How could Ayaka made the prideful arrogant king of heroes humble himself like this?
How could Ayaka made the prideful arrogant king of heroes humble himself like this?
Proto Gil a shit.
Proto Gil really looks like a pikachu.
Ayaka is actually a flat chested boy?
I wonder would high bar jump have any effect on Ayaka?
Not just Proto Gil
>is an actual archer who uses bow and arrow
>actually fights instead of throwing NPs standing in one place
>wasn't defeated by a retarded autistic high school ginger boy
>wasn't defeated by a cheap genderbend waifubait
How can f/sn Gil even compete?
Tell me one thing what's fujo about Prototype?
>Tell me one thing what's fujo about Prototype?
>Literal otomege
For all intents and purposes, it was designed to be fujobait
You don't even know the difference between otome and fujo, do you?
No matter how much you deny it, fujoshits are the targeted market for otome games
Just because it has handsome male characters doesn't mean it's fujo user.
Nasu intended it to be an otome game. Just think of it like this: F/SN is F/P with reversed target audiences so it'd sell more.
Proto is otomeshit but definitely not fujo.
>so it'd sell more
Otome doesn't sell more than Fujo/waifushit
The original F/P was never actually realized so we wouldn't know, but I wouldn't be so denial as to say it'd be definitely "not fujo". It's like saying a hypothetical galge wouldn't have a flatchested heroine.
Why are you grouping fujoshit with waifushit? Where did I say otome games sell more than anything?
Like Dark Saber did to Gil?
>The original F/P was never actually realized so we wouldn't know
There is no original Prototype, that is Old Fate you are talking about and it's still an otomeshit.
>but I wouldn't be so denial as to say it'd be definitely "not fujo"
Tell me what's (((fujo))) in prototype again?
>Flat chested
Do you even know what fujo means?
>flat chested
Konoe and Nakahara improved her.
FSF Ayaka is superior
And might be Manaka anyway
>Tell me what's (((fujo))) in prototype again?
Please don't tell me you actually think Nasu didn't have any rotten thoughts in mind when she decided to include a seme looking Irishman with a gay bulge while having MC's man be a pretty fuccboi.
Keeping him in the next male targetting incarnation didn't make it any less gay.
Blonde isn't her natural hair color in SF. It's dyed.
FSF Ayaka is basically Proto Ayaka but more mature and lacks shoujo girl aspects that Proto Ayaka have.
>And might be Manaka anyway
pls no.
Because F/P is essentially Twilight. Tsukihime is Twilight for boys afterall.
>reverse-harem has good looking males
What a surprise..
You forgot the >gay bulge part
>gay bulge
I want to hate fuck Stacy.
>No matter how much you deny it, fujoshits are the targeted market for otome games
Yeah, that's why the only fujo-oriented utapri game got bombed by bad review.
Have you ever considered that game was just simply so shit even fujos could tell it's shit?
You mongoloid, the fanbase LITERALLY complained about the homolust.
She is the fujoshi self-insert (just look at her fucking design) much like Shirou is the otaku self-insert (inb4 'BWAAAHUAAAHAA BUT HE'S LE BROKEN AND MENTALLY FUCKED HURRRRRRRRRR SO DEEP')
So it's only natural that Gil would turn into her bitch despite her shitty plain-jane looks, much like Shirou turned a proud king into a maid-dress wearing submissive slut.
>She is the fujoshi self-insert
This is like saying Shirou is the self insert for men who want to watch lesbians fuck.
Fits my bill
>Shirou is the otaku self-insert
If you knew a thing about Shirou's character he's one complete uninsertable MC.
And also most otaku can't relate to well built hard labour worker ace archer sempai at school's archery club.
>So it's only natural that Gil would turn into her bitch despite her shitty plain-jane looks
so would I.
>her shitty plain-jane looks
To paraphrase Takeuchi, "Ayaka isn't plain because now she has big boobs."
Does Nasu have plain boobs
For fujos to self insert and believe they're relevant/beautiful.
>Turning a self-centered wealthy bad boy into a boyfriend material who would do anything for you.
Why do women love this shit so much?
Stop samefagging and learn what fujoshi mean.
Fujos are rotten landwhales who enjoy fantasizing pretty bois gurgling each other which totally fits the bill here
All those BL with a female protagonist.
It was my first post newfag.
same reason why men love haughty bitch turned affectionate little kitten
Maybe it's some kind of power fantasy for them?
nah, I want those bitches to be forcefully dominated by my cock.
>pic related
annoying bitch coworker getting raped.
Great. Good for you. You're not the target audience.
That being said, I wish there were more otome games with the love interests being forcefully dominated by pussy.
Can Ayaka fix Percy too?
Arth wouldn't let that happen.
Prototype is otome/shoujo because Nasu loves that shit very much. Zero and Strange Fake are more fujo oriented.
>Arthur kills her at the end
He never rally gave a shit about her, he tried to, but she was too meh to instigate any strong feeling inside him(other than the feelings related to him wanting to protect his people)
Was she ever plain when she had strinking blue eyes, a tsundere/oujou personality like Rin (her low esteem issues came from being Villain Sue's little sister), and she was always described as gorgeous? She just hid her powerlevel with her plain clothes and attitude, but Proto Gil's type are beautiful women who conceal they are beautiful.
>White people?
>*crowd starts getting upset and heckles begin*
>Listen, listen my brothers!
>White people should be fucking ENSLAVED!
>*crowd starts slowly applauding*
>Every single fucking subhuman white man should be strung on meat hooks
>*crowd starts standing and giving a standing ovation*
>The white man should then be anally penetrated with not black cocks, but black dildos
>*crowd is stunned and is getting slightly violent*
>Why you ask? These privileged white men don't deserve the dark chocolate cock!!!!
>*crowd ferociously yells in approval*
>These white men will only lick up the creme filling after their women are chained up and rammed by the giant chocolate yodels that are the BBC!!!!!
>*crowd is making tribal chants*
>We will hunt down the white man!! We shall castrate them all and sacrifice their women to the black man!!!!!! The offspring will be brought to the interracial breeding grounds!!!! I will clean up the remains with my white boy tongue!!! I shall serve the black man's cock with my white boy tongue!!!! The black man will have his way with me and my people!!!!
>*crowd is erupting and stampedes the theater as the white men are hog tied and dragged to the cock chambers and the women willfully submit to their black masters
>killing Ayaka
What? Arthur killed Manaka to save loli Ayaka and stuck a mysterious relic to heal her (and imprint on her).
What's this?
Some new copypasta meme someone is trying to force?
I think so.
Talking about the other end that was scrapped.
You forgot that SF Ayaka have the best husbando.
Explain further.
Yeah, and haremshit=yurishit. retard