is actually forced against her nature into a criminal instead of compulsively being one so it makes sense she's the only one who actually likes MC-kun like a normal girl.

Tada dada da da
Smooth criminal

Sarah is the best.