
Why do genre deconstructions always knock it out of the park?

Also, which of these is the best?

Remember when deconstruction wasn't a buzzword?

>inb4 buzzword is a buzzword

how's deconstruction being used as a buzzword?

Re zero.

if you think otherwise, you're just a nostalgiafag.

Low effort. Not subtle. 2/10 See me after class.

>Grouping re:zero in same level with Evangelion and Madoka

I like Re:zero, but come on bruh.

They're all very overrated shows with shit fanbases. I don't see a problem.


Define deconstruction then.

Re:Zero will have more than 1 season.

So automatically Re:zero.

"Deconstruction" literally means "to take something apart." When applied to tropes or other aspects of fiction, deconstruction means to take apart a trope so as to better understand its meaning and relevance to us in Real Life.

Madoka has movies. Your point?

Is cross ange a deconstruction?

don't know. Never watched it

You mean like Urobuchi butchered all his works?


Drawing attention to the fact that a trope exists and then relying on that same trope to advance the plot isn't subversive or deconstructive, it is lazy writing that uses metareferences to appear deeper than it actually is. If you honestly consider Re:Zero deconstruction you need to watch more anime.

I should also point out that most of the tropes that Re:Zero uses in self-awareness are so old that even subverting them isn't original anymore, so it is even lower than the normal level of seasonal meta trash since it can't accomplish a level of subversiveness that is industry standard.

And how does that theory work in practice? Please explain on the examples of rezero and madoka.

I'm really looking forward to seeing how you're going to shape those piles of garbage to arrive at
>so as to better understand its meaning and relevance to us in Real Life.

Doesn't that apply to Eva as well though. The tropes it tackled were 20 years old at that point and it had already been picked apart.

For what genre Re:zero is a reconstruction?
Also Madoka is the best.

What in the fuck is Re: Zero?

Excuse me but what is that thing on the right?

Eva also has movies

The trashy "Help I'm trapped in an RPG" genre

These fuckers using words they couldn't understand just because a "knowledgeable" blogfag said it before is a disgrace to us creators...

Not all the parodies are deconstructions but most of the deconstructions use the parody trope.

Is a deconstruction of an actually good series, that's why it's so shitty.

Madoka is the best

Is the prominence of re:zero "deconstruction" meme due to the amount of 17 year olds who get their opinion from youtube celebs etc and just regurgitate it back out as their own? I don't know anything about that culture so I'm actually curious. Who is the pseduo intellectual who made the "analysis" video sponsored by crunchyroll that inspired this retarded discourse?

>Re:zerofags are literally this stupid

No. A deconstruction is about starting a show with an established formula and during the course of the series shaping that old formula into a new formula.

Eva starts as a pretty typical gundam/monster of the weak mecha and becomes a psychological character study with some mecha conspiracy/fights as the background at the end.

The fact that Eva is deconstruction has nothing to do with it's quality. Deconstructions suck ass more often than not. A show being a deconstruction just means it's less predictable since you are not getting what you're used to.

Plebs, unable to explain why their trash is supposed to be great, have been calling mediocrities with gimmicks deconstructions for years now. Where have you been.

I can get Re Zero but Eva and to a lesser extent Madoka? What shows do you consider top tier, for my reference.

But Gundam already did all of that.
Instead of being big heroes the white base crew was a decoy fleet, Amuro's father who was largely in charge of creating the Gundam went crazy in a shed trying to improve the design, completly ignoring his family, a good majorty of the villans kill each other off, Amuro's own mother was so peace minded she basically disowned her son when he defended himself, when Amuro first piloted the machine he spent half the time reading the manual and the other half was him purely winning fights because a tech difference, and the fact that the gundam was treated like a military vehicle instead of a magical moon shooting, fist launching death god or a beast machine

Evangelion has really interesting themes, but I personally found Madoka more entertaining, emotional and aesthetic, so I'll go with that.

Re: Zero doesn't belong with those two. It's not a bad anime, but its' popularity is certainly overblown. My personal theory is that it's getting so much attention simply because there haven't been any great big hits in a while. The last hit anime was probably Erased, and that shit was terrible.

>A deconstruction is about starting a show with an established formula and during the course of the series shaping that old formula into a new formula
A LOT of shows would one, then. You're wrong, though. The actual definition is "to take tropes apart and put them back together in a realistic setting", so naturally it's pretty common for stories to begin with the characters expecting things to work like in a fantasy world.
I've seen people say "Pokémon Black and White deconstructs the idea that everyone in the world is okay with Pokémon fighting". People literally think anything that does things a little different is a deconstruction.

Yes the original gundam could also be considered a deconstruction for it's time but not in the strict sense and it's not the same kind of deconstruction Eva is. Gundam combined the episodic mecha formula and space operas into what is now know as the gundam formula. (war drama in space with mechas and some other details) But it started out that way so it's not technically a deconstruction. Again if something is or isn't a deconstruction is completely irrelevant fact when it comes to judging quality.

Gundam has some basic character fleshing out and "growth" but it's not a character study or had done what Eva did. Gundam is always priorities war/plot over the occasional not very comprehensible mood-swings the characters have.

Not really since nobody coined that term when it comes to critique of fiction. It was always used very loosely and only in anime circles if I'm not mistaking.

But if we are pseudo-intellectually adapting Derrida's definition to fiction then nothing is a deconstruction because no show(at least in anime) had done this
>to take tropes apart

But feel free to elaborate how you see that working. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt.

And adding "in realistic setting" is very fickle criteria since a bunch of supernatural/sci-fi elements make realism very debatable. Is madoka realistic because it added a dark twist to it's magical girl rules? Why would a darker tone make something more true to life? The characters in madoka are also just plot devices /urobuchi's mouth pieces. Where is the realism in that.


that's not what it means.
And that's not what """trope""" means either, you humongous retard.

resorting to name-calling? sad

Why can't insult someone who is an idiot and doesn't know what the words they are using actually mean?

It's too much work to get stupid people to feel accountable for spouting inaccurate nonsense.